AutoGraf Series 4 - MQL features. - page 4

Composter is right. Who can - please use transliteration. It's really hard to read.
SK. писал (а):
Composter is right. Who can - please use the transliteration. It is really hard to read.

Dear forum users. Translit makes so many mistakes that it is embarrassing to even send such a text, and it takes no less time to find the errors. After all, it is the gist that counts, and in life, it is not all that easy, just as it is for me to look for Russian letters.

Ulterior:. After all, the essence is important, and in life, not everything is simple, just like me looking for Russian letters.

The designers who designed the Moskvich and the Tavria must have been thinking along the same lines. Like, it is important to make it run...:)

I have another point of view. A man should aspire to harmony, at least, where it depends on him. The idea that everything has to be simple disgusts me. In my opinion man was born to release energy. In the way of striving for perfection. And the more the better:)

SK. писал (а):
Ulterior:. After all, it's the gist that counts, and in life, it's not as simple as me looking for Russian letters.

Approximately in the same way, probably, designers who designed Moskvich and Tavriya reasoned. Like, it is important to make it run...:).

I have another point of view. A man should aspire to harmony, at least, where it depends on him. The idea that everything has to be simple disgusts me. In my opinion man was born to release energy. In the way of striving for perfection. And the more the better:)

Beautifully said, we have a similar opinion about energy. In addition I would say that those who strive to give it and find the way of energy to people become teachers and those who don't find it become gypsy egoists.


It's a bit of a clog!

Re. Haven't used previous versions of AutoGraf, so now it's a first look.

Installation process - 5 points (can be installed anywhere and on any drive).

I liked the sound system very much - 5 points. It really gets used to it very quickly and really helps you better understand what's going on.

As for the news, the time does not correspond to where it is on the schedule. And in addition, a little goes up over the edge of the screen, so you can not see the minutes. The idea is great!!!

There is a wish to add the output of such information:

And countdown to the closing of the current bar.

Good luck!


It's a bit of a clog!

Re. Haven't used previous versions of AutoGraf, so now it's a first look.

Installation process - 5 points (can be installed anywhere and on any drive).

I liked the sound system very much - 5 points. It really gets used to it very quickly and really helps you better understand what's going on.

As for the news, the time does not correspond to where it is on the schedule. And in addition, a little goes up over the edge of the screen, so you can not see the minutes. But the idea is great!!!

There is a wish to add the output of such information:

And countdown to the closing of the current bar.

Good luck!

Thanks for the comments.

There will not be a countdown to the closing of the current bar in AutoGraf-e. If the user needs it, the user can put any algorithms into the AT function using all possibilities of the language.

News lines.
I will redo the news function as soon as possible - today or tomorrow. By design, the lines should not move out of place. Does your comment apply to the lines to the right of the zero bar or does it refer to events that have already passed? If you can, please post a screenshot. The modifications will concern the part where several news items are released at the same time. I invite anyone who is interested to discuss it. What is the best way to display this graphically? So that the user does not look under the line (and whether there is another under the line?), but directly gets all the information. On the first page of the thread it was mentioned that a mass warning about violations is issued. Who else is experiencing this phenomenon?

Under the Info icon (second bottom right) you can see some information. You can add information about warrants there as well. There may be more than one, so you can put all the new information under this icon. All interested parties are welcome to discuss.


It is possible that not everyone has an expert set up.

To configure the Expert Advisor, double-click (or F7) to open the Expert Advisor settings panel. If the programme is in operation, it is impossible to open the panel. In this case, to open the panel, you need to release the button of Expert Advisors (green-eyed expert). After this, the panel will be available.

In the settings, you need to set the numbers in such a way that the image on your screen is beautiful. I use a wide screen, so I set the width to 1680 and the height to 1050. Set your parameters for the window geometry you'll be using as a rule. The other settings should be intuitive. As a result all icons and digits on the screen should be displayed in a way that does not irritate or stress the user. Approximately like this:


The rules adopted for the tools (more details soon on my website):

The XLS file shows the composition of the arrays used in the AT function.

Files:  16 kb
SK. писал (а):

There is a wish to add the output of such information:

Under the Info icon (second bottom right) some information is displayed. The information about the orders could also be added there. There may be several useful suggestions, in which case all the new information can be put under one more icon. I invite all who are interested to discuss it.

There! That's what I was talking about when I asked about the possibility of adding the Breakeven calculation and displaying the results.

In order:

I'm not a programmer, but it seems to me that the AT function is somehow more intended to bring in some kind of algorithms for AutoGraph to automatically perform certain actions, but if AT is active, then AG is deactivated and semi-automatic and fully manual trading is the same. And vice versa, activating AG, which has priority, deactivates AT. Correct me if I have misunderstood the principle of the EA.


The user cannot enter everything into the AT, or rather he can enter everything, but it is not always convenient or makes sense in principle.

As you say, and I think this is the only right way, some useful functions, such as display of terminal data (GUI, let's have a full GUI interface, a chart expanded to full screen and go ahead without jumping here and there), or the results of break-even calculation, it would be convenient to put a couple of icons, and perhaps with attachments, on the principle of lot selection for transaction, and call these data when needed with a light click of the mouse.


No. AT is not "somehow more intended".

You have misunderstood, but this is natural, as the full description of the application has not yet been posted.

The concept is based on the following hierarchy:

1. Manual operation (highest priority)

2. Semi-automatic control - AG function.

3. automatic control - AT function.

This means that:

1. Manual operation is always available to the user. Regardless of whether it is on or off. AT and AG, everything can always be changed manually.

2 The tools are activated if one of the AT or AG functions is active. When the functions are switched off, the instruments are displayed and wait for the user to allow them to operate by switching on the AT or AG. AG only allows the tools to fulfil their purpose but does not control them. 3.

3. In addition to executing its own code, the AT has the authority to manage the tools - install them, remove them, reconfigure them. AT can do this if it is enabled and has the corresponding code.



The application will be developed. It is possible to create new controls and new tools. At the same time, the task of displaying some not very important information (balance of orders, etc.) is not enough for AutoGraf to put it under a separate button. Such calculations have to be run in AT and displayed from there. Technically, there are no obstacles to do this.

But information can be added under the existing Info button. Here's what the users would like, I'd listen with interest.