"Miracle", "digital" "group" movement indicator - page 7


You have no idea how a multi-currency hedge is made. The links have finished papers that show, among other things, how this multi-currency hedge is made.

Amazingly, wherever you shake it up, there are disputes everywhere. Which seem to be based on some internal complexities. Instead of getting to the bottom of the issue and parrying constructively, the snot starts. You try to constructively justify your point of view with MQL4-implementations, charts, mathematical models, but the answer is nothing but empty rhetoric.

If you don't understand such obvious things, then what is there to say...

But I couldn't get something like that with only majorities. As for the differences in the marker, you cannot gain such an effect. On the other hand, you do not have enough majors to get crosses.

But you need a complete matrix to determine the movement of currency.

There are 9 currencies on the chart. each line represents a different currency. I personally find it very useful in trading. But I couldn't get something like that with only major currencies.


No, it is not. you can get crosses out of majors, but you need a complete matrix to determine currency movements.

I must be missing something. You can get crosses, but you can't make a matrix out of the calculated crosses?

Since it is always possible to obtain crosses from majors, one can similarly construct indices of not only currencies, but of anything: gold, raw materials, shares, etc. This circumstance makes you doubt in reasonability of the idea of building currency indices.


I must be missing something. You can get crosses, but you can't make a matrix out of the calculated crosses?

Since it is always possible to obtain crosses from majors, one can similarly construct indices of not only currencies, but of anything: gold, raw materials, shares, etc. This circumstance makes us doubt in reasonability of the idea of building currency indexes.

Indexes differ from indices. I lack the terminology to explain it on the fingers. Space needs to be closed. We do not see the movement, the net movement of the euro (dollar ... etc.) they move in N-dimensional space, we only see a projection of this movement onto the corresponding plane, where the coordinate axis is movable (the euro/dollar axis is movable, because they move and the euro moves and the dollar) we see only a projection (this is a relative coordinate system). If you fill it with calculated values, it doesn't "move" anywhere, it just stands still.

But if you do not fill it with calculated values, then you can see. which currency moves (drags this matrix) and which is simply recalculated, as the speed starts to align in the matrix due to the threat of arbitrage.

If you fill the matrix with calculated values, then it is static. a rigid relationship which is a myth from my point of view. Threat of arbitrage. that is the reason for rate alignment. without this threat, the movement of the matrix would be more clearly visible.

I have built a currency movement (the chart above), not an index, just a movement. I cannot think of any other words. It seems to be working. But what does it work is also a question. Some people's wagons work, others do not.

Additive. They all move differently.


But if you don't fill it with calculated values, you can see. which currency is moving (dragging this matrix) and which is just being recalculated as the rate starts to level off in the matrix due to the threat of arbitrage.

If you fill the matrix with calculated values, then it is static. a rigid relationship which is a myth from my point of view. Threat of arbitrage. that is the reason for rate alignment. without this threat, the movement of the matrix would be more clearly visible.

And what do you fill it with? With what the DC gives you? Do you know where the DC takes the rate MXNNOK? The answer is that the brokerage company calculates it. But even this is not important. There is a FIRST linear relationship between crosses and majors EVERYWHERE! Take the BP of the majors and the cross. And just look. It's such an elementary thing. What are you building castles in the air...

Addition. This is the same as what forex-k says hedge is impossible. they all move differently with the passage of time.

One more thing. Have you investigated the question? Have you investigated the question? I gave you a link where this question was not only researched, but chewed up to the max. No, you keep stalling.

Does fear prevent you from comparing the synthetic cross and the "real" one?


I've been comparing. They are different even in DCs.

Give me at least one example of the difference.

I've been comparing. They are different even in DCs.


What for? Buy access to normal quotes and compare as much as you want. Some give demos for a short period of time.

Well, then you haven't, if you can't even give an example. Otherwise you could have said that there are so many points in so-and-so DCs.

I now realise that I got into this discussion for nothing. There is no point in proving anything. Everything can only be verified by experience. It turns out that everyone has their own beliefs - their own universe (their own vision).

I will start deleting my own posts...


I now realise that I got into this discussion for nothing. There is no point in proving anything. Everything can only be verified by experience. It turns out that everyone has their own beliefs - their own universe (their own vision).

I will start deleting my own posts...

I kindly ask you not to do this as a support for the mental process. thank you.

I now realise that I got into this discussion for nothing. There is no point in proving anything. Everything can only be verified by experience. It turns out that everyone has their own beliefs - their own universe (their own vision).

I will start deleting my own posts...

Unproductive. It's unproductive to cling to your preconceptions as best you can.

Aren't you interested in finding out if you were wrong?