Suggestion to meta-quotes on the Market section. If there is monitoring - mark such EAs. - page 3

Oleg Shenker:
Naturally. You will need to run terminals with EAs on virtual hosting. I understand that it is expensive and difficult, but FxBooks, for example, does it.
So, each programmer will rivet his Expert Advisors and MetaQuotes will have to run them for his own money? :) Your suggestion lacks logic and makes no sense.
Karputov Vladimir:
So every programmer will be riveting their own EAs, and MetaQuotes will have to run them for their own money? :) Your proposal makes no sense and logic.
MetaQuotes takes a commission on sales, so anything that increases sales is profitable to MetaQuotes. Mandatory monitoring will weed out bad algorithms, increase market transparency and buyer awareness (ever heard of the theory of lemons?), which will lead to an increase in EA prices, and consequently the commission flow to MetaQuotes. At the same time, the company's costs will not be that high. And the benefit could be tangible. The price of a tested promoted espert can increase several times, and the elimination of the known waste from the base will lead to the growth of demand.

The author can run the monitoring himself, if he sees fit. The buyer in its turn can always ask for the investment password to the account, and verify transactions in the terminal with monitoring, then run a tester version from the market and look at the correspondence of the transactions for at least a couple of days. This will be enough to verify that the monitoring is not fake and this same Expert Advisor trades.

Putting a badge is not a bad idea in itself and not difficult to implement. I am all for it!

Oleg Shenker:
Naturally. We will need to run terminals with EAs on virtual hosting. I understand that it is expensive and difficult, but FxBooks, for example, does it.

Most likely he is not launching an EA, but logging in with the investor's password and looking at the history.


Is it forbidden in the market rules to provide a link to the signal in the description?

If it is, it is not surprising because it is impossible to verify that the signal is from the same Expert Advisor that is offered for sale.

Oleg Shenker:

I did an experiment on purpose. I wrote down all the rating parameters and the rating itself. After that I published some comments in the forum.

P.S. It would be more correct to give a rating only for comments deemed useful by other users or the author of the thread (which is reasonable).

In my experience, asked questions in the forum. The first commenters explained to me in detail that I was an illiterate sucker.

The second wave of commentators, lucidly explained that the earth is round and rotates around the sun, and not vice versa.

And only then, in the n-tenth page, people with constructive responses.

No, of course there are other ways, when the first comment is on point. So, I don't want to offend anyone and in general, consider that I made it up.

Anyway, those "likes" on comments are actually a pretty good mechanism. Think of it wisely to minimize the amount of clicks and it might work out quite well.

monitoring is a good thing, but technically (and commercially) unrealizable. The authors of TC and so if possible give stats and monitoring by third party services and even invest-passwords on request.

PS/ and I don't like the careful isolation of sellers from buyers in the marketplace. The only linking thread is product comments.

PPS/ I don't think the %% from the marketplace significantly covers MQ's infrastructure and staffing costs, hence the lack of interest beyond marketing

Oleg Shenker:
MetaQuotes takes a commission on sales, so anything that increases sales is beneficial to MetaQuotees. Mandatory monitoring will weed out bad algorithms, increase market transparency and buyer awareness (ever heard of the lemon theory?), which will lead to an increase in EA prices and consequently MetaQuotes' commission flow. At the same time, the company's costs will not be that high. And the benefit could be tangible. The price of a well-tested Expert Advisor can grow many times over, and elimination of known waste from the base will lead to the growth of demand.
If the commission from the market were the main and important source of income for the company, perhaps they would do something on their part to increase sales. But the commission from the market is just a side income for the company, and it is up to the seller to take care of increasing sales, not the company, which just provides a marketplace for sellers and simply takes a commission from each product sold in order to keep it up and running.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Is it forbidden in the market rules to provide a link to the signal in the description?

If it is, it is not surprising because it is impossible to verify that the signal is from the same Expert Advisor that is offered for sale.

It is not banned. I gave you the link.
Vitalii Ananev:
If the commission from the market was the main and important source of income for the company, maybe they would do something on their part to increase sales. But the commission from the market is just a side income for the company, and it's up to the seller to care about increasing sales, not the company, which just provides a marketplace for sellers and simply takes a commission from each product sold to keep it up and running.

Not once did I say that it is the main (or even more so the only) source of income. The company gets its main income from the brokers who provide the platform to their clients. That is why it is in the company's interest that clients choose that platform.

The client's choice is determined by the qualities of the platform and... the availability of a large number of quality applications.

A company would definitely benefit from an increase in the quality of applications. The commission on sales is only necessary for the company to cover the extra cost of the infrastructure to support the marketplace. I'm sure that by increasing the uen and the number of sales, the extra commission will cover the extra cost of the monitoring organization.

The problem could be something else. If metaquotes introduces mandatory monitoring, half of the authors may simply go without sales and leave the site.

Oleg Shenker:

At no point did I say it was the main (or even more so the only) source of income. The company gets its main income from the brokers who provide the platform to their clients. That is why it is in the company's interest that clients choose that platform.

The client's choice is determined by the qualities of the platform and... the availability of a large number of quality applications.

A company would definitely benefit from an increase in the quality of applications. The commission on sales is only necessary for the company to cover the extra cost of the infrastructure to support the marketplace. I'm sure that by increasing the uen and the number of sales, the extra commission will cover the extra cost of the monitoring organization.

The problem could be something else. If metaquotes introduces mandatory monitoring, half of the authors might just go without sales and leave the site.

I didn't say that's what you said. I was just giving a reason why I don't think the company cares much about increasing sales. This is just my opinion and it may not coincide with the majority opinion.