who ! who ! but me to school............ - page 6

Korey >> :

>> I'm reading this post and I'm amazed.

I wonder too, I write equally in C++ and Delphi and a little bit in others, I use libraries written in other languages, I paste C++ code directly into Delphi, and I think that languages cannot offer anything new anymore, something that other languages do not offer, but Borland (Delphi) in its time made a revolution, the main thing is that languages don't develop their own culture of thinking that one could argue, but a general culture of programmer, this forum uses mccl, so why even bring up delphi??? let the man learn c and c++ since version 5 of the mcl is coming soon.


I've tried many times to STOP this argument and peeping at each other, but to no avail.


Here's where you are very wrong about Delphi (most likely due to lack of knowledge of its use and a narrow source of infomfr):

The projects are exclusively in Delphi:

1. Several large banks, both Russian and foreign, which have their own software, based on a bunch of Delphi + Oracle (believe me, I know and work in one of them, I do not know about small).

2. A number of public orders (military, satellite monitoring) exclusively Delphi (on the monitoring again + Oracle more).

3. Large commercial organizations are based solely on Delphi (again, personal experience and not only mine)

4. Various medium-level integrators have experience with virtually all the development environments, but I do not take them into account as they take up everything that is bad :)

5. 70% of mobile operators in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus use Delphi+Oracle/ MCSkul for billing.

WHERE the f*ck (sorry, it just slipped out) are there no major projects and what is the ceiling?

You're such a Delphi guru that you know where the ceiling is, or maybe you just don't know Delphi?

PS: I didn't study Delphi in high school.

PSS: For the "academic stuff" (I assume it's mostly mathematics, physics, etc., which involves a lot of calculations) we use Fortran (you probably never heard of it).

Xalegi >> :

I've tried many times to STOP this argument by flicking my dicks, but to no avail.

No, there is a result -- it's about to become a real debate.

BTW -- Fortran might be just the right language. Personally I have no problems with data storage and processing when writing MTS, but with mathematics sometimes it's a mess.

blend >> :

Borland (Delphi) revolutionized the world back then, that's why there are still so many fans of it,

Yes, he made a revolution. But that was a long time ago. And now Delphi can't boast of anything special, except the compiler speed, which is a rather dubious plus.

the point is that languages don't develop their own special culture of thinking to be able to argue, but a general culture of programmer, this forum uses mcc, so why even bring up delphi??? let the man learn c and c++ since version 5 of mcc is coming soon

>> classes are not enough for full-fledged data storage and processing and creation of your own entities. If they appear, you will be able to do almost everything, just as you do now, only easier.

By the way, I've always written all my Olympiads in Pascal. Compared to C, it's got much more intuitive logic constructs. But C is much more powerful, not to mention C++ with classes and templates.

Besides, is there anything in Delphi like STL, Boost, Widgets, etc.? ? Besides, there is a huge pile of code inherited from C...

TheXpert >> :

Besides, is there anything in Delphi like STL, Boost, Widgets, etc.? ? Besides there is a huge pile of code, which was inherited from C...

There are component libraries in Delphi, most of which are freely distributable, but apart from measuring inheritance, don't forget aesthetics and tool-commensurability.



PSS: For "academic nonsense" (I assume it's mostly mathematics, physics, etc.) Fortran is used (you may not have heard of it at all).

ALGOL 68 (alpha),

Clipper 5


..... as well as Basesics, assemblers, mnemocodes and simple codes)))

Delphi 3
Delphi 4
Delphi 5
Delphi 6 ==== (after Delphi 6, don't bother with the plastic!)

Korey >> :

ALGOL 68 (alpha),

Clipper 5


..... as well as Basics, Assemblers, Mnemocodes, and Just Codes)))

Delphi 3
Delphi 4
Delphi 5
Delphi 6 ==== (after Delphi 6, don't bother with the plastic!)

our answer to the Chamberlain, slightly redundant as always))))


Google rules :)))

blend писал(а) >>

our answer to Chamberlain, as always a little excessive)))

I agree.
Here's if Market (which she is) wasn't so sss...,
well, if Market had any respect for maths and programming languages... then we would have turned around))))
but as it is - well, what's the programming language got to do with it when the main fuss is in the shell.

Korey >> :


Oh yeah, I like RPGs too :)

Guys, I think I've decided to give up on learning C++. But the question is about something else? I just do not know where to write, so I am writing here. Is there any specific instruction on how to make a multi EA from an EA that trades on the pair on a chart which it was put on? If i.e., it would trade on those pairs, for example, which charts are open, or on those which can be set in the EA. And if there is such a condition that could affect the work of the entire EA?

If you don't mind giving at least a link. I have a ready EA but I want to improve it, i.e. add some conditions and if I manage to do it, it will probably stop losing money. I don't think there's any help to be had. Maybe I'll figure it out on my own.

Sincerely, Azer.