Standard misconceptions in trying to trade in the noise (there was a "Nightmare on MT4 Street") - page 9

>> But if you don't want to listen to those who have been around the block, then it's a clinical case. Besides, it's already page 8.

Yeah, I'm interested in the subject. That's why I'm writing about it.

You've got a knack for it, no doubt about it. So, show me, if you are an experienced broker, while I am a green novice, at which two brokers/ banks the EUR/USD quotes differ by 10 points?

If you don't show me, then all your words about how you've eaten the dog on this or that it can happen are a fantasy.
Tomorrow I will show you when I get to the office. But I doubt it will stop you.
No, it's not. It'll take the edge off, that's for sure. I'm going to take an urgent holiday to rethink and realise what I've seen.
Demax has been banned for malicious misrepresentation and an obvious attempt to raise a long-standing issue, harming our company and brokers with his speculations.

As practice shows, anyone who wants to do harm, does not want to accept the answers, and tries to raise the question over and over again, working for the public and creating the appearance that the question is unanswered. Once an answer is given, not enough, you must raise the question again and claim that there was no answer. And then you have to raise it again. They have such a pose - to work as detractors.

With such people the issue is resolved very simply - they go to an unconditional ban for a long time.
Renat - a reminder. You promised to show a gap :))) (I hope I will not be accused of what Demax was banned for :))) - I'm peaceful).
Renat - a reminder. You promised to show a gap :))) (I hope I will not be accused of what Demax was banned for :))) - I'm peaceful).
Yes, I remember. I'll get to the office, collect the data and post it. Wait a few hours, please.
Here is the EURUSD tick stream report (8000 ticks in 2 hours) with information on banks and a simple filtering by the list of preferred banks. Filtering by bank is the most basic cleaning of the information flow. Each brokerage company chooses its own suppliers, which leads to differences in quotations. In addition, brokers often change suppliers, which leads to price changes. Of course, apart from filtering by banks, there are additional filters, which each broker also sets up for himself.

Here are the outliers of 9 pips within one second. This is for EURUSD, which is almost the most liquid pair.

In the eurusd.xls table (packed in the archive) there are 5-6-7 pips deviations, which you can see for yourself. The file contains both unfiltered and filtered charts, which clearly shows an absolutely unacceptable "fuzziness" of the initial flow. This fuzziness is acceptable when quoting on demand is used, but it is absolutely unacceptable in instant execution.

When analyzing charts from previous periods of 1999-2003 do not forget that they didn't use the instant execution quote mode, the spreads were totally different (2-3 times larger than current ones) and the tick charts were more "fluffy".

ps: we have many years of experience and research in this area behind our decisions and conclusions.
Files:  225 kb
2 Renat.

Yes, thank you very much. But if I understand the scale of graph No. 1 correctly - there are no outliers greater than 5. And in the data - more than 7.

And how did you do HC, that you get gaps of 10 pips with alpari there?
Look at the attached excel file - there are full graphs. The second screenshot I showed clearly shows a spike of 9 pips.
The given example of ticks is an ordinary two-hour sequence of ticks, which no one specially picked. Life is much longer than two hours and there are much more situations with spikes.

I consider the question fully disclosed and will not answer subsequent ones. There will be a ban for continuing "misunderstanding" questions.
>> There will be a ban for continuing 'misunderstanding' questions.

OK, the topic is closed.
By the way, on the screenshot there is the abbreviation of the organisation that issued the quote. Here I see GAIN apparently it's FXCM's Gein Capital as well.
So now, kniff, you can see where the quotes are coming from ...