Predicting the future with Fourier transforms - page 25

It is enlightening that natural sinusoids are a consequence of parabolic potential pits.

what is the difference between natural and unnatural sinusoids. the function seems to be the same. what is the mare in a vacuum.

What is the difference between natural and unnatural sinusoids?
I mean, the ones that are created by themselves, not the ones we draw on paper.

No offence taken. I'll tell you why the trader-developers are laying it on. Because it's the easiest thing to do. It's the fifth to tenth thing that comes to mind for someone with a degree in engineering after "brain blowing" in higher mathematics classes. Add 10-20-30-50 sines (cosines) and you have a grail. The most important thing is not to spare the sines, the more, the cooler. Alas.

I will allow myself an adapted quote - "... the less you gentlemen developers know the subject, the higher my value as an expert".
Sinus is a bit like the forex market - sell at the highs, buy at the lows and you're in the sweet spot. However, this is far from being the case. But due to the subconscious influence of the unrestrained desire for enrichment and the unconscious desire to decompose into sines ))))

The most valuable thing in decompositions into sine and Fourier decompositions is not the primitive addition of all sine waves and primitive and stupid expectation that they will not change, you have to be a moron to think, that the price will follow a sine wave, but somebody still equates us (who consider Fourier as a possible way to analyze the prices) to them.

first of all the phase is obviously jumping, but how it jumps isn't important.


But someone still equates us (who consider Fourier as a possible applicable method for price analysis) with them.

firstly, the interesting point is the phase obviously jumps, but how it jumps doesn't really matter.

So there are a lot of you? What does it have to do with the phase?
So, are there a lot of you? And what does this have to do with the phase?

Amplitude, phase, frequency, sine wave, parallel don't you know how to draw?

Amplitude, phase, frequency, sine, parallel don't you know how to draw?

Edik, don't go off the deep end, if you please. The Fourier series is just one of the series invented to solve a very important and necessary interpolation problem, i.e. the problem of determining the intermediate value of a function between interpolation nodes by its values in the interpolation nodes.
Shall we continue?
Come on Shura, what the hell.