:)) Attempt number 2. Or let's speculate about the essence of earning, but without specifics ... :)) - page 2

Mathemat писал (а) >>

It reminds me of something. I think it's a sort of classification of non-existent phenomena. Then you'd better go to the thread about natural intelligence. There was a rather serious argument on this topic a week and a half ago.


Nah... a bit wrong.... It's about the same as accepting a non-monotonic function F(x) as monotonic when X is divisible by zero... Or linear at all... Or even linear and with a coefficient equal to zero... F(x)=Kx+B



You've done a great job with monotonicity here. I did not know that you can make monotonic functions from non-monotonic ones. I mean, you take a non-monotone graph of balance change, take the delta to zero - and here is the grail, a no-bailout grail!

In general, I get the impression that you already have this grail, but what you need is a proof that it is this grail. Well, people spend half their lives on it, and it doesn't always work out.

Mathemat писал (а) >>

You've done a great job with monotonicity here. I did not know that you can make monotonic functions from non-monotonic ones. I mean, you take a non-monotone graph of balance change, increase the delta to zero - and here is the grail, a no-bailout grail!

In general, I get the impression that you already have this grail, but lack the smallest thing - the proof that it is this grail. Well, people put half their lives on it, and it doesn't always work out.

No. I don't have a grail in the full sense of the word. And it's clear that it can't even be in the fullest sense of the word...

And about monotony, well, it's always about the level of "negligible-small"... The whole theorem is based on it. The world is deterministic just as much as you have a strong microscope. :)) Spitting over the side of a ship also affects its draft level. So...

NProgrammer, why the trademark emoticons? There is an Internet axiom: "Text is far more likely to make you smile than smiley faces". Everything has been discussed in the thread: why the Earth is square and why human brains are cooler than neural ones. If you don't mind explaining, what's the point?
Serg_ASV писал (а) >>

I have never seen any grails on the real account, or rather a long pip-switch that doubled my deposit in 24 hours, but my account has disappeared in unknown direction (brokerage company just ditched this guy in order not to show off). And the demo grader on Onyx is on the first place - the model developed by me and Stinger on the basis of Lucky. Not much experience on the real one yet...

Hmmm....Lucky you say??? What could be done there, the idea is complete..... for one tick the price jumps by n pips and OrderSend...... but the result is the same - a loss!!!!
sayfuji писал (а) >>
NProgrammer, why all these branded smiley faces? There's an Internet axiom: "Text makes you smile more often than smileys". Everything has been discussed in the thread: why the Earth is square and why human brains are cooler than neural ones. If you don't mind explaining, what's the point?

For God's sake, don't be paranoid ... Smiley faces are completely without "backwards" thought... I was amused by Mathematician's joke about classifying non-existent phenomena... that's all! I just wanted to appreciate the joke. No more than that. If someone doesn't find it funny, mipardon... I thought the joke was funny... Sorry... if anything.

The aim is simple - to discuss strategies within an ideal model with smart and already experienced people. More precisely, to listen to at least one profitable strategy for 1440 minutes, what about 480 minutes... Which would work after optimization and without altering the code, of course... It works within the entire history range from 1999 to 2008.

An example would be, for example, crossover of averages.

That's all.

It is clear that the strategy I am talking about is not a set of strategies with a date switch.

I just suspect that there are very few such strategies ( on the ideal model). Maybe 1-2, maybe a dozen. Although more than 5 is hard to believe...


And if no one knows such strategies, so what to say... Then I'm sorry again. I do not know by the way. :-) (Not branded :)) )


I have thought about this question and came to the conclusion that it is absolutely futile to talk in philosophical categories about such a "simple" and down-to-earth device as a program for making endless money. It is much more interesting to formulate principles of building the grail. What can be based on, what should be taken into account, etc.

Figar0, +1. Thinking about a cutlet doesn't make you hungry.
slayer писал (а) >>
Hmmm....Lucky you say??? What could be changed there, the idea is complete..... in one tick the price jumps by n pips and OrderSend...... but the result is the same - a loss!!!!


I don't see the plum...

Figar0 писал (а) >>

I have thought about this question and came to the conclusion that it is absolutely futile to talk in philosophical categories about such a "simple" and down-to-earth device as a program for making endless money. It is much more interesting to formulate principles of building the grail. On what may be based, what should be considered, etc.

This is interesting. If you do not mind. My view exactly in this way.