MQL forum - page 3


In general, a systematisation of the main topics is very much needed.

There is a lot of useful stuff on this forum like nowhere else, but unfortunately it is difficult to find everything that has been and is needed now.

It would be nice to have some sort of structure

with separate subforums (for example, a place where pips are measured... call it CRAIL CABINET)

or trading strategies.

the list could be long.

and then someone who wants to see an ophthalmologist will not go to a geniologist - at least according to the TITLE of the topic

it's bad that people don't write about MQL4 at all ...

i'm always very interested in pathos with another grail! - by the way it's been a while

it's also interesting to read another author offering to automate his super TS

which gives crazy profits especially if MTS does it

However - sometimes good information can be found where you do not expect to find it


I am a total stranger on this topic ... To be more specific - I do not belong to the "mechanics" ... At the foreign exchange market - for two years, and - for real money ... And not in my "spare time", but what is called - without taking it out ... Work on Forex reminds me - EVERYBODY ... I read a lot of books, learned everything by heart ... I worked on a demo account for a few months. I started to try to understand what I was dealing with and how to deal with it.

After working in real money and applying all those principles and knowledge - and just lost all the money I allocated for this topic (I wrote - 30 grand), I completely abandoned all this knowledge and principles.In this theme - all ambiguous ... It would seem - the probability of profit and loss is quite high - 50 percent ... This is much more - than in gambling business (where even a percentage chance - a steep bet counts).There is an expression "One has to learn to switch off his knowledge and experience to take a new look at the world around." Forex is non-linear, it changes every minute...Like the creation of the NEW MTS reminds a bicycle race where cyclists fly to the "FINISH" sign nailed to a stick fastened to the motorbike ahead.

Here you wrote - we "mechanics", not that these "handbrakes" (I mean - not handbrakes, but those - who work in manual mode - with their eyes) do not understand each other ... I do not think that I - "handbrake" someone did not understand in posts on the topic "intuitive trade".

There is an anecdote: "Chapayev gathered his regiment and asked, 'We have a problem...The radio on the armoured train is broken...Who can fix it?...And someone shouts "Vasily Ivanovich... Tell me, is it diodes-based or transistor-based?"... Chapayev replies "For the especially foolish I repeat - the radio is on the BROTHER CAREER"...

We all are people who one way or another have faced the problem in our lives (personally for me - precisely because of the loss - had to master this subject ... For others - it's just a hobby and lifestyle - some only MTS on demo accounts and no one - for real money, reminds athletes who are preparing for competitions all their lives, but before the real start - is not there.I`ve read many forum threads - everything is so sophisticated and complicated that either you have to learn the programming language or just leave the forum not to look - ridiculous... For example, one person at Alpari site recently asked a question "What do you advise about cross - rate Alpari - Euro-Dollar?"... In my opinion - it`s more than clear who is the questioner in the theme "currency trading"...

I also write my own programmes for managing my own production. There is a task more specifically - I myself specify how much tax I want to pay in the current month (it all depends on how we agreed - which is more - cash or non-cash) and it already depends on how much raw materials and electricity I have to show "in white" how much "wind back" or electricity or vice versa, add repair work and due to labor agreements to increase the cost and "buy the documents that are not in the warehouse, and then write that we gave the answer-storage and then we screwed (not returned) and we filed for arbitration against the firm (the keeper) and the firm - still yesterday - dead (took our valuables (and we fools, gave) and then - died).In short, based on numbers - I adopt a scheme by which the state - to cheat on taxes.And if I suddenly mistaken, the punishment - too "adult" - or a penalty with the index of 10-or a criminal case (and the turnover - large, so that they immediately charge - "especially large" with all that follows).As you can see - not less dangerous than to fly - in Forex.

.Why did I write it all - just trust such information to programmers and accountants - I have no right in terms of - danger of criminal liability.In such things - you can not depend on anyone.

So in writing the MTS - I myself will not write (too complicated everything, and there is no time and brains - not the same), and trust someone (because I need - the real money to repay), I also do not trust. "Where there is no trust - there is no treachery. " Therefore - in the big picture - I'm exactly - a surplus here, if only to talk about MTS. I - do not believe in MTS. But at work in manual mode - I could share. I'm sure I'll be 'dumped' in some other forum...Even so I'm not a meddler myself - if I have nothing to say I'll say nothing.

I'm working manually and thank God for now... It's true I got a hint here that my brokerage company may not allow me to attach MTC to the program. I don't keep more than two thousand on my trading account... As soon as I get something up, I withdraw it immediately, otherwise - just in case...

The only other tactic I've used effectively.

You open two trading accounts. Then... On a sideways move.

On one - set only Buy-Stops with specified Take and Stops (one to one in pips) and on the principle - closed Take order - open the next one... Closed STOP - nothing is opened.

We also set Sell-Stops on the other ... The principles are the same ...

And we don't do anything until the next sidewall starts... After that we clean everything out of orders that didn't work and set everything from the beginning.

If my hand doesn't move too much, then the market will fall... If the sidewall is small... If the sidewall is large, then the order will be moved only once a day... If it reverses, then the order will be moved only once a day... If the sidewall is large...If the flux is large, the fluctuations are a bit different ... "Hug" the sidewall LIMITS and on STOP-LOSES of limits - pending Buy-Stops and Sell-Stops on the same principle as described above.

You can criticize me, but I do not want to know - what you think ... I just do it - I really earn real money, I see - when and what interval to set ... And it - is all the same result of experience at the stock exchange, rather than the result of turning the literature and plowed through the information ...

And then turn on this indicator at 12 o'clock and see what it "says" about the event that occurred at 9 o'clock? Then look at 15 o'clock, what it says about the event at 9 am ... etc. And you'll see that even the past in the subsequent time - it always talks differently. As Tsoi said "Our future is a fog, our past is either hell or paradise ..." That's why I gave up indicators. Not only they do not tell the future, but also distort the past, depending on changes in the current ... In short - all floats and no reference frame. I'm good at maths, but I don't understand anything... Don't think it's a question of "Help, explain ..." I don't need it and you're not wasting your time. I think it is wrong.


So I can't write the MTS myself (it's too complicated, I don't have time or brains)

This is a strange position for a man who is only 38 years old. All the more so for a woman with clearly above-average brains...


I came to this forum with a question and a request to write an EA for a very specific strategy. I work manually - and so far - thank God... It's true I was hinted here that my DC may not allow me to attach MTS to the program....


If the DC doesn't allow to use MTS ... you can go where they do ...

It's up to the DC not to allow MTS... it's OK ...

As for ... request ... I came to this forum with a question and a request to write an Advisor on a very specific strategy

Wait a bit , now all the serious men of forma are busy creating MTS for the championship !

When the Championship starts on the 21st of September, you will have a programmer!



I briefly remember the description of the strategy. Some time ago I was asked to write something similar on mql-II. Here I found it. I have not found it, it exceeds the maximum permissible size, so I am attaching it as a file.

I've got a good impression of him as a successful trader, but later he started to leak and fake statements to attract clients to the fund.
anonim.txt  6 kb
YuraZ писал (а)...

If the DC does not allow the use of MTS ... you can go where they allow it

The thing is, dear Yuri, I PRINCIPALLY won't change the DC until I've promoted it to the same amount as - it once did me ...

Please do not jump into discussions about brokers. This is only about experts.
The thing is, dear Yuri, I PRINCIPALLY won't change my DC until I'm down to the same amount as - he used to be me...

Ballistika dear - give it all up and live your life. Cheaters can't take back honest money - and it's not them you are robbing, it's the market. Here I remembered and dug up a story - note the fate of the abusers:

A Christmas hamster story.

I sometimes moonlight as a tour guide around New York City. And near Wall Street, as you know.
there's a bronze bull, a symbol of America's economic renaissance
and the financial fortune of its people. It was this bull that got me and
with a group of us were talking about monuments to different animals. We remembered the horse.
Mackendon's horse, Pavlov's dog, something else. And then one man says:
- We have a monument to a hamster in Rybinsk.
Actually I don't remember which city he named, maybe not Rybinsk, but
Kozelsk or Serpukhov, it doesn't matter. Everyone, of course, was surprised, how so -
a monument to a hamster? And the man told this astounding story.

One guy from Rybinsk-Kozelsk, Andrei, settled in Moscow.
He graduated from Phystech, got married, had a daughter. When perestroika broke out, without a second thought.
he gave up his dissertation without a second thought, set up a cooperative, followed by another,
rented a petrol station, bought it back, bought another one. .
money flowing in, bought a flat on Smolenka, bought his wife a bunch of bling with
diamonds, she loved diamonds, a Mastiff puppy for himself, and a pet for my daughter.
I bought my daughter a hamster, too. The hamster turned out to be as big as a rat, but...
but a fool for a fool. All he knew how to do was sleep, eat, and put anything in his mouth
in his mouth. One day he got a clothesline, and all three of us laughed
watching him shoving it in his cheeks. Then we measured it...
a whole metre of it.

And so they lived and lived. And meanwhile in Moscow the redistribution of property
of property. The co-operators were squeezed out. Purely concrete guys came in, started
started dressing up to see who was cleaner and more specific. A lot of people got killed. And in the middle
in the middle of this fight is Andrei with his petrol station.
He's living and living, and most importantly, the bastard is doing well.
once hinted nicely, the other time he doesn't understand. The IRS got on his ass,
they did a couple of searches in the office - no use, everything's clean, no foul.
Well, we decided differently.

Andrei and his wife sat around in the evening watching TV, their daughter playing with her mastiff.
playing with the mastiff, hamster walking around on the table. Suddenly the bell rings, a warrant, ten carcasses in camouflage
ten men in camouflage, masks, assault rifles. They walk through the rooms...
the rooms, dumped things out of the wardrobes on the floor, money and jewellery on the
the table. The puppy went to defend his owners, got shot right away.
guys. They could have done the same to people, but they didn't. They got them to sign
for the company, the flat and all the property. The main man in charge, Andrei.
- Aren't you from Rybinsk? So go back to Rybinsk and don't
and don't show your face. If you show up in Moscow or call anyone, you're a dead man.

They kicked them out of the flat as they were. They let me put my shoes on, though. Daughter,
silly girl, rushed to the hamster, the head waved his hand: ok, let him
to take it away.

It was already December. Warm, though. The moon. A little snow was falling. Andrei in
tracksuit, wife in jeans and jumper, daughter in sweatshirt and
tights. In his pockets, a packet of cigarettes, two dollars' worth of change and a hamster
this one. All right, we got by electric trains to Rybinsk, and there what? Parents
died a long time ago. Friends who didn't drink themselves to death are gone. All the relatives...
cousin and her alcoholic husband. Got a roof over my head, but underneath
the roof is all wasted. Only potatoes from the supplies, no bread to buy with.
bread for nothing. And the wife, by the way, is pregnant, she needs vitamins, and not
not someday, when everything will be all right, but right now.

Andrei sits in his sister's kitchen, drinking empty tea. For the tenth time he goes back and forth
and so he thinks for the tenth time that nothing good can come of it. He looks at the hamster.
that's a good one. His cheeks are so full you can see behind his back, and he doesn't need anything else.
♪ and he don't need nothing else ♪ Wait a minute, buddy, what did you fill your cheeks with? We haven't fed you since
from Moscow, we didn't have time to feed you. Open your mouth, citizen,
Show me what you've got there.

Anyway, while the search was going on and the hamster was sitting on the table next to the pile
of jewels, he wasted no time. Shoved two bracelets, a pendant and a pair of earrings
bracelets, a pendant and a pair of earrings. All with diamonds. And like a master jeweler.
a master jeweler, he picked the biggest ones. He must have mistaken them for nuts, and nuts,
like diamonds, the bigger the better. How the clasps didn't tear his cheeks
- I don't know.

Life here was very different for them. The next day they sold the smallest
and had enough to rent a decent flat, buy vitamins and
to get dressed up, and to grease up someone to get his papers restored. And for the rest
the rest Andrei made the usual scheme: kiosk - another kiosk -
church restoration, petrol station - that's enough, I think. He'd probably be able to do it from scratch, too.
a talented man, but not so fast. Five years for him.
the hamster had saved him five years. After a while, he thought about revenge,
but it turned out that there was no one to take revenge on: none of his abusers survived, who were in
who was in prison, who was on the run, who was in the grave.
were in charge, weren't they?

Hamster died of old age a couple of years after his return to Rybinsk,
in spite of the best veterinarians and the best nutrition. Andrei, by that time.
already had a cottage in the centre of Rybinsk, small but with a garden. В
He put up a monument to the hamster in the garden, a bronze one. It still stands there as a symbol of the economy.
it still stands there as a symbol of the economic miracle and the rebirth
of the Russian countryside.

Itso 17.09.2007 
ballistika дорогая - бросьте все это и живите своей жизни. Мошенникам честными методами не возмеш - да
 и не их вы грабите, а рынок. Вот вспомнил и выкопал историю одну - заметьте какова была судьба обидчиков:

I, honestly - already strongly regret that I have allowed emulsions to come out and have written this post ... If it had not had time to "quote" - I would have gladly deleted it completely. It has exposed not my best quality - to pay with all - by accounts. I have never taken on itself functions of God - to judge and condemn. But, I repent, always remember the deeds ... And taking the opportunity - always "say hello." But about the methods I have an excuse - there is no place for meanness. I do everything intelligently. i.e. - by the rules offered me - the other side of the dispute. My conscience - in full order.

There is an anecdote (I like it very much) ...

"A Jewish pirate ship is sailing - under a BLACK flag...And just in case - under a WHITE flag"...


"A JEWISH pirate ship is sailing - under a BLACK flag...And just in case - under a WHITE flag"....

:-) class

- I removed the quotes