Author's dialogue. Alexander Smirnov. - page 10

Perhaps you haven't noticed my 1st post in this thread. I would like to suggest you again to post at least some pictures. Where Djuric and your filter are filtered together, and test signals are applied (preferably several pictures which show all properties). Then at least you will have a visual evaluation. As a scientist you should know methods of quantitative evaluation, maybe I missed something but I did not see them in "VS" №01(75) 2006. Comparison of Djuric (and not without it) with your algorithm.
I don't have and have never had a Djuric indicator. Otherwise, why would I be asking you questions about Jurik?
Suggestions for a "discussion with the author"
1. Post a grad student in a thread (it's the first time we hear about her and we don't even know if she's pretty?)
2. If the author can't post the post-graduate girl's personal, let him announce the date of the public defence (of the post-graduate girl) and we will come, for sure we will come.
3. Next, discuss Smirnov's behaviour from a trader's perspective, and even from an automatic trader's perspective (rather than whether Jurikkk is right).
4. The posts are real: if you have not seen - write not seen, and if you have not understood - write not understood.
5. Instruct the real Smirnov to refer to and explain in the same post, otherwise we are waiting here.

And you do not need the keys to my flat? Ask correct questions, we are citizens of different countries.

Got it!
The author of the Smirnov filter-indicator, Mr. Smirnov, appears to us as the inventor of the algorithm, but not as a mathematician.
If Mr Smirnov were acting as a mathematician, he would give us an example of an equation (not a grad student) whose difference solution scheme gives the basis of the algorithm.
If Smirnov was dealing with digital filtering he would have given some characteristics of his indicator (and it is a two-humped indicator!!!).
But Mr. Smirnov is an inventor!!!, the author of the algorithm.
And as an inventor Smirnov has the right:
a) not to reveal the essence of his invention.
b) to defend his rights against trespassers and teasers.
That is, Mr. Smirnov is asserting his rights as an inventor

against Juric.

to our audience and against our audience.
Shall we help him in this?

You are used to always using the ready-made without thinking about the point. My answers and the article are clear enough. I do not intend to maintain a bazaar-style dialogue. It is better to publish other materials and communicate with professionals, for example in the USA. In my opinion, the problem of our homegrown traders is that they do not want to learn. They wait for ready-made pitches. This is a dead-end road. So the domestic trader will never catch up with his Western colleagues.

Alexander, can you attach your version of TS 2000i indicator here? There are experts here who can translate it into MQL4.

Unfortunately, I can't. The program used was the one given in the article.

OK, Alexander, could you at least make a good picture (screenshot) of your indicator - preferably with increased distance between bars? Your curve is almost invisible on fig. 1 of the article, because of low-quality graphics:

P.S. It is not necessary to show the traditional EMA.

It is better to publish other materials and talk to professionals, for example in the USA. In my opinion, the trouble with our homegrown traders is that they don't want to learn. They wait for ready-made pitches. This is a dead-end road. This way the domestic trader will never catch up with his Western colleagues.

I would not agree with these statements. There are those unwilling to learn in any country.

P.P.S. People, is there anyone else working in TS2000i? If there is - please post a screenshot of the code posted in the article. The code is in text format attached:

input:m(4), m_(2);
{ввод:m – величина временного окна усреднения, должна быть кратна 4; m_m’=m/n, n – число проходов (в нашем случае m’=2)}
array: q1[60](0),q2[60](0);
var: alf(0),j(0),n(0),s(0);

if mod(m,4)=0 then begin {проверка на кратность 4}
	alf=2/(m_+1); {коэффициент α}
	q1[0]=close; {фиксирование крайнего элемента}
	n=m-1; {количество баров без первого}
	for j=1 to n begin {первое усреднение «назад»}
	for s=1 to m/2-1 begin {формирование многократного усреднения «вперед-назад»}
		for j=0 to n begin
			q2[j]=q1[n-j]; {формирование дополнительного массива}
		for j=1 to n begin
	plot1(q1[n]); {вывод значения q1[n] (последний элемент массива q1) – результат работы алгоритма}

In my last long message, I gave a detailed and honest account of the implementation of the CCC. What else is not clear? Only the last count of the inner loop is always used from the inner loop. The CCC curve itself at any value of m' is the last counts of the inner loop. No interesting questions have been received. My questions are not answered by you. Also, some of you are "unacceptably yakking at the bazaar". Such one-sided dialogue is simply not interesting to me.

Alexander, that article says
Some readers, especially practicing traders, will find our articles too academic, full of obscure terms and formulas. However, it is not easy to explain very complicated things "on the fingers". <br / translate="no">
In fact, there are no formulas and it is impossible to understand the algorithm unambiguously. Here is the image in the article

There are no questions about the alpha coefficient. Am I correct in assuming that C1, C2, C3 and C4 are closing prices? C1 is the current bar (the latest), C2 is the second bar formed before C1, and so on.
Eight values from Q1 to Q8 are calculated on every four consecutive bars, and the last eighth is precisely the value of the average.
I have made a manual calculation in Excel according to the algorithm, as I understood it, and the data file and formulas are attached. I got this picture, did I get it right?
Files:  72 kb

Rosh, it looks like C4 is the last bar (zero in MT4). The result of the top bar in the diagram:

Q4 = alpha*C1 + alpha*(1-alpha)*C2 + alpha*(1-alpha )^2*C3 + (1-alpha )^3*C4

Mr Smirnov wrote, quoting (emphasis mine-AP):
Don't you want the keys to my flat? Ask correct questions,you and I are citizens of different countries.
.....You are accustomed to always use the ready-made without thinking about the essence. My answers and the article are clear enough. I do not intend to maintain a dialogue to the "bazaar" standard. It is better to publish other materials and communicate with professionals, for example in the USA. In my opinion, the trouble with our homegrown traders is that they don't want to learn. They wait for ready-made pitches. It's a dead-end road. This way the domestic trader will never catch up with his Western colleagues.
And you, Mr. Smirnov, judging by your product, are used to tell Donkey.
However, this is not the place for you.
This is a forum on the site of a recognized international company.
It is a Public Space.
And if you have anything of "national and business importance" go to the authorities for zeros,
not play hysterical.
Otherwise it turns out in fact so:
You, Mr. Smirnov, at 31 years old, could be more educated, and you're a teacher,
a teacher at the High School. But your High School is not visible from your posts. Maybe you're overworked.

to ALL

This "bazaar" with Mr Smirnov will never end.
The inventor will continue to argue that he is misunderstood, and we are left to maintain that we have not seen anything.
Therefore Proposal:
Mr Smirnov to design the product commercially, just like Smirnov's JMA indicator opponent Juric.
By doing so, Mr Smirnov's product will become available to the public.
And when the product becomes available to the public,
only then public discussion will be possible, for example, on our forum.
Until there is no object in itself, consideration of the object is not objective and is fraught with danger,
for example, criminal disclosure of the nature of the invention (as the inventor himself hints at).
So, let Mr. Smirnov provide a protected commercial product and then we will discuss.