Predicting the future with Fourier transforms - page 37

tara: Now - let's deal with the energy, if we can. Almost 100% of radio operators are genuinely convinced that the antenna is a signal enhancer, based on the indisputable fact that the antenna increases the Signal to Noise ratio. Do all idea providers share this idea?

And where does the belief that there is some kind of signal in the quotes come from? What is that signal?
Len, it's been a long time since we've talked about cotiers...


A rocket has a restriction on the speed of change of trajectory, a rocket cannot within a certain time abruptly change the direction of motion, and where are such restrictions for prices?

Surely it can't? And if I say it can. If I say that even a human being can withstand accelerations of hundreds or thousands of g?

Don't make my slippers laugh. I know about overloads. without certain conditions (in the commonly accepted sense), a rocket cannot reverse direction when it is moving. even if its mass is very low compared to the energy and engine capabilities, there is inertia and there are restrictions on the turning radius.

By the way, imagine that it is possible to create around an object certain conditions like a cloud and within these conditions the object can change its course at different angles in a single moment and with speeds that are not present in the physical world. so, in a usual environment, the object itself as a physical body does not have such capabilities, but if you constantly create a cloud around the object and consider the movement of the object in these conditions, then you can create a cloud of antigravitational conditions around the object.


Colleagues, have you still not understood with whom you are "arguing" here?

There was, is and will be only ONE person on this forum who knows about Fourier, Kalman and other complicated things, but makes three mistakes in the word "yuck" (deliberately, he makes a fool of himself).

This is SProgrammer, a Goldman Sachs / CIA Cossack. That's his job. He has to sniff around, without giving up what he knows himself.

You see, SProgrammer, your SEMANTICS give you away, even disguised as a stream of verbal ramblings. And mind you, here's the stubbornness with which he under the nickname Trololo digs in the direction of Fourier, allows one to conclude that indeed someone in New York at Financial Discrict - is really quite good at trading with some variation on the Fourier theme.

I can assume that this lucky "somebody" is mathematician James Simmons, head of Renaissance Technologies.

And perhaps this trade secret is keeping Goldman Sachs awake, who KNOWS that Simmons with Russian mathematicians and with "something-tom-la-la-Fourier-la-la-la" works out in trading (35% p. a. average), but Goldman Sachs doesn't know HOW ANYTHING. So that's why GS runs GS here to the Russian (Kazan-Limassol) forum Cossack(s) to find out at least something.

Another option is possible - GS knows all the details, but in order to keep profits, they need to have (at best, to hire, at worst, to "stun, sedate, and finally from a corpse") EVERYONE who comes even close to solving this problem. That's why the Cossack calculates everyone here who responds to the key words "Fourier", "spectrum" and so on, and can say something on the point. That's why he's playing dumb.

But judging by the fact that they haven't hired GPWR yet, they are not interested in "hiring" but in "some other way".

Get it, naive?

Congrats!!!! bingo, rightfully I give the crown of paronoidness to YOU. you deserve it. take the weight off my shoulders. honestly, even I was outdone.

p-just in case, I'm not a clone, much less someone's scout. I'm just an alien mind)))


All this electrodynamics must be described by a system of Maxwell's equations. No equations, no phenomenon.

Or has Tesla discovered some new electromagnetic field?

Alexei, of course Tesla has not discovered anything unknown now. His radiant energy is what is now called electromagnetic waves. Tesla conducted many experiments on wireless power transmission and is known to have failed (no matter what conspiracy theorists say). Not in the sense that it is impossible in principle, but in the sense that all the methods invented before him, by him and after him have extremely low efficiency: most of the wave energy, as one would expect, does not reach the receiver. To give you an example: the most recent experiment carried out in 2007 managed to transfer energy from one 60cm coil to another over a distance of 1.5 metres with an efficiency of 60%. Extremely short distance and extremely low efficiency. No wonder Tesla, who was known to have hoped to transfer energy on an "industrial scale", ended up being told to fuck off: his experiments were simply dangerous to others. It's enough to imagine an antenna which radiates, say, ten kilowatts, of which at best half reaches a receiver, and the rest warms the brains of those around it. (I remember a comrade at a scientific research institute decided to connect a 100-watt generator to the antenna for tests and direct it to the wall, behind which the head of the department was in his office. It didn't have any fatal consequences, but it cured his rheumatism).

Going back to the question, propagation of certain wave range along conductor is possible and consistent with both Maxwell's equations and practice (and this is unlike various dynatrons, which is a recognized fact): in this case a conductor serves as a waveguide (in other words, as a diffraction centre: approximately the same way long waves propagate along curvature of Earth surface, as if "sticking" to it, for 2 thou km). They put an HF transformer at its ends and tune them to resonate with each other. There is a video on the net, showing some guys from some research institute of agricultural engineering, which uses 8 micron wire to produce 25 kilowatt load (though not at full power according to the video). Let me note especially, that we are not talking about any delusional "radiant energy existing at any point of the universe": the installation is honestly plugged into a socket.

Nevertheless, losses on resistivity in the wire are really minimal, the slave wave penetrates it only to the depth of skin effect, and the most part of energy is concentrated in the space around the wire; for the same reason one can grasp it without any risk for life. In this sense, the case can really be called a "cold" current. But again - no hitherto unknown laws have been discovered, just a relatively cheap way of transmitting electricity over a distance through wires that is technically invented.

Doesn't anybody know anything about mirrors? You can look into the future, scientists have done experiments.

Look at this more interesting. look at youtube about mirrors Kozyrev, there I noticed a video from Novosibirsk, someone even at home made such "installation" - a spiral in the Urals (I do not remember can Chelyabinsk look, in short somewhere in the Urals), and you can go look and try, the man in the house did bojo. I am also very interested in all these things, I was even going to call and go, but the local aligarchs do not reveal the secrets of forex, and I walk slowly, so I have not saved any money yet))))) (almost a joke).

By the way, Ilya (call me back, if you are here) should be asked about the Novosibirsk version of the Kozyrev mirrors, maybe he has heard of them.

I was also thinking, why the spiral? most likely to avoid getting "looped", "closed" space.

I think that the aim was to create infinity conditions in a limited space, something like the simultaneous presence of both limited space and infinity.

I also used to think about it (mirrors) and was surprised when I saw some video clips that I was not alone in this. they showed egg-shaped kolvaks and similar shielding headdresses from ancient times. that made me even more interested.

I only imagined it in a different way. everyone probably knows the effect when 2 mirrors are placed opposite each other and reflections of one in the other create a "sense of infinity". so i slightly disagree with the construction in the form of a spiral. why not in the form of a globular mirror surface (the inner surface of the sphere is mirror-like) in the centre of which a person is also remembered. there is no way to make a one-piece mirror with a spherical shape and preferably with a perfect spherical surface. it has to be a special order.

I forgot to add that there in videyahaha they say that they (mirrors) help to concentrate energy - I think it is not so. it is similar to an exit from a body. try to present being in one point, itself at first in two different points simultaneously, with high-grade sensation and feeling it, then is in one point, but to feel and feel other location. primitive certainly has told. about it many already wrote. so with mirrors should be something similar (though not absolutely that, without an exit from a body). They have to train, and not everyone can experience being in different points of space at the same time. mirrors help to enter this state, but it is not an exit from the body, it seems to me there should be another effect.


Now our local radio technicians will say that the brain is like plates with a core between them + windings connected to it - blood circulation.)))

and they'd be partly right.)) maybe hindus who became yogis and wrote about chakras are radio technicians in disguise with secret knowledge))))


Now our local radio technicians will say that the brain is like plates with a core between them and windings connected - blood circulation flows.)))

and they'd be partly right.)) maybe hindus who became yogis and wrote about chakras are radio technicians in disguise with secret knowledge))))

It's not fashionable now. It is fashionable to say that the brain is a transducer of quantum reality into ordinary reality and vice versa. (which does make some sense though:)))
It's not fashionable now. It is fashionable to say that the brain is a transducer of quantum reality into ordinary reality and vice versa. (which doesn't make any sense though:)))

Well, for dim-witted people like me the plate version will do))) but it is more interesting, it is necessary to assemble a consilium.)

I like the forum and that's it. I've never seen such a wide range of specialists and such a wide profile.

a conversation can start with quotes and end with the meaning of life, or black holes. ))))

It's like in ancient times, every philosopher can be an anatomist, but not every anatomist can be a philosopher. It's nice to be around smart people. Thanks)


well, for dim-witted people like me, the plate option will do))) but you have a more interesting one, we should assemble a consilium. give it a look at plasma structures everywhere)))

I like the forum and that's it. I've never seen such a wide range of specialists and such a wide profile.

a conversation can start with quotes and end with the meaning of life, or black holes. ))))

It's like in ancient times, every philosopher can be an anatomist, but not every anatomist can be a philosopher.)

Talented people are talented in everything)))