Two days ago I bought two products for $30,000. But I make prices like that when I take products off the market for a while, when I modify them. - page 4



A very big request - when deleting posts at least let me know in person the reason for their removal.

You don't even have to refer to the rules, they are not enforced anyway, just to understand whether it's the browser cache that's glitched or who.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I'm sorry for you, I really am.

Tell me please, the service desk said money laundering. What was the justification for the laundering? The purchases were made from the same IP? And then where would MQ put the money? Give it back to the sender? Go to the police?

I would like to hear MQ's comments as well.

Maybe from Chinese IPs, these are notifications.

it's possible that when you buy with papel or a card, the money does not go straight to the mcl5 wallet, but hangs on the gap.

Well, the one who has a plastic card stolen (I Service Desk wrote - that purchases were made with a stolen card) - he probably immediately reported to their bank-

and the bank must have traced the money to where it was transferred. And the police had to go straight to IMHO.

But one thing I wonder, why did they buy it if they could not get the money back?

After all, I immediately wanted to use it to repair the house and buy a joinery workshop + machines and material :))) specialisation as a furniture maker - cabinetmaker.

Alexander Ivanov:

But one thing I wonder is why did you buy it if you couldn't get your money back? After all, I immediately wanted to use it to renovate the house and buy a joinery workshop :))) specialisation as a furniture maker- cabinetmaker.

And, as I understand it, the buyer has not been in touch with you?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
And, as I understand it, the buyer has not been in touch with you?

Not until now. I was even afraid that they might come looking for the money )). After all, the purchase was from China, but there may be our crooks working from there.

But it seems unrealistic - that it is money laundering. After all, I could go into the woods and buy satellite Internet.

And withdraw and transfer to my account from there. Then how would these crooks find me?

Alexander Ivanov:


In fact, I immediately wanted to use it to renovate the house and buy a joinery workshop + machines and material :))) specialisation as a furniture maker- cabinetmaker.

That you need it very much, we already understood ) There was also something about Sochi )

But yesterday there was a phone call - a Moscow number like +7499 ... A Russian-speaking person was nervously hanging up on me, I called him back and he immediately said 'nothing, I'll get back to you later',

I asked him who you were. - I asked him, "Who are you?" He answered, "We help with investments and hung up. But there was irritation in his voice.

Now any phone call I suspect, any knock on the door ))))

Alexander Ivanov:

Not until now. I was even afraid that they might come looking for the money )). After all, the purchase was from China, but there may be our crooks working from there.

But it seems unrealistic - that it is money laundering. After all, I could go into the woods and buy satellite Internet.

And withdraw and transfer to my account from there. Then how can these scammers find me?

In general, there are a lot of dark points in this situation. I would like clarification from MQ how and what they do in such situations. Suddenly I want to put up an expensive product.

And, in any case, the fraudsters would get 20% less... Isn't that too much of a loss...?

Alexey Kozitsyn:

In general, there are a lot of dark points in this situation. I would like clarification from MQ on how and what they do in such situations. Suddenly I want to put up an expensive product.

And, in any case, the fraudsters would get 20% less... Isn't that too much of a loss...?

Do you seriously think anyone bought an EA for 30tz, not just one, two at once?
Stanislav Aksenov:

With 40% of taxes taken into account, yes.

And the cost of living there is very expensive, so it turns out that it is more profitable to outsource from here (Russia/Ukraine/Belarus).

Yes life there is cheap, do not believe the propaganda. Unless you are sick.

I was in California, which is the most expensive state in the US. When the dollar was 30r, the prices of consumer goods such as food, groceries, etc. when converted to roubles were comparable to ours or cheaper. Speaking of cars, dollar prices were surprisingly cheap. I remember a new Mustang was about $35,000.

I know a guy who rents a two-story penthouse with a pool, two bedrooms, bathrooms, and a living room for $1500. Programmers' salaries in Silicon Valley at the time ranged from $120000 to taxes.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Do you really think anyone bought an EA for 30tz, not just one, but two at once?
I think that those who made those purchases were miscalculated, and the purchases must have been made, and it doesn't matter for what purpose.