MQL forum - page 7



Scotch Terriers are considered to be the most bullying breed of grumpy, perpetually nagging dogs. But if a boy is attacked by a girl, he doesn't really snap. He just... squints one eye when she bites his ear, clenches his teeth and whines softly. But he doesn't fall, even though he's stronger than she is.

And you just called a woman a name in public. You're a hero.

"The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs." (Marie de Sevigne)


Yes, Gorillich, you know how to set you up... This is nothing else but meanness. It is far from a man's trait. I call you "you", therefore I give advice ONLY to you, but not to all expert writers. Do not dump your bad head on healthy heads of ALL OTHER ...And if you are a retard and understood nothing, there's nothing to transfer my criticism to those who are not even remotely involved in our dialogue with you. And the confirmation of the fact that you have a poor imagination - you have not understood about the CAR ... It was a parallel with the WORLD, but not a literal comparison. About "drive" to Minsk - race with the boys at a race - you, I see, like it.

I have the best impression of the rest of my companions, smart and versatile people. They are clearly cultured people and if they do not agree with something they speak out - according to the essence of the message, and do not "classify" the interlocutor.

What about the fact that I hurt "with my advice - a lot of people here" I think so ... rather than sing the deferembas - it's better to tell the truth. At least I will not be accused of deceitfulness and subservience.

I have had moments in life - when I, having mastered the subject (of business) "thoroughly," decided - to step back, because well considered all the pitfalls.And here - if people get together for purely creative realization - it's ONE, while if the purpose - to make money and solve vital issues - it seems to me - just a mirage.Wishing - a lot, but the first place - one.And in life - a lot of accidents.The motto "Die - but will not give up" - a bad companion.

Если ваш продукт действительно является таким высокодоходным,то зачем его продавать за копейки,если вы с таким же успехом можете просто запустить его на своем РЕАЛЬНОМ торговом счете и подняться - неимоверно и быстро.Или все не так безоблачно,как вы рассказываете? Зачем продавать курицу,несущую золотые яйца? Это - нелогично.Поэтому - вызывает опасения.Можете рассматривать меня,как потенциального покупателя,если вы меня убедите в том,что МТС - будет зарабатывать хорошие деньги.Меня интересует - только результат.Я столкнулась с таким - люди,торгующие мини-заводами(разными)

рассказывают всем,как это круто и прибыльно,но сами - не стремятся запустить для

себя - ни

одного.Что-то тут не так. Я не пытаюсь иронизировать.

.Все просто. Можем даже сделать так.Напишем и подпишем договор.Я даю вам сумму 1тыс долларов , точнее - вы работаете своим советником и моими деньгами.НО...У меня будет доступ с торговому счету и открою я его у своего брокера.Вы получите код доступа и возможность только работать без съема средств со счета.Расчет с вами будет происходить - ежедневно из расчета 50 на 50

- исходя из заработанной за период суммы(депозит в 1 тыс разделу не подлежит)

на ваш счет или пластиковую карточку...Но как только я увижу,что начинает "сливать",я прекращаю наши соревнования.Я устанавливаю для себя и предупрежу своего брокера о блокировании торговли при достижении определенного минуса - ежедневно буду ему давать такую информацию.СТОП для депозита - 0,2 тыс долларов (это 20

% от депозита (ежедневного)

.Я останусь в накоплении,это вы сможете забирать свои бонусы ежедневно,а я буду оставлять свою прибыль на торговом счете - если конечно она у нас будет вообще,то я подниму депозит - вливанием - в 10 раз.

Условия - хорошие.Давайте заработаем друг другу денег.

So I do not want to offend the "mechanics". And my tactics I told - when I asked. And if my answers to insults are taken as a "message" - too bad.

A system stop of 20% is tough, and it automatically imposes strict requirements on the EA. There will not be many of them in the Championship, God forbid a dozen or two. I'm not talking about those that will work with 0.1 lot only.
SK. писал (а):


...scotch terriers...

I read "scotch-traders" and think for a long time what it is:-)


The issue is not quite that - tough ... 20 percent ... I want to say that if someone wants - really get out of financial trouble and he (like many smart people in this evil country) does not have enough trivial - start-up capital, that change their life for the better - I'm ready to help. But, lest you think that I - Santa Claus (almost like - Father Christmas) - someone who gives a ball - I suggest to feel some responsibility for your adviser.

If I take profits several times in a row (when the trend is moving confidently), then the next (and so on), I put orders with modification of stop-loss - multiple of already earned money, and take-ins - do not change.In other words - I risk intraday earnings, not DEPOSIT. Can we do the same with my suggestion - every day we will increase STOP, if we earn. So I am with 1 thousand quid for 0.5 $ 200 - 300 dollars a day (as I do now).

And why would I need an MTS? <br / translate="no">
Ballistika, you're a girl, not a boy. And boys have all sorts of problems with this kind of work (pianist) - with those girls who are around...
And why would I need an MTS?
Ballistika, you're a girl, not a boy. And boys have all sorts of problems with this kind of work (as a pianist) - with the girls around...

Girls don't let you sit quietly at the terminal:)
Well yes, you need a fully self-contained office with a fridge, grill oven, microwave, TV, shower, toilet and bed to stock up in advance and stay out of there for weeks...
Well yes, you need a fully self-contained office with a fridge, grill oven, microwave, TV, shower, toilet and bed to stock up in advance and not leave it for weeks...
and how do you... - tell your wife that you are with your mistress, tell your mistress that you are with your wife, and work, work and work, write experts :-)