[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 409


There is a conceptual reason for highlighting, "Humour", but a (good) joke told by an opponent can

(quite) pleasantly brighten up a duel.


I can't seem to attach anything.

Do your best. Sabluk climbed up on the roof with a banner for a good photo.
Get a load of this. Sabluk climbed on the roof with a banner for a good photo.

Hey, granit77, let me ask you: what's that over your right ear?

Are ideas sprouting? Or a sight like that of a Black Shark pilot on holiday? Nothing personal. You know, the twig's a contributing factor.



May I pry into your mind, granit77, and let me ask you: what's that over your right ear you have, I can't get a good look at it.

Maybe ideas are opening up? Or a sight like that of a Black Shark pilot on holiday? Nothing personal. A branch, you know, contributes.

You have imagination, but the reality is more prosaic. It's a 40-watt incandescent bulb, an interior feature.
Another question in an endless line is crossed out. Life is getting duller.
You have imagination, but the reality is more prosaic. It's a 40 watt incandescent light bulb, an interior element.

Don't be modest, it's all 100 watts.

Another question crossed out of the endless line of questions. Life is getting duller and duller...

What about fantasy? Fantasy is also a tester. Not a good thing to rust in vain.


If we assume that the bulb is at the same distance as the face on the avatar, then yes presumably 100W, but if the bulb is behind the head of the face on the avatar), then observing the proportions we can assume that the bulb is 150-200W. And in general at this angle of the face should not be visible, due to the fact that it would be in the shadow of the head face which is shown in the avatar. Just a photo would be unfortunate if the lamp was in front of the face of a head which is depicted on the avatar. As a result, I can assume that this is not a photo and drawing.

ZS: I suggest a more detailed study of the face of the head which is depicted in granit77's avatar.


... ZS: I suggest a more detailed study of this face of the head that is depicted on granit77's avatar.

You're scaring me with your insight. I was beginning to think of turning myself in voluntarily and telling the truth. Maybe I could get some kind of indulgence for that.