WACKENA unravels 2007 championship deal analysis - page 5


Have you seen the source code of the original Wackena EA? I have it, its essence is not gaps, or should I say gaps, but that's a minor point, so dear Yuraz, congratulations, but you have made a totally different EA. How much do you want for it?

Have you looked at the source code of the original Wackena EA? I have it, its not gaps, or rather gaps, but it's a minor point, so dear Yuraz, congratulations, you have made a completely different EA. How much do you want for it?

The trends from D1 that I have described have nothing to do with WACKENE ...

these signals are so rare occur 6-10 times a year in 2007 there were 6 signals

when output in the boo all the signals break through in the +

the signals are more of a direction in which you can work on smaller timeframes

In 2008 I had 1 signal so far, it was just a parallel conversation about reversal days ... i was asked to describe how i detect


ATR calculation is the essence of Wacken, William talked about it in his interview. Wakena is good in the trending but not in the chattering,

I do not have the source code, but it looks like it is close to the source code + modification.

at the beginning of the year if you watch Wackenna's state, he's not doing well.

there will be a trend :-) and things will go ... both VAKNA and BETTER


Have you seen the source code of the original Wackena EA? I have it, it's not gaps, or should I say gaps, but it's an infinitesimal point, so dear Yuraz, congratulations, you have made quite a different EA. How much do you want for it?

The trends from D1 that I have described have nothing to do with WACKENE ...

these signals are so rare occur 6-10 times a year in 2007 there were 6 signals

when output in the boo all the signals break through in the +

the signals are more of a direction in which you can work on smaller timeframes

In 2008 I had 1 signal so far, it was just a parallel conversation about reversal days ... i was asked to describe how i detect


ATR calculation is the essence of Wacken, William talked about it in his interview. Wakena is good in the trending but not in the chattering,

I do not have the source code, but it looks like it is close to the source code + modification.

at the beginning of the year if you watch Wackenna's state, he's not doing well.

there will be a trend :-) and things will go ... both BACKENA and BETTER

Yes, you bet! I tried to bet on the demo, it was losing well :))) for two months! How he even managed to win the championship, God only knows. And as for Vakenna, if you optimize it correctly every 2 weeks, it gives good results, from 100 to 150% a month stably, it's a question of who knows how little it is, for someone it's OK! For me it's OK, it brings money. I think it's easier to set up a stable EA on D1, after all, the trends don't have any "chatter". By the way, I have some questions for you, my dear: 1. If I have an idea of how to use the GEP indicator, I would like to ask my question, since I do not know how to use it directly. 2. If I'm not mistaken, is it Osma_Divergence indicator your own or the one you took from the mql4 archives (like FX5)?
jerrimix: Batter's got the sources too, tried to bet on the demo, he's losing well :))) two months standing! How he even managed to win the championship God only knows.
A very serious statement, jerrimix. Are you sure this is the source code of Expert Advisor that won the Championship?
jerrimix: Batter also have the sources, tried to bet on the demo, he's a good loser :))) two months standing! How he even managed to win the championship God only knows.
A very serious statement, jerrimix. Are you sure this is the source code of the Expert Advisor that won the Championship in 2007?

I don't think this is the source code of that EA, however, if it's true, then I understand why Batter flatly refused to sell (or give signals to) his EA. And if he's so good at losing, jerrimix, post the source code, if you don't mind ;). And if sorry, then at least show me the results of the test, for the period of the Champ and for the current time.

You bet! I've tried to bet on the demo, he's losing good time :))) I've been standing for two months! And as for Vakenna, if you properly optimize it every 2 weeks, it gives good results, from 100 to 150% per month stably, it's a question of how little for someone it is, for someone it's OK! For me it's OK, it brings money. I think it's easier to set up a stable EA on D1, after all, the trends don't have any "chatter". By the way, I have some questions for you, my dear: 1. If I have an idea of how to use the GEP indicator, I would like to ask my question, since I do not know how to use it directly. 2. If I'm not mistaken, I think FX5 posted Osma_Divergence indicator as your own or taken from archives of mql4?

Do you have BETTER's and Wacken's

i wonder where you got them from ... Alexander - BETTER didn't sell the sources, neither did William - WACKEN

it would be interesting to have a look at the 2007 state of the whole for both ;-)

--- trending experts --- no trend now ---

--- GEP indicator yzh@mail.ru divergence indicator too

--- Dear! --- baltic in the D1 trend right now

( please do not duplicate the pictures and cut the duplicated post slightly )

the championship is marked with two vertical dotted lines EURO... and the chatter of 2008 is marked with horizontal

first there was a trend in which the trend-following pundits made a great run-up

then there was a downtrend where BETTER just slowed down he didn't make any profit but he didn't lose either

it is obvious that if the Championship had begun in late August, we would have seen a much bigger profit instead of 130k

You can trade with such experts for 3 to 4 months a year!

jerrimix: Batter also have the sources, tried to bet on the demo, he's a good loser :))) two months standing! How he even managed to win the championship God only knows.
A very serious statement, jerrimix. Are you sure this is the source code of the Expert Advisor that won the Championship in 2007?
Absolutely. Wackenna's 100%. I have a suspicion that this is the first source code, maybe later bettor improved it. But the style of opening and closing trades is the same. And also the channels through which this miracle hit do not need verification because they are reliable.

Do you have a BETTER'S account?

very interesting where you got them from... Alexander - BETTER didn't sell the sources, neither did William -

it would be interesting to have a look at the 2007 state for both ;-)

--- trending experts --- no trend right now ---

--- GEP indicator yzh@mail.ru divergence indicator too

--- Dear! --- baltic in D1 trend right now

( please do not duplicate the pictures and cut the duplicated post slightly )

the championship is marked with two vertical dotted lines EURO... and the chatter of 2008 is marked with horizontal

first there was a trend where trend-followers made a great run-up

then there was a downturn where BETTER just slowed down he didn't make any profit but he didn't lose either

it is obvious that if the Championship had begun in late August, for example, we would have seen a much bigger profit instead of 130k

you can trade with such experts for 3 to 4 months a year!

I will not tell publicly here where they come from and I will not, with all due respect to the authors, lay out the source code. Please provide the 2007 Wackena data for
(TF D1):

Variant 1

Variant 2

The difference in settings and parameters, one variant is more aggressive.

As for the Batter's report, what's the sense to show the losing report? I've already said above it may be one of the author's first versions or experiments. Probably it was something else on the Championship, but the style is the same.
No, no, jerrimix, please post the state of the alleged Better's advisor for the period 01 Oct - 21 Dec 2007; well, you can cover other periods as well. You are not asked to provide the source code, God forbid.

Why show the plum? Well, let's say... to be satisfied and smugly convinced that there are no miracles in the world...
I won't tell publicly here where they come from and I won't lay out the source code with all due respect to the authors. Please, take the 2007 statements for Wackena.
(TF D1):

Variant 1

Variant 2

The difference in settings and parameters, one variant is more aggressive.

As for the Batter's report, what's the sense to show the losing report? I've already said above it may be one of the author's first versions or experiments. Probably it was something else on the Championship, but the style is the same.

and your BETTER's version of the 2007 release can you show me?