[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 140

grego >> :
Good afternoon, Doesn't anyone know how to solve my problem with opening a position?????

I am not a programmer, but I will tell you that until you formalise the description of the input yourself, no one will come close. Fortune tellers come under a different department. I also see great entry points on the history, but you close the right side (future) and cannot describe unambiguous conditions on which you should have entered. And there's no way around it.

Latique >> :

SOS!? Could you please explain to the Expert Advisor

the values of the indicator like VolumeHist (vertical volumes) i.e. to define them on the chart

Directly, it seems there is no way.

You have to go into the code and pull out the required procedures from there.

Latique >> :

Then you need to find a couple of extremums and choose the best one, right?

It is unlikely to work. The extremum only said that there are a lot of trades at this level.

Support and resistance lines are more likely just on troughs.


This question: the function should return x,y,z (always all three). How do I get them? Print in the function itself is not suitable

int matematic(int a,int b)


int x=a+b;

int y=a-b;

int z=a*b;






Print("x=",x, "y=",y, "z=",z);


gince >> :

This question: the function should return x,y,z (always all three). How to get them ?

void f(int x, int y, int& res1, int& res2, int& res3)
   res1 = x - y;
   res2 = x + y;
   res3 = x * y;

int start()
   int res1 = 0;
   int res2 = 0;
   int res3 = 0;

   f(5, 10, res1, res2, res3);
   Print("f(5, 10) results are -- Res1 -- ", res1, " Res2 -- ", res2, " Res3 -- ", res3);
TheXpert >> :

>> Thanks for the quick response.


Hello. I have a problem with the quote archive. I downloaded MT from this site, when starting it suggests to get a demo account from Liquidity Connetcion (only Liquidity Connetcion in the list of available servers). I have it. Then I want to update my quotes archive, the terminal shows a message that the account is on Liquidity Connetcion and I agree to download it from MetaQuotes Software Corp. Then I don't see any download and get the message "No new data for the symbol 'symbol name'". It has been like this for the last week. I thought it may be a problem with the server. Now I think maybe I should open account at another brokerage company. I don't really care what to replace or modify, the main thing is to get the quotes history. I'm sorry I couldn't find any solution on this forum.

I hope to get some help.

P.S. I only have "LiqCon-Demo" in the server field when logging in. I don't understand how I can start an account at another brokerage company.


I think I've got it figured out. Downloaded mt4 from Alpari. Seems to update without any problems.

granit77 писал(а) >>

Young man! Repeating a question in different threads is considered bad manners and against forum rules. You run the risk of getting banned by a moderator.

Delete unnecessary messages, you have been answered back in the first thread.


Please advise plz what error in the indicator:

I just need to display the value without history (I look at mql4)

If I replace Buffer[i]=ind_buf[i];//Close[i]+2;

should be replaced with Buffer[i]=Close[i]+2;

then graph is displayed, if not, then empty window is displayed.

Can you tell me where the error is and is there a step-by-step debugger in the meta-editor like in c++?

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue
//---- input parameters
extern intern iPeriod=5;
//---- buffers
double Buffer[],ind_buf[],z;

int init()

int start()
int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if(Bars<=iPeriod) return(0);
//---- initial zero
if(counted_bars>iPeriod+1) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;

int init()
   SetIndexBuffer(0, Buffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, ind_buf);

   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, iPeriod);


It doesn't work. A blank window is displayed. Maybe something is wrong with the indices?

extern int iPeriod=5;
double Buffer[], ind_buf[], z;

int init()
  {SetIndexBuffer(0, Buffer);      SetIndexBuffer(1, ind_buf);      SetIndexDrawBegin(0, iPeriod);    return(0); }

int start()
   int i, counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   if(Bars<= iPeriod) return(0);
//---- initial zero
   if( counted_bars<1)
      for( i=1; i<= iPeriod; i++){
       Buffer[Bars- i]=0.0;
       ind_buf[Bars- i]=0.0;
   i=Bars- iPeriod-1;
   if( counted_bars> iPeriod+2) i=Bars- counted_bars-1;
   while( i>=0)
      ind_buf[ i]=Close[ i+1];
      Buffer[ i]= ind_buf[ i];