Looking for a specialist programmer - page 2

ForexTools писал (а) >>

Why would I want to write a non-profit system?!

I meant that a robust handler is happy to pay for the work of programmers, barter is always embarrassing.


Is that all you've said? Anything else to add? Please note that I didn't say that the finished version wouldn't be profitable. And the part that's already being worked on isn't just to test anyone's skills...

Thanks, to those who responded.

That trade shown in the screenshot does look like a loss (that's with that take profit), but there are a few "buts":)

P.S. People are so disappointed because of a series of their own failures that they have lost all hope of success. And it's a sin not to take advantage of that

Glid писал (а) >>

Is that all you've said? Anything to add?

People are so frustrated because of a series of their own failures.

Only one small correction - I really have a series of failures: everyone starts out with having a profitable system, but when you start asking questions about it, or worse - getting involved in the work - that's when you get that failure (the person thought one thing, but the market thought quite another). And no one has interrupted this trend of bad problem statements with a normal ToR yet :(

You think it is normal to give a potential programmer a test task. Why do you deny the same right to the programmer! For him the test task (whether to contact you or not) is your report from the real world. As long as it is not there, the conversation will be like the one in this and similar threads.

Before you demand something from others, prove your worth. But not with pictures, but with real facts and see how the tone of communication with you changes ;)

Glid писал (а) >>


I need an experienced programmer to write an MTS.

I offer the system itself as payment for his work. Those who doubt the profitability may not waste time on this topic.

What is there to doubt? There is no doubt - absolutely no strategy. Beggars do not have profitable strategies.


Well, I will pretend I did not see all these insults, how much do you want in quid for no more than two weeks of work?

This option was too easy, because I wanted to find a reliable person who would work for the idea, not for the money. After all, such people will sell the system with their guts, and as you know, then it ceases to be effective.

Statments and other confirmations only in personal correspondence. But no credibility, no business I tell you that up front.

And I'll ask the bulls to leave their rotten thoughts in their smoldering bodies. Thank you

Glid писал (а) >>

... I wanted to find a reliable person who would work for the idea, not for the greenbacks.

Statments and other confirmations only by personal correspondence. But no trust - no business, I tell you that in advance.

Glid, I'll tell you the reason for this attitude:

There are several such offers for an idea that pop up every week.

But so far no one has seen a good idea.

Therefore, apart from annoyance such branches/posts do not cause.

Monitoring is better than real for a period of 3-6 months and forward.

There will be a queue.

And so these are words and a desire to test the idea of someone else's hands.

At least so it looks in the eyes of the majority of forum users.

Glid писал (а) >>

After all, they will sell the system with their guts, and as you know, then it ceases to be effective.

So, in your opinion, a few advisors are influencing the market, while some shrewd uncle sits and monitors such new systems and regulates the market to make it go against this revolutionary system?


In that case, my sympathies to the forum members, as you may have noticed I'm here for the first day and the last. Sorry for the waste of time and goodbye. Fortunately, you're not the only site with programmers (if there are any here at all).

Ah, as a good old school teacher used to say "and you answer to the herd for the goat" :-)


Sarth, don't shift your personal life problems onto others. You're right about the tone, I'm not at your level, Mr. Serious.

One day, the world will be a kinder place, I believe that :)

Glid писал (а) >>

... not for the greenbacks. After all, they will sell the system with their guts...

Glid, dear, here you are also deliberately biased towards programmers with whom you intend to collaborate.

You don't have to worry about them, because they are skilled programmers.

But I've never heard them complain about sharing their ideas or cheating the author.

You should not judge everyone by himself.