[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 441


Good day, forum users.

I want to ask you a silly question, but I have not found an answer to a primitive thing - how to export a sample of data from MT4. I need a sample of data according to a certain criterion - a certain time value of indices for a certain instrument (as an option a value of muwings for a certain instrument over a year)

SergeyD писал(а) >>

Good day, forum users.

I want to ask you a silly question, but I have not found an answer to a primitive question - how to export a data sample from MT4. Type: you need a sample of certain criteria - a certain time value of indices for a certain instrument (as an option a value of muwings for a specific instrument over a year)

You make a script and get the necessary values.

Vinin >>:

Делаешь скрипт и получаешь нужные значения.

I forgot to add, but it's obvious I'm a dummy.... and I understand what a script is, but I don't understand how to do it.

SergeyD писал(а) >>

I forgot to add, but it's obvious I'm a dummy.... and I understand what a script is, BUT I don't understand how to do it.

It's not always the obvious that's obvious. Sorry. What indicator. I'll make an example with saving to file

SergeyD >>:

забыл добавить, Но это очевидно, что я чайник.... и понимаю что такое скрипт, НО не понимаю как это делается

Do you want to learn? Or do you want it all done for you?

If the first, see File operations in the µl handbook.

And if the second, then - well, muvings were unloaded to you, but I suspect that not only muvings and different conditions will be needed, i.e. you will still have to learn...

Vinin >>:

Не всегда очевидное очевидно. Сорри. Какой индикатор. Сделаю пример с сохранением в файл

I would like to make a sampling on a whole bunch of muwings on the rts futures. although I would also like to do it on muwings (the whole crowd and on different timeframes) and on sipi/show/euro-dollar

as i have no doubts, i do not have a clear view of the market.

StatBars >>:

Вы хотите научиться? Или хотите чтобы за Вас всё сделали?

Если первое смотрите Файловые операции в справочнике мкл.

А если второе, то - ну выгрузили Вам мувинги, но я так подозреваю что надо будет не только мувинги и разнае условия понядобятся, т.е. учиться всёравно придётся...

Well, the questions - honestly, I thought that this (export with conditions) is included in MT4 and looked for an answer in the help, but could not find it. if you need to learn, I'm only for the question of where to get the information from....

SergeyD >>:

ну по вопросам - честно думал что это (экспорт с условиями) заложено в МТ4 и искал ответ в хелпе, Но найти не удалось. если нужно учиться, То я только за вопрос откуда черпать инфу....

If you get an example, you'll still have to read the µl reference book, open the MetaEditor and you'll find it there.

Another good reference book is the forum, you can find a lot of information (useful with examples) on it.

StatBars >>:

Если пример Вам сделают, то всё равно придётся читать справочник по мкл, откройте MetaEditor и там найдёте.

Ещё один хороший спрвочник это форум, по нему поищите много всего найдёте(полезного, с примерами).

searched the help/website...

but how do I open a meta-edition? ...

I know it's stupid - but you have to start somewhere...

SergeyD >>:

ну по вопросам - честно думал что это (экспорт с условиями) заложено в МТ4 и искал ответ в хелпе, Но найти не удалось. если нужно учиться, То я только за вопрос откуда черпать инфу....

Of someone else's code (preferably more difficult =)) on 2-3 custom indicators, which draw something on the chart =))) (for example a dozen or two lines :)) at a certain time or interval =)) Or at the top of the page there is a link to a tutorial. Although the first method is pretty reliable, checked on my own experience :). Much better to reach, although longer=))