Is it possible to make bespoke EAs for the championships? - page 10

LeoV >> :

Who's Efi? Is he going to take first place instead of you? I thought you promised to take first place in the championship.......

It's nothing, it's just a split personality. But if you start the process...

LeoV >> :

Who's Efi? Is he going to take first place instead of you? You promised first place in the championship, I remember.......

Hey, namesake. Efi's nickname is Geronimo and I'm his colleague Leonid (see profile). He has no time. I'm still interested.

And quote me where he promised what. >> I'm curious.


This is the second patient on this forum with a split personality.

Only the previous one had two nicknames and debated with himself.

This one is satisfied with only one nickname, but asks to quote himself :)

Geronimo писал(а) >>

Hi namesake. Efi's nickname is Geronimo, and I'm his colleague Leonid (see profile). He doesn't have the time. I'm still curious.

Can you quote me on what he promised? I'm curious.

Search rules - don't be lazy ))))

LeoV >> :

Search rules - don't be lazy ))))

Efi says you read inattentively too, or rather you twist things around and that's typical of those who are only bifurcating here.

Better 03.10.2008 22:05

...This is the second patient on this forum with a split personality.

Only the previous one had two identities and debated with himself.

I'm not going to use just one nickname but he asks me to quote him :)

Was Efi really right? You know what I mean Oleksandr. Or they only hired you as a staff member now?

Geronimo писал(а) >>

Efi says that you are not reading carefully either, or rather you are twisting and this is typical of those who are only splintering here.

Geronimo wrote >>.

So, yes, and you also doubted it? My active entry here is a planned action ... You'll see the results on December 25th.

Or am I twisting and reading inattentively? ))))
Geronimo >> :

Was Efi really right? Do you know what I mean Oleksandr. Or have you only been hired as a staff member now?

I don't know who this mythical Efi is. And I don't know what you are implying. If you have your own opinion, then register on the forum and debate on your own behalf.

By the way, who does the nickname "45-" belong to?

Geronimo писал(а) >> Was Afi really right? You know what I mean Oleksandr. Or are you only being recruited now?

Massad, CIA, FSB, KGB, MI5 or whatever? Spit it out, they love them here ))))

Better >> :

I don't know who this mythical Efi is. And I don't know what you are implying. If you have your own opinion, then register on the forum and debate on your own behalf.

By the way, who does the nickname "45-" belong to?

Efi is Geronimo he worked here before me.

If the forum rules forbid having a corporate username and the moderators confirm it, then we'll abide by the rules.

Or are you, as an employee of the resource, authorised to run our nickname?

Nickname 45- belongs to one of our colleagues and he is not the only one.

Before the New Year there will be a camera working in the hall of our centre and you will see all of us (though without sound).


up-dn = Geronimo

The breeding process has, after all, become irreversible.