Adaptive digital filters - page 34


"Something tells me an elite like you won't be here long." - very likely. By the way, I don't think I'm missing much. Usually people socialize in their own circles. Peers of their own. Fluctuations end up restoring equilibrium, for all knowledge is essentially elitist and cannot be properly understood by the crowd, and attempts to bring it to the crowd only simplifies it and distorts it to falsehood.

"Uh-huh. And 90% of those who are able to deduce (actually remember the text of the text of the outline reread 10 times for some reason) do not know why they are solving this very square equation." - you see, normal people usually have a brain that needs a workout simply because it exists. You're not going to sit curled up all day, are you? You're going to want to stretch and stretch. It's the same with the brain. Only some people end up with Nobel prizes in theoretical physics and some people end up with stupid forum flubbing, but also... a mark on history... according to their level of intelligence. Usually such things are just "don't understand why" ... collider, astrophysics (no use here and now), Poincaré theorem (underline).


"Something tells me that the elite like you, won't be around much longer." very likely. By the way, I don't think I have much to lose. Usually people socialise in their own circle. Peers of their own. Fluctuations end up restoring equilibrium, for all knowledge is essentially elitist and cannot be properly understood by the crowd, and attempts to bring it to the crowd only simplify and distort it to the point of falsehood.

"Uh-huh. And 90% of those who are able to deduce (actually remember the text of a 10 times reread outline for some reason) don't know why they're solving that very square equation." - you see, normal people's brains usually need a workout simply because they exist. You're not going to sit curled up all day, are you? You're going to want to stretch and stretch. It's the same with the brain. Only some people end up with Nobel prizes in theoretical physics and some people end up with stupid forum flubbing, but also... a mark on history... according to their level of intelligence. Usually such things are just "don't understand why" ... collider, astrophysics (no use here and now), Poincaré theorem (underline).

to whom is this addressed?

"Who is this addressed to? "If you don't feel it's addressed to you, why are you answering?

By the way, on the subject of a non-delayed non-drawing filter, and the very possibility of its creation, no one wanted to speak out. It is indicative.


"Who is this addressed to? "If you don't feel it's addressed to you, why are you answering?

By the way, on the subject of a non-delayed non-drawing filter, and the very possibility of its creation, no one wanted to speak out. It is indicative.

I wonder...

You are very aggressive. In the institute's smoking room during the session, you can register students as cattle... and there it is not there for you...

sever30: In the institute's smoking room,
more like a college smoking room.
sever30 and alsu stubbornly do not want to say anything on the subject. they are flubbing. this is not a fact. they have no desire or ability to say anything on the subject (about the filter) because they have nothing to think about. i guess their next posts will confirm this conclusion.
sever30 and alsu stubbornly do not want to speak on the subject. they are flooding. this is not a fact. they have no desire or ability to say anything on the subject (about the filter), because they have nothing to think about. i guess their next posts will confirm this conclusion.

Fuck you. I told you everything a long time ago - you have not given me a single non-critical argument in response, nor have you been willing to go to a textbook to verify your illiteracy, nor check everything with your own hands, but instead you poked me as evidence in some forums.

What you just wrote tells me that you hope to get out of here, saving face. But I assure you, you won't, as everything is already obvious to everyone.

Good night.

sever30 and alsu stubbornly do not want to say anything on the subject. they are flubbing. this is not a fact. they have no desire or ability to say anything on the subject (about the filter) because they have nothing to think about. i guess their next posts will confirm this conclusion.
you motherfucker. You've been told that a long time ago...

Incidentally, no one was willing to comment on a lag-free, non-delayed filter, or the possibility of creating one. It is indicative.

To help you to escape, I'll give an azimuth - go read books with the name "theory of linear filtering", in them it is popularly proved, that the filters without delay are physically unrealizable.
mikfor: Incidentally, no one was willing to comment on a lag-free, non-delayed filter, or the possibility of creating one. It is indicative.

Impossible, of course. Utopian, of course, if you want to get something smooth and not just a repetition of the original signal. Any smoothing (integration) causes a delay. Unless, of course, you're looking into the future...

I have a question: why do you need it, mikfor? Well, let's say you already have one, and even Jurik is smoking on the sidelines. How would you use it?