who ! who ! but me to school............ - page 5



I don't share your opinion on " C++ is a good language (one might even say the best), that's one. "

I claim the opposite.

There's no sense to argue and argue about who's right and who's wrong and measure your pee-pee :)

I gave my opinion stating "for me, the best one is the one" and not "it's the best in the whole world" (a bit exaggerated).


I downloaded the books. " B. Kerrigan, D. Ritchie. C programming language", "C++ without fear", I wonder how long it will take me to learn them. It makes me want to say "Friend, I'll help you in 5 years" :) Thank you.

Regards, Azer.

azik1111 >> :

I downloaded the books. " B. Kerrigan, D. Ritchie. C programming language", "C++ without fear", I wonder how long it will take me to learn them. It makes me want to say "Friend, I'll help you in 5 years" :) Thank you.

Sincerely, Azer.

Of course it's hard to say exactly how long, but you have to learn)))). For example, at one time I only knew BASIC. And that was due to the fact that at home I had a "Radio 86rk", one of only two or three available at that time (thanks to my parents). Then I had The Specialist, but a lot of time had passed since then. I didn't develop those skills and came across MQL at once. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I managed to get through it. I'm studying C++ now, it's for Xaleg)), I'm not an ace (and not in general) in C++, but I think it's the most promising language nowadays, people don't write operating systems in Delphi. Besides, you, azik1111, will find it very easy to learn MQL. In C the syntax is almost exactly the same as in MQL. I recommend this book, because I'm studying it myself. As for the studying time, it took me one day (knowing MQL) to read almost the whole book. I've got stuck only with classes, objects and pointers. But it's all temporary and will go through the millstones of experience. And I liked the book "C++ without fear" because of practice, constant practice. I'm sure it's the fastest way, as I learnt MQL this way myself, thanks to metaquotes for the good reference. I'm sure it's the fastest way to learn MQL in this way, thanks to metaquotes and good reference. So, only the one who goes will make the trip.) And then it will seem that the language is simple as hell))))


to azik1111

A piece of advice:
do not teach by rote - we live in the 21st century.
all that requires understanding - check directly on the computer, and directly in MT-4.
That is, type, compile, run, and look at the results.
The question to the branch should be a programme code (or a question about where everything is activated).
They will definitely answer it.



"You don't know much about OOP at all... I thought I was dealing with an experienced person, but it turns out to be an amateur :.

I thought I was dealing with an experienced person... but it turns out to be an amateur :)

about ops... I wouldn't say that :)

You shouldn't compare something to anything unless you've had a personal encounter with one of the parties in dispute.

Operating systems is one thing (yes, the winnda is written on Si) but let's say different software in connection with the database emphasis is put exclusively on the Delphi (personally, I don't know any major software+DB projects using Si... The database is data... hence it's more convenient to work with data in delphi... in forex, working with data... hence? :))) )

I'm not going to argue directly with you ... because you won't give me the facts ...

? Delphi + DB >:-)))))))))))))))
C++ SQL !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not in MQL, not an amateur. I've managed to implement everything so far))). As for C++, yes, of course I'm an amateur and I'm not trying to hide it. Due to recent developments I've got a question about increasing (significant increase) of MQL Expert Advisor speed. I want to add a dll with necessary functions to it. That's why I am mastering C++. I haven't started with C because I've taken some advice from competent people concerning the lack of time spent on studying the obsolete stuff. In fact I'm switching from one language to another myself. And the book I was advised is the one I've been studying myself (but it's great to start from scratch as well). I looked through a few and chose this one. Everything is tested in it, I find this approach optimal. I will conquer OOP one day)). Not everything at once.

By the way, now that we are having such a conversation, please advise. I have a built-in indicator in my Expert Advisor. It has to check 2 arrays of data per tick, in cycles, about 100 elements each. In MQL it works very slow, just catastrophically slow. Please tell me what (approximately) speed increase would be if we implement a dll with this algorithm in C++.


In my opinion, the syntax of C-like languages (Perl, Java, although they say that JavaScript is not related to Java, but it is very similar) is more convenient for a professional. As for OOP, it's very easy to understand it when you study Java. I can't say anything about Sei, I've never written it, but I believe it's easy to learn other languages when you know C. Delphi, imho, cumbersome, for learning is good enough, but for work over 12 years has become tiresome and we use it only for client applications under Windows.

Basics - when I was in school I couldn't even write two lines of text and now I'm happy about it. I didn't know it, don't know it and don't want to.

Assembler, a lot of people frighten newbies with this word. Once you start to understand this language, there are fewer questions.

As for programming CNC machines, I don't think many are familiar with them, but for those who are, I think I will support it.

SQL - if you are going to write a database application I advise you to start with lightweight but fully functional MySQL, FireBird.

For more global things you will need to learn Oracle, PL/SQL - this is really interesting.

Generally I don't think pro should care what to write on, as long as the problem is solved in time and with minimal costs.

I think that most of the decent literature not easy to find.

If Pascal, Delphi, I recommend Faronov. Assembler is lucidly covered by Swan, I don't remember others...

MQL too, as far as I know, is C-like, which is very convenient. True, some things are confusing at first, but you get used to them.

OOP would certainly bring some zest to it, let's see version 5.



When I said "dilettante" I meant C (I didn't say anything about MCL because I'm a noub-nerd in this field).


Assembler is good for understanding a lot of things from the inside. But the specifics of its nature and syntax is just what scares :)

About delphi books, there's a great series "The Delphi Bible", which is really all described beautifully and clearly :)

About Sii figurative do not know :)

Concerning Java and JavaScript um... how should I say... they are completely different things... completely... <script>('hello world')</script>

About Oracle :))) ... "respect and respect" ... for I myself work with Oracle for a long time and have OCP :) (who knows will understand my level :) )

By the way, when is version 5 coming out?


I read the posts and am amazed beyond measure
Delphi is good because it is taught in universities (friggin' colleges))))
But in real life Delphi is where the..., well, in general academic nonsense.
If only because the main effort to sharpen the DB tool + langue
which is expended by the global community takes place in a B-side environment.
With grown-up Delphi tasks it's easy to find the limit of the possibilities, i.e. the limitations, and therefore embarrass yourself in front of the customer.
We've been there before.
In particular, our expensive development of the national system of customs operations automation failed,
and only because the director general sneaked his favourite Delphi, supposedly C is dead and obsolete.
and where is that director general now)))) and where is that "firm")))
=the CEO's head couldn't take the collision with the Delphi ceiling.
i.e. no serious entity uses Delphi now.
(no matter how clever the computer science teachers may be )))))
I don't understand why MQL is a programming language.
The matter is that MQL as a language, syntax and semantics is not very complicated and has nothing new to offer,

even for those who only know Delphi.
But MQL as a programming environment is really conceptually complicated.


?Is it really difficult in MQL language?
(in the language, not in the system)