[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 551

Svinozavr >>:

С таким подокном для сообщений в учебнике пример есть.


That's where I got it from. Love it... ;) I'm still a dummie...

Only there's no explanation about automatically placing this box in the chart window, if at all. That's why the question arose...

It's never too late to learn.


Can you tell me how to modify a specific order if I know its magic number, where should I put it and how? Instead of ticket?

bool OrderModify(int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color=CLR_NONE)

Zamut >>:

Подскажите как модифицировать конкретный выставленный ордер, если мне известен его магический номер, куда его вписывать и как? Вместо ticket чтоли?

There's a lot of stuff here. I highly recommend...
artmedia70 >>:


Именно от-туда я его и взял. Понравилось... ;) Я ж исчё чайничек-с...

Только там нету разъяснений по поводу автоматического размещения этого окошка в окно чарта, если это вообще имеет место быть. Вот посему вопрос и возник...

ЗЫ. Учиться никогда не поздно...

You asked the question on page 550 and I gave the answer on 548, you are not reading carefully what is already done and very close by.


artmedia70 >>:
Здесь оч-чень много всего. Настоятельно рекомендую...

We'll see, thanks.

Sorry, but I didn't find a magicnumber application in that thread. I just need to work (modify, delete etc) with magicnumber I have already set with a specific order. If anyone knows, please write a concrete example of modification of an order. Without order selection(if possible), but directly with magicnumber inside modification function.

Zamut >>:

Извините, но в той теме я не нашел применение magicnumber. Мне всего лишь нужна работа(модификация, удаление итд) при уже заданном мной magicnumber с конкретным ордером. Если кто знает, напишите пожалуйста на конкретном примере модификации ордера. Без выбора ордера(если можно), а сразу с указанием магического номера внутри функции модификации.

Without choice, in case you haven't noticed, all functions that actually change something work from a ticket,

you have to get this ticket at least from somewhere.

Here there are variants it is possible to store it in memory at order opening it is possible to select the order by position and it is possible to select it by ticket

(But the choice of a ticket to get the ticket is logically absurd, and this variant is suitable only for getting information about the order already knowing the ticket).

You have two choices, we can search for it by position and if the Magik is matched, we can take it to work or search for a known ticket.

(e.g. from data stored in a buffer) and if the Magik matches, the order will also be triggered,

But here we have a nuance: the order may be closed by the server using a stop level and appear in the history when you search for it in trade orders.

To sum it up, I advise you to just deal with order selection issues, I assure you there is nothing divine there.

Good luck

Can you tell me if it is possible to change a comment on an order that has already been placed or an order that has been opened?

I think it's clearly some kind of flaw in the software if I can't do it the way I want. It's too complicated. It would be much simpler if this ticket was assigned by me and not by the server or some kind of ticket number 2, which I thought was this magicnumber.

Also, such a nerdy question, if in the program is two orders in a row on the modification or whatever orders, should I put sleep? I think this has already been implemented in the function and until it has completed the entire operation with opening on the server (if there is no error, for example, a busy workflow), there would be no transition to executing the next order in the program?




Is it ok? Correct it, if anything.