Standard misconceptions in trying to trade in the noise (there was a "Nightmare on MT4 Street") - page 8

It is you who do not want to reasonably respond to criticism, not me. I am asking a direct question (for the 15th time) - where are the quotes coming from. You have just said that they have not been averaged. Then it got even sharper. And you also said that the quotes in the "market"
go in a range of 5-6 spreads. I would like to see an example of the latter with my own eyes, if it's not too much trouble.
Well, since the developers did not use bank averaging when "normalizing" the quotes and do not name the banks whose quotes are present in HC, it means that the developers have some confidentiality agreements with the sources of the quotes.knif, I do not know the reasons why the developers do not name the banks, but do you care? You won't go to the banks where these quotes used to be, will you? Surely those banks work with completely different clients (with different volumes of transactions) and it is useless to demand from developers to replace quotations of one bank with quotations of another, which in your opinion is more objective. And it is unlikely that developers added specially some noise component to HC quotations. Why would they want to ruin the product they use to make money?
No, it's not. They could have said "we have no right to say that" or something. Otherwise, they're just ignoring the issue. Ignoring is bad. There's something keeping them from answering, isn't there?

No, but I will draw my own conclusions about the test results based on an understanding of what kind of quotes I am using.
Clinical case :)
Renat писал (а):
Clinical case :)

Unfortunately it's you who don't look very decent from the outside. You're asked a direct question and you don't touch it at all, and you answer in a boorish tone.
Not that I have something to gain from it - I just pity the crowd of idiots who would get a bribe from that story. So to speak, they gave the goat a cabbage.
>> clinical case :)

Hee hee. Certainly easier to answer like that than to justify a reluctance to give an explanation on a trivial matter. >> Bravo. Applause. Accusing a man of not understanding the subject (me). And to a request (mine!) to poke me in the wrong direction (to show 2 banks with quotes that differ by more than 2 spreads) - only "clinical case".
It is you, Renat, who is a clinical case, who considers everyone who tries to no, not krtit your position, but only tries to understand and justify it, who considers everyone like that to be a nutcase.
It is you, Renat, who is a clinical case, who considers everyone who tries to no, not krtit your position, but only tries to understand and justify it, who considers everyone like that to be a nutcase.
You are very interested in this topic - go ahead and develop it.

But if you do not want to listen to those who know about it, it means that it is a clinical case. Besides, this is page 8.
>> But if you don't want to listen to those who have worked on it, then it's a clinical case. Besides, it's already page 8.

Yeah, I'm interested in the subject. That's why I'm writing about it.

You've got a knack for it, no doubt about it. So, show me, if you are an experienced broker, while I am a green novice, at which two brokers/ banks the EUR/USD quotes differ by 10 points?

If you don't show me, then all your words about how you've eaten the dog on this or that it can happen are a fantasy.