Is it possible to make bespoke EAs for the championships? - page 4

Geronimo писал (а) >>

Let me put it another way. How much inflation are you anticipating this year? Probably less than last year.

Why would anyone expect inflation to be less than last year? For the last 6 years inflation has been higher and higher every year. Prices of everything are going up, it's a global global trend. Inflation is rising all over the world. In Russia, it is exacerbated by the fact that the government receives too much money from the sale of energy and is constantly inflating the expenditure side of the budget. What is the prognosis for next year? Inflation will be even higher as nothing will change for the better around the world. But the whole world will crawl into serious trouble, clinging to tenths of a percent, while Russia will run headlong ahead of the rest of the world.

Parabellum писал (а) >>

Yes, it is not mentioned in the Rules, but it is clearly explained in the explanation: How to become a participant of the Automated Trading Championship 2008?

We conduct the Championship among traders who understand the world of trading on financial markets and are able to create a trading Expert Advisor by themselves. Consequently, each participant should have the knowledge of the subject matter and be able to answer any question on automated trading.

If you know the material, why are you nervous? Go straight to court? A trader will not be asked about the semicolon at the end of the line. You have to prove your skills first.

Do you participate at all, Geronimo?

No, I'm not. Because I'm only satisfied with winning. I don't know how, and I will never get into it - I have no time, and I won't do anything unprofessionally.

But, if you want, I will give you the TOR for the EA that will win. You must have read my thread. Profit is half. The code can be notarized. The contract will certify the same. On "... this or that question ..." I will answer.

It's good that there is such a rule (though it is not there and easily circumvented and I have already written how, so it does not make much sense). And again about the court - if a man has earned 40,000 he will fight for it. The wording ". this or that question ..." doesn't hold up at all. He'll answer "one or the other" and "that" won't, so what? And here's the analogue recording of the exam already in court. And believe me, the court will side with the plaintiff. Do you want to set a precedent?

YuraZ писал (а) >>

(My prediction is that there will be more participants from the CIS than last year).

What does inflation have to do with it - let's leave inflation alone

I didn't lift a finger in the sky :-) to make up my mind.

I rely on information

simple analysis of the information, the statistics on the face, in the first ten days more people have registered than in 2007, here's a simple answer - less will become

interest is high

Why should there be less participants?

you still haven't answered clearly

1 neural networks do not intimidate - in the 2007 championship won the neural network because it was a good trend - it was focused on the trend.

If it had chattered like in the beginning of 2008, it would not have won, it's obvious.

4 programmers become more and more every year - I've been doing it for 20 years, I've seen it...

Universals, that's right, there have always been few of them... no one needs them either

if your work requires you to do SQL then you don't need C++ skills

it's better to know everything about something and a little bit about everything else - than to know EVERYTHING.

I smile when I see CVs that say they know as much as a normal person can't.

as a result, a person can not understand a problem in a particular technology and the problem has to be solved in 10-30 minutes instead of 20 days. fleas, terms and superficial knowledge

Yuri, I will only be glad if my prediction doesn't come true, it's in my best interest to keep it that way. If you noticed, I scare the organizers, though they have strong nerves, and I want them to move on. And all of you, I want them to be more active in implementing their ideas. As soon as the development stops, the competitors overtake and the initiators begin to stagnate. We must not let this happen.

Geronimo писал (а) >>

And look at the numbers they budgeted for Russia this year. I can say the same about the other countries, though I only looked at Ukraine and Kazakhstan. I am sure Russia is being framed as before the collapse of the USSR (I mean the overblown conflicts (easy to stop) with oil-producing countries, a price bubble is being formed).

What are the figures? What budget? This circus has nothing to do with the real economy. They've laid out a doubling of GDP there, so? Doubled - now there are two presidents in Russia.

Inflating oil prices to "frame Russia"? This is nonsense. Oil prices are rising because demand for oil is rising. And it will continue to do so for a long time to come - India and China have long been on their knees. You have Russocentrism - in the global world, Russia is of little interest to anyone, just like Burkina Faso - well, it is there somewhere. "Framing Russia" is too much of an honour.

Geronimo писал (а) >>

You are clearly wrong. Demand is very closely linked to GDP and although the correlation is not direct, the growth rates of oil and GDP do not coincide. There is speculation provoked by regional instability.

I am not interested in Russia (the country has no democracy), but in Europe and the integration of Tatarstan into it.

>> "There's an elder in the garden, and an uncle in Kiev."

Demand for what is related to whose GDP?

You admitted that you only looked at the figures for Russia and Ukraine. These two countries mean nothing in the world economy, you could have not bothered. The US, a united Europe, but most importantly India and China. The latter two countries are the driving force behind many global processes.

Geronimo писал (а) >>

GDP growth in India and China is lower than in the previous year.


I asked what this phrase means:

Demand is intimately linked to GDP and although the correlation is not direct, the growth rate of oil and GDP do not coincide. There is speculation fuelled by regional instability.

Some kind of stream of consciousness in response. I am well aware that project managers are professional blatherers, masters of talking about things they don't know. But please don't do that here - you won't get paid for it.

timbo писал (а) >>


I asked what that phrase meant:

The answer was some kind of stream of consciousness. I am well aware that project managers are professional blatherers, masters of talking about things they don't know. But please don't do that here - you don't get paid for it here.

I'm getting paid now that I'm here. Or do you think I'm just warming people up? Do you remember what we were talking about? - Inflation. You say their GDP is growing, I say the rates of growth and GDP itself is falling - I am too lazy to download the numbers. Oil is growing faster, that's why it's a bubble.

Let's get closer to the championship. >> God damn the macroeconomy.

Geronimo писал (а) >> Already paying since I'm here.

Spy? )))

Geronimo писал (а) >> Do you remember what we were talking about? - >> Inflation. You say their GDP is rising and I say both the TIMES of growth and GDP itself are falling - lazy to download the numbers. Oil is growing at a faster rate, hence the bubble.

Exactly - what were we talking about? I never said anything about GDP growth, except for the joke about the doubling of GDPutin. Oil price growth cannot be the same as GDP growth, they are related, but not directly. And about inflation: inflation growth is not related to GDP. That's your idea, don't give me credit for your nonsense.

Prices are determined by the supply-demand ratio. The demand for oil is growing steadily and will continue to do so for a long time to come - the Chinese and Indians could finally afford to buy cars (Russians too, by the way, but not that many). The massive construction work that China is doing requires huge amounts of fuel. The supply of oil is falling steadily. OPEC countries cannot increase production even if they wanted to. There are alternative sources of oil, but they are all much more expensive to develop. I.e. demand is rising, supply is falling, this is a long-term trend, and it is obvious to all. As a result oil futures are doubling in price, which is what determines prices. There is no bubble. And all the more reason not to rant about the fate of Russia and Tatarstan.

Geronimo писал (а) >> I'm only satisfied with winning. I don't know how, and I can never get into it - I don't have time, and I won't do anything unprofessionally.

Why do you think that an EA that is not among the winners cannot be the actual shadow winner? None of the EAs of past championships winners have shown decent drawdown parameters:

Rich, Q-06: Relative Drawdown 37.03% ( $7,080.56 )

Better, Ch-07: Relative Drawdown 28.58% ( $3,993.93 )

I understand that such numbers are partly caused by a kicked up MM set up for a result. OK, you said yourself earlier that an EA based on hidden D/C would be the best by drawdown. If in three months of the competition you will modestly double the initial deposit, but any drawdown will not exceed 10% and if the quantity and quality of deals will be enough - your Expert Advisor will be worth something, and it actually will be your victory, even if not marked with a formal prize.