[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 90


... It looks like ordinary water...

looks like ice.

Well, yes, it's still ice. But that's on the side. And for a diver, it might as well be water.
American forum. You ask a question, then you get an answer.
Israeli forum. You ask a question, then you're asked a question.
Russian forum. You ask a question, then they tell you
what an asshole you are. (с)
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Could have jumped a fag too. Looks like regular water. The locals did it. Probably a joke. Richie posted something like this.

>> I did. In this case you can see the ice. Sometimes the ice is under a layer of water and you can't see it. I once observed an interesting picture: fishermen were walking on the water - crossing the river. Then I realized that there was ice under the water layer. It is dangerous to walk that way, the ice is already thin.
Such jokes are extremely dangerous: a person gets a strong shock, sometimes he cannot get out himself, and it is also difficult to pull him out.
Richie >>:

... под слоем воды находится лёд. Опасно так ходить, лёд уже тонкий...

I should add that under a layer of water it is also incredibly slippery, and its hardness (not to be confused with durability) is greater than that of asphalt.


Mischek >>:
Круто, но опасно, но круто, в общем завидно



now here http://vimeo.com/10975346

Mischek писал(а) >>


now here http://vimeo.com/10975346

cool!!! batmen )))) would love to fly like that. and the mountains are beautiful