Wishes for MQL5 - page 21


I would like to have a graphical tool called "Curve Line".

In fact, it already exists - all indicators draw any curves. But it can be done only in an indicator. Neither from the script, nor from the Expert Advisor it is impossible to draw such a curve line. And that's too bad, we have to try something else. Why not make the mechanism of drawing curves implemented in indicators available for scripts/advisors, so that by sending a starting point and data array to a charting tool we will receive a curve similar to the one in indicators.

void IndicatorBuffers ( int count)
Allocates memory for buffers used for calculations of the custom indicator. The number of buffers cannot exceed 8 and cannot be less than the value specified in the indicator_buffers property. If the custom indicator requires additional buffers for counting, you should use this function to specify the total number of buffers.
count - Number of calculation buffers. from indicator_buffers to 8 buffers.

Very limiting parameter. You have to get creative.

If you can't remove the limitation at all.

We should increase the number of calculation buffers to 128.

To get rid of the problem.


You should also have direct access to the horizontal scale factor (i.e. bar spacing in pixels). This can easily be changed using the (+) and (-) buttons, which makes the bars appear wider. But it is difficult to determine programmatically.

Why walk wide?!
Why and to whom objects????
Give the People a standard for simple C !
- pointers *pointer, **pointer, **array_pointer[][], **array_pointer[][]
-addresses &adress, &&adresses
-this is when the MQL-XX language can easily create the desired data structures.
I.e. a reasonable next step is to bring MQL5 to plain C standard.
I.e. the sensible next step is to bring MQL5 up to plain C standard.
We're bringing it straight to safe C++.


I was thinking about the availability of EA creation for the masses, not just programmers, which would undoubtedly cause a breakthrough in the trading terminals. You can already make a one-indicator template in the tester with standard positions (take, stop, trailing, mm and mag.) and a parameter for a standard mt4 indicator.

I.e. the sensible next step is to bring MQL5 up to plain C standard.
We're bringing it straight to safe C++.

C++ creates security for sellers of software, for example, now they are afraid to sell and transfer EAs in open source, but the objects of trade will certainly go.
However, C++ itself is one of the most dangerous tools.
Organisations ordering C++ programs hire a double staff of programmers - 1-writers. 2. Analysts.
The task of analysts is to take the product apart to the assembled commands to check the safety of the code.
There are already organizations that are fed up with this imaginary "safety" of C++ and work with Visual Basic

(For example, a January ad: "a large bank in the northwest of Moscow is searching for a specialist for the position of Basic developer with a salary of 3000 USD")
It turns out that a C++ product is safe only after long tests and checks.
Exactly, referring to the long planning and testing cycle they say,
that object programming is safer.
I.e. C++ is safe for large, numerous, well-paid teams of specialists.
And where can we find traders working in large teams?

P.S. The simple language is attractive to traders, which is a big plus for MT4.
However, C++ is clearly not for common people, as people's eyes in CPP environment are diverted and dizzy from one kind of CPP shell.
How about leaving the choice of programming language (and shell) to the user of his personal terminal?
If you want to load standard C, or if you want and can, choose CPP options.


I was thinking about the availability of EA creation for the masses, not just programmers, which would undoubtedly cause a breakthrough in the trading terminals. You can already make a one-indicator template in the tester with standard positions (take, stop, trailing, mm and mag.) and a parameter for a standard mt4 indicator.

Theoreticians only think of languages "for the masses", while practitioners have already experienced it, have made such languages, have seen results and have drawn appropriate conclusions. Don't forget - we've been offering automated trading(history of MQL, MQL2, MQL4) for more than six years.

Look at the huge library of source code in CodeBase and how much documentation, including the tutorial by Sergey Kovalev, we have written. All this is available in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese (the manual is being translated). The website of the Automated Trading Championship gathered a huge number of interested traders for two years, and the discussion of the competition results is still going on in forums and blogs around the world. Moreover, there are many independent websites all over the world discussing MetaTrader and offering their own solutions in MQL4. In fact, neither MetaStock nor TradeStation can boast of so much information and publicly produced source code.

Apparently, there's nothing wrong with the MQL4 programming language. The programmers have appreciated it and have created a huge amount of code to the traders' pleasure.

By the way, we have recently purchased a thick book in Japanese from Amazon that is entirely devoted to MQL4 programming. Author: Hisamichi Toyoshima

We bring it straight to safe C++.

C++ creates security for software vendors, for example, they're now afraid to sell and pass on open source EAs, but objects will certainly trade.
However, C++ itself is one of the most dangerous tools.

I didn't say "safe C++" for nothing, not "C++". Safe because there are no memory pointers (the worst thing in C++) and full managed code.
For those who want to use plain C, everything remains the same in MQL5. That is, don't use classes with objects and keep writing regular functions.