Trader's club? - page 7


If you look at 29 years of statistics, you see, for example, that EUR/USD on average in a month

goes only 14 pips...

Attached is data on the change in quotations for each month at 28p.

Alex, something is not working for me.
Took (a long time ago on Spider) the euro history from 1947 (there is one :) )
For 1978 there is daily data there. Looked only January and February 1978 and compared with yours.
I got the following: average daily movement in January 72 p., in February 52 p.
Monthly movement range (H-L) in January 429 p., in February 487 p.
It is not clear what data you have in column D (d5,d6,d7...)?
You have d6-d5=441pts, d7-d6=86pts, you then add them up and find the average, as you write, of 14pts.
Maybe you have Close February - Close January = 441 p. ???

Exactly, I only count by closing prices, why I take closing prices and not candlesticks, I wrote the post above. :)

If you give such an example, of course not the best, but the first thing that came to mind...

If you need to measure the height of a pine tree, do you as measure by each needle (in our case by each candle),

or do you start measuring from root to toe (in this case you take an "A to Z" wave), ignoring the individual needles

which are still included in the length of the pine tree?


where did the 29 year quotes come from?

i was especially surprised that the eur has been quoted for 29 years

my stats are different - i really read the quotes from the METAQUOTES historical data base

Average daily move

2007 73п

2006 95п

2005 112п

2004 126п

2003 117п

2002 86п

2001 103п

there are no more REAL quotes, the eu was born recently 7 years ago

the only thing we can say from these statistics is that volatility goes down every year

again, the statistics of a whole month for a currency is not very interesting, moreover a year

one has to wait for a month or a year life is short, one wants to earn money now

Let's go one by one. Where did the Euro/Dollar quotes come from in 29 years?

I reconstructed the quotes, i.e. divided the closing prices of EUR/JPY into USD/JPY

and got EUR/USD, then used formulas to calculate missing quotations for other VPs.

Calculated quotes in the file "Monthly Global Pair Analysis" are highlighted in gray.

I take closing prices because I consider them the most reliable indicator, the arguments are given above.

It is not correct to make analysis limited to one month only, I do a global analysis from one year to

28bp minutes. As for the daily analysis, i guess you calculate: max day -min day = pips,

I do it the other way, i.e. close price difference. I do it both with the sign (+/-) and modulo.

positive sign (+) shows ascending trend

a negative sign (-) shows a downtrend

If we look at my daily analysis, the EUR/USD=2 pips (modulo = 52)

EUR/GBP = 0 pips (modulo = 18) and GBP/USD = 3 pips (modulo = 74)

The amplitude of fluctuations at a "specially selected" time interval shows what kind of pattern is formed.

With the help of a certain set of rules I am modelling the future price behaviour at each pips separately,

Then I check my forecast using 23 formulas - it allows reducing the entire analysis to one variant.

I've never found the analysis method I've developed in the Internet...

Your analysis is quite interesting!

Actually it doesn't matter which analysis to apply! As long as you make correct decisions relying on it.

Alex, what do closing prices have to do with EWP?
Alex, what do closing prices have to do with EWP?

figures (or paternas, as you like) are made up of waves.

A monowave is a straight line until its direction is reversed.

Mono-waves are plotted in 2 coordinates - price and time.

Of the 4 coordinates (max, min, open and close), the close prices are the most "reliable", therefore

I build all figures in future on the basis of previous close prices. :)


Of the 4 coordinates (max, min, open and close), the closing prices are the most "reliable"

Perhaps they are. They really are the most informative when forecasting (I have an independent confirmation, but in a different analysis method). If it really helps you when predicting your figures, then by all means go for it. I just haven't seen that in EWP. ...

P.S. Thanks for the creative idea, I should check it out... I apologise for the hit-and-run, as I understood your first post about global analysis in a completely different context.

Of the 4 coordinates (max, min, open and close), the close prices are the most "reliable"

Perhaps they are. They really are the most informative when forecasting (I have an independent confirmation, but in a different method of analysis). If it really helps you when predicting your figures, then by all means go for it. I just haven't seen that in EWP. ...

P.S. Thanks for the creative idea, I should check it out... I apologise for the hit-and-run, as I understood your first post about global analysis in a completely different context.

The method of analysis that I have developed works like a "wave scanner" simultaneously on 28 currency pairs.

If the "average" indicator that performs the calculations on just one currency pair hangs on the computer,

what to say about the global analysis of 28 Bp and 9 timeframes at the same time - the computer resources are not limitless!

So knowing the basics of MQL is not enough to implement a strategy in a code ...


figures (or paternas, as you like) are made up of waves.

A monowave is a straight line until its direction is reversed.

Mono-waves are plotted in 2 coordinates - price and time.

Of the 4 coordinates (max, min, open and close), the close prices are the most "reliable", therefore

I build all figures in future on the basis of previous close prices. :)

It's not that simple and obvious:(

1) Everywhere in EWA, all: classics and amateurs, the wave is marked from LOU to HOW
(or from HOW to LOU). Or EWA has nothing to do with it!

2) Let's look at your "Book1" file. Let's check the first line, for example, against

highs. (1,0403-(0,6293*1,6881))*10000=-220. Where you have by close=0, actually = 5.
For all other fields an error of 10 times!
We get averages: open=9, high=-161, low=169, close=6.
Maximum values: open=180, high=-9, low=1144, close=189.
It means that even for the close the difference may be 189 points?
Why is high always negative, and low always positive?

3) Close is always related to the end of the bar and therefore to the time without which the check according to your formulas makes no sense. Open is also close, but not as exact as Close, a trade may be opened at any time from the beginning of a new bar. The High and Low times in general for each of the currency pairs used in the formula can be anything, hence these discrepancies.

4) I checked the divergence on (High-Low)/2. It's an average of 8 (not so far from your 6).

I'm not disputing the existence of the original method, but there's no way the way you check in that method affects the theory itself so much.

Alex, have you tried using DDE so that the calculation is based on the real last quote?

Enclosed is data on the change in quotations for each month at 28vp.

Alex, something's not working for me.


If you give this example, of course not the best one, but the first thing that came to mind...

If you need to measure the height of a pine tree, do you either measure by each needle (in our case by each candle),

or do you start measuring from root to toe (in this case you take an "A to Z" wave), ignoring the individual needles

which are still included in the length of the pine tree?

And I'd be curious as to why it's in this particular place and so sprouted...... not only for the needles, but also to see the sawing :)



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KimIV wrote (a) .....


FION 27.09.2007 15:58

the traders clubs are forums. :)

The problem is that it's a lost cause and a waste of time to build teams of peers to develop trading systems.

You either need to hire the right people or do it yourself (if you cannot afford to pay them).

I cannot agree with you, because I have experience of cooperation. If the partner is decent, which is not difficult to understand from the feedback on the forums, then there are no problems. Another issue is to interest your partner in the development of this or that problem and his and your level of training, and in general, together it turns out more fun and fruitful.



Interesting topic. Forex Café for tournaments ...... And moving with the tour from city to city.

OZ0, informative.

Igor has written, writes and will continue to write