[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 204


mukata писал(а) >>

..And how to make the visualisation window open during testing as in the template?

Give the template the name of the EA to be run.


Combat, do not listen, it will be more deadly :))

mukata >> :

Question for experts on templates:

I change the properties of a chart (colours and so on), save it as a default.tpl template.

Now a new window opens by the template...

And how to make a window of visualization during testing also opened as in a template?

I'm sick of changing the colour, grid, separators, etc. in the window after each test.

I am sick of changing colour after each test.

granit77 >> :

Give the template the name of the EA to be run.


Don't listen to Kombat, it'll kill you :))

Thanks to granit77

I should have asked a long time ago, it would not have taken me so long...

Only now the graph is crawling very slowly, the speed has dropped. can you tell me why?


Another question:

there is a function:


//if(!NEW_BAR()){return(0);} //если бар не новый - выход
for(i=0;i<x;i++) //для всех ордеров
OrderSelect(tiket,SELECT_BY_TICKET); //выбрать ордер
sloss=TRALING_BARS(tip ordera,5,sl_mod); //вычисляет новый стоп-лосс
if(sloss>0) //если рассчитан
{ //
//здесь приказ на модификацию ордера //

Every new tick, if there is no signal, but there is an open position, this function is triggered.

TRALING_BARS() calculates a new stop on the last few bars.

Actually it calculates it once upon opening a new bar.

I wanted to check for a new bar (in bold) to reduce calculations (speed up the run in the tester).

did it - no result - I didn't try to think any faster. What is the problem? Is there an error somewhere?

bool NEW_BAR()
int ret=0;
static datetime time_open;

granit77 >> :

Don't listen to Kombat, it'll be more deadly :))


It'll always come in handy.


and in addition prescribe this template


for off-lane charts.

kombat >> :

If you mean locked, i.e. a position of two equal volumes, there is more than enough "savings"!

compared to closing separately...

The same is true for a "crooked" lock, the only difference is that the residual from the close will essentially = opening separately.

You can see it all, if you trade rather than ponder over a piece of paper with a pencil... ;)))

Just give me an example of how you can save on spread, because I'm confused, maybe I'm getting it wrong?

All my life I thought it was impossible... and now the foundations are crumbling...

RomanS >> :

Give me a concrete example of how you can save on the spread, because I'm at a loss, maybe I don't understand it correctly?

Like all my life I thought it was impossible... and now the foundations are crumbling...

As far as I remember, it's always been like this.


Balance: 300

Equity: 700

Profit: 400.

Spread: 3 pips

Two open locked positions 1 lot at a distance of 40 pips.


v.1 closed separately:

Balance: 700

Equity: 0

Profit: 0


c.2 close with a counter :

Balance: 730

Equity: 0

Profit: 0


Question. Where did 30 come from?

kombat >> :

Question. Where did 30 come from?

Yes, really how? I even know your answer, they saved 3p on the spread.

But to be honest I don't understand it all the way...

Let's start from scratch, not from something that's already open.... and it's been there for a long time.

Let's do this, we need to make 2 trades, one buy and one sell of 1 lot.

I think this kind of transaction will cost me $60 with a spread of 3p.

Teach me how to save at least a quid... No irony, I'd appreciate it...

Of course, volumes can be manipulated, just so that in the end there is still 1 lot buy and 1 sell. let's say 3-2=1

mukata >> :

>> ...only now the chart crawls very slowly, the speed of something went down. can you tell why?

I don't see how this can be related to the template name. Do an experiment, run with the template, then rename the template, manually put everything the template put in and compare when running without the template. IMHO, the difference should not be.

to kombat:

I didn't know about the offline.tpl! >> Thank you.

granit77 писал(а) >>

I don't see how this can be related to the template name. Do an experiment, run with the template, then rename the template, manually put everything the template put in and compare when running without the template. IMHO, the difference should not be.

To kombat:

I didn't know about offline.tpl! Thanks.

Observed in the tester - when I simply move the mouse over a graph during a test, it runs like crazy. When I move the mouse away, it slows down. What is it?

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