"Floating PositionSelect() error



The situation is as follows MT5, build 1375

In its work, when trading futures, the robot uses the OrderSendAsync() function.

Suppose there is an open position with volume of 2 contracts.

An order to partially close the position (volume 1) is sent and we get a response from the server

in the OnTradeTransaction() function, the PositionSelect(Symbol()) position is checked and the

about position. Quite often when an order for a partial closing of a position is executed, its data are received.

position, when position data are received, the data contains the information that

the position has not been changed (the volume remains equal to 2).

How can I build logging to show the developers that there is an error?


I am embarrassed to ask, how can you be so sure that there is an error? Or do you think the developers are as dense as the taiga forest? ;-)

Read the asynchronous operation manual.

Dennis Kirichenko:

I am embarrassed to ask, how can you be so sure that there is an error? Or do you think the developers are as dense as the taiga forest? ;-)

Read the asynchronous operations.

Dear, I recommend you to read the beginning of the post.

I asked how to build a proof base for developers, not how to use the

asynchronous function!

The previous builds (before hedging) didn't have this error.


Wrote a test expert

//|                                               Test_Pos_selct.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version    "1.00"
input uint TrCount= 50 ; //Кол-во транзакций
uint tr_cnt;
ulong order_ticket;
ulong request_id;
ulong Magic= 1234567890 ;
#define ERR_ZERO_TICKET - 11 ;
bool exp_busy;
//|                                                                  |
   SELECT_TRUE  = 2 ,
//|                                                                  |
   ORD_NOT_SPECIFIED         = 0 , //Состояние ордера не определено
   ORD_NONE_CANCELED         = 1 , //Ордера нет, отменён пользователем
   ORD_NONE_PARTIAL_CANCELED = 2 , //Ордера нет, исполнился частично (не был залит вторым объёмом)
   ORD_NONE_PARTIAL          = 3 , //Ордера нет, исполнился частично
   ORD_NONE_EXPIRED          = 4 , //Ордера нет, удалён по сроку
   ORD_NONE_FILLED           = 5 , //Ордера нет, исполнился полностью
   ORD_NONE_REJECTED         = 6 , //Ордера нет, отклонён брокером(биржей)
   ORD_BUSY                  = 7 , //Ордер находится в переходном состоянии
   ORD_EXIST                 = 8 , //Ордер выставлен на биржу, возможны действия над ним
   ORD_EXIST_PARTIAL         = 9    //Ордер выставлен на биржу, частично исполнился, возможны действия над ним
//|                                                                  |
   int                error_code;
   datetime           time_setup;
   ENUM_ORDER_TYPE    type;
   ENUM_ORDER_STATE   state;
   ENUM_ORD_REAL_STATE real_state;
   datetime           expiration;
   datetime           time_done;
   long               t_set_msc;
   long               t_done_msc;
   ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling;
   ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time;
   long               magic;
   long               pos_id;
   double             vol_init;
   double             vol_cur;
   double             price_open;
   double             sl;
   double             tp;
   double             price_cur;
   double             price_stlim;
   string             symbol;
   string             comment;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit ()
   Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Start testing: " , TimeTradeServer ());
   tr_cnt= 0 ;
   order_ticket= 0 ;
   request_id= 0 ;
   exp_busy= false ;
   if (! MarketBookAdd ( Symbol ())){ return ( INIT_FAILED );}
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit ( const int reason)
   MarketBookRelease ( Symbol ());
//| TradeTransaction function                                        |
void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction &trans,
                         const MqlTradeRequest &request,
                         const MqlTradeResult &result)
   bool is_select= false ;
   long volume= 0 ;
   switch (trans.type)
       case TRADE_TRANSACTION_REQUEST : if ((request_id!= 0 ) && (result.request_id==request_id))
         request_id= 0 ;
         Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order resived #" , result.order);
       break ;
       case TRADE_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ADD : if ((order_ticket!= 0 ) && (trans.order==order_ticket))
         Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order #" , order_ticket, " add to history." ); 
         ORDER_DATA order_data;
         ENUM_ORD_SELECT order_select=OrderRealSelect(order_ticket,order_data, false );
         switch (order_select)
           case SELECT_TRUE: if ( PositionSelect ( Symbol ()))
            pos_type=( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ) PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE );
            volume=( long ) PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME );
            is_select= true ;
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position not exist." );                    
           break ;
           case SELECT_FALSE: if ( PositionSelect ( Symbol ()))
           pos_type=( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ) PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE );
           volume=( long ) PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME );
           is_select= true ;
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position not exist." );
           break ;
         if (is_select)
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position exists" );
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position type: " , EnumToString (pos_type));
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position volume: " , volume);
          exp_busy= false ; 
       break ;
//| BookEvent function                                               |
void OnBookEvent ( const string &symbol)
   if (symbol== Symbol ()&&(!exp_busy))
       if (tr_cnt>=TrCount)
         if ( PositionSelect ( Symbol ()))
            order_ticket= 0 ;
             ENUM_POSITION_TYPE pos_type=( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ) PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE );
             long vol=( long ) PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME );
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": End testing: " , TimeTradeServer ());
             if (order_ticket> 0 ) ExpertRemove ();
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": End testing: " , TimeTradeServer ());
             ExpertRemove ();
         if ( PositionSelect ( Symbol ()))
             ENUM_POSITION_TYPE pos_type=( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ) PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE );
             long vol=( long ) PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME );
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position exists" );
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position type: " , EnumToString (pos_type));
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position volume: " , vol);
             switch ( int (vol))
               case 1 : ClosePosition(pos_type,vol);
               break ;
               default : PartClosePos(pos_type);
               break ;
             Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Try open position..." );
void ClosePosition( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE p_type, const long volume)
   MqlTradeRequest request={ 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result={ 0 };
   switch (p_type)
       case POSITION_TYPE_BUY : request.type= ORDER_TYPE_SELL ;
       break ;
       case POSITION_TYPE_SELL : request.type= ORDER_TYPE_BUY ;
       break ;
   order_ticket= 0 ;
   request.symbol= Symbol ();
   request.volume=( double )volume;
   request.type_filling= ORDER_FILLING_IOC ;
   request.type_time= ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
   request.action= TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ;
   request.comment= "" ;
   request.price= 0 ;
   if ( OrderSend (request,result))
       if (result.retcode== TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED )
         exp_busy= false ;
         Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Position slosed." );
     { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order not sent for close position!" );}
void PartClosePos( ENUM_POSITION_TYPE p_type)
     MqlTradeRequest request={ 0 };
     MqlTradeResult   result={ 0 };
     switch (p_type)
       case POSITION_TYPE_BUY : request.type= ORDER_TYPE_SELL ;
       break ;
       case POSITION_TYPE_SELL : request.type= ORDER_TYPE_BUY ;
       break ;
   order_ticket= 0 ;
   request.symbol= Symbol ();
   request.volume= 1 ;
   request.type_filling= ORDER_FILLING_IOC ;
   request.type_time= ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
   request.action= TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ;
   request.comment= "" ;
   request.price= 0 ;
   if ( OrderSend (request,result))
       if (result.retcode== TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED )
         exp_busy= true ;
         Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order sent for part close position." );
     { Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order not sent for part close position!" );}
void OpenPosition()
     MqlTradeRequest request={ 0 };
     MqlTradeResult   result={ 0 };
    request_id= 0 ;
    order_ticket= 0 ;
    request.symbol= Symbol ();
    request.volume= 2 ;
    request.type_filling= ORDER_FILLING_IOC ;
    request.type_time= ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
    request.action= TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ;
    request.comment= "" ;
    request.price= 0 ;
    request.type= ORDER_TYPE_BUY ;
     if ( OrderSendAsync (request,result))
       if (result.retcode== TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED )
          exp_busy= true ;
           Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order sent successfully for open position" );
     Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Order not sent for open position!" );
ENUM_ORD_SELECT OrderRealSelect( const ulong ticket,ORDER_DATA &ord_data, const bool get_data)
   double init_vol= 0 ;
   double cur_vol = 0 ;
   ZeroMemory (ord_data);
   ord_data.real_state = ORD_NOT_SPECIFIED;
   ord_data.error_code = ERR_SUCCESS ;
   ResetLastError ();
   if (ticket> 0 )
       if ( HistoryOrderSelect (ticket))
         if (get_data)
            ord_data.comment= HistoryOrderGetString (ticket, ORDER_COMMENT );
            ord_data.expiration= datetime ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TIME_EXPIRATION ));
            ord_data.magic= HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_MAGIC );
            ord_data.pos_id= HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_POSITION_ID );
            ord_data.price_cur= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_PRICE_CURRENT );
            ord_data.price_open= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_PRICE_OPEN );
            ord_data.price_stlim= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_PRICE_STOPLIMIT );
            ord_data.sl= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_SL );
            ord_data.state= ENUM_ORDER_STATE ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_STATE ));
            ord_data.symbol= HistoryOrderGetString (ticket, ORDER_SYMBOL );
            ord_data.t_done_msc= datetime ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TIME_DONE_MSC ));
            ord_data.t_set_msc = datetime ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TIME_SETUP_MSC ));
            ord_data.time_done = datetime ( HistoryOrderGetInteger ( ticket, ORDER_TIME_DONE ));
            ord_data.time_setup= datetime ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TIME_SETUP ));
            ord_data.tp= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_TP );
            ord_data.type= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TYPE ));
            ord_data.type_filling= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TYPE_FILLING ));
            ord_data.type_time= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_TYPE_TIME ));
            ord_data.vol_cur= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_VOLUME_CURRENT );
            ord_data.vol_init= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_VOLUME_INITIAL );
            ord_data.state= ENUM_ORDER_STATE ( HistoryOrderGetInteger (ticket, ORDER_STATE ));
            cur_vol= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_VOLUME_CURRENT );
            init_vol= HistoryOrderGetDouble (ticket, ORDER_VOLUME_INITIAL );
         switch (ord_data.state)
             case ORDER_STATE_CANCELED : if (get_data)
               if (ord_data.vol_init==ord_data.vol_cur)
               if (init_vol==cur_vol)
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_PARTIAL :  ord_data.real_state=ORD_NONE_PARTIAL;
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_EXPIRED :  ord_data.real_state=ORD_NONE_EXPIRED;
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_FILLED :   ord_data.real_state=ORD_NONE_FILLED;
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_REJECTED : ord_data.real_state=ORD_NONE_REJECTED;
             break ;
       if ( OrderSelect (ticket))
         if (get_data)
            ord_data.comment= OrderGetString ( ORDER_COMMENT );
            ord_data.expiration= datetime ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TIME_EXPIRATION ));
            ord_data.magic= OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_MAGIC );
            ord_data.pos_id= OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_POSITION_ID );
            ord_data.price_cur= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_PRICE_CURRENT );
            ord_data.price_open= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_PRICE_OPEN );
            ord_data.price_stlim= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_PRICE_STOPLIMIT );
            ord_data.sl= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_SL );
            ord_data.state= ENUM_ORDER_STATE ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_STATE ));
            ord_data.symbol= OrderGetString ( ORDER_SYMBOL );
            ord_data.t_done_msc= datetime ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TIME_DONE_MSC ));
            ord_data.t_set_msc = datetime ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TIME_SETUP_MSC ));
            ord_data.time_done = datetime ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TIME_DONE ));
            ord_data.time_setup= datetime ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TIME_SETUP ));
            ord_data.tp= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_TP );
            ord_data.type= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TYPE ));
            ord_data.type_filling= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TYPE_FILLING ));
            ord_data.type_time= ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_TYPE_TIME ));
            ord_data.vol_cur= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_VOLUME_CURRENT );
            ord_data.vol_init= OrderGetDouble ( ORDER_VOLUME_INITIAL );
            ord_data.state= ENUM_ORDER_STATE ( OrderGetInteger ( ORDER_STATE ));
         switch (ord_data.state)
             case ORDER_STATE_STARTED :
             case ORDER_STATE_REQUEST_ADD :
             case ORDER_STATE_REQUEST_MODIFY :
             case ORDER_STATE_REQUEST_CANCEL : ord_data.real_state=ORD_BUSY;
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_PARTIAL :        ord_data.real_state=ORD_EXIST_PARTIAL;
             break ;

             case ORDER_STATE_PLACED :         ord_data.real_state=ORD_EXIST;
             break ;
         ord_data.error_code= GetLastError ();
       if (( ord_data.error_code!= ERR_SUCCESS ) || 
         return (SELECT_ERROR);
         switch (ord_data.real_state)
             case ORD_BUSY:           return (SELECT_BUSY);
             break ;

             case ORD_EXIST:
             case ORD_EXIST_PARTIAL: return (SELECT_TRUE);
             break ;

             default :                 return (SELECT_FALSE);
             break ;
       return (SELECT_ERROR);

Launched on Demo in Opening, I believe that this is a mistake, that the order is already in history, and the terminal "does not know" that

position opened 2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.427 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1) OnTradeTransaction : Position not exist.

 2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.403 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OnBookEvent : Try open position...
2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.403 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OpenPosition: Order sent successfully for open position
2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.409 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OnTradeTransaction : Order resived # 50224643
2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.427 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OnTradeTransaction : Order # 50224643 add to history.
2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.427 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OnTradeTransaction : Position not exist.
2016.08 . 02 17 : 52 : 34.437 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR- 9.16 ,M1)   OnBookEvent : Position exists

Full logs attached

Service Desk request sent

MetaTrader 5 Platform: error

raw ,   Started: 2016.08.02 17:20 ,   #1529580


Hasn't anyone paid attention to this bug before?

Expanded the OnTradeTransaction function logging

void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction &trans,
                        const MqlTradeRequest &request,
                        const MqlTradeResult &result)
   bool is_select=false;
   long volume=0;
      case TRADE_TRANSACTION_REQUEST: if((request_id!=0) && (result.request_id==request_id))
         Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order resived #", result.order);
      case TRADE_TRANSACTION_DEAL_ADD: if((order_ticket!=0) && (trans.order==order_ticket))
       Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Deal, based on order #", order_ticket, " done.");
        Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position exists.");
        Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position type: ", EnumToString(pos_type));
        Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position volume: ", volume);
        Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position not exist.");
      case TRADE_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ADD: if((order_ticket!=0) && (trans.order==order_ticket))
         Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order #", order_ticket, " add to history."); 
         ORDER_DATA order_data;
         ENUM_ORD_SELECT order_select=OrderRealSelect(order_ticket,order_data,false);
          case SELECT_TRUE: if(PositionSelect(Symbol()))
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position not exist.");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order #",trans.order," exists.");                    
          case SELECT_FALSE: if(PositionSelect(Symbol()))
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position not exist.");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order #",trans.order," not found.");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position exists");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position type: ", EnumToString(pos_type));
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position volume: ", volume);


have no order, but the terminal must know the position state at any of these

or it will make a mess. Here is an example when the TRADE_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ADD event

event comes first (order in the history, deal is executed and the terminal still has a position with the volume of 2 instead of 1)

2016.08.02 19:28:02.259 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnBookEvent: Position exists
2016.08.02 19:28:02.259 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnBookEvent: Position type: POSITION_TYPE_BUY
2016.08.02 19:28:02.259 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnBookEvent: Position volume: 2
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   PartClosePos: Order sent for part close position.
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Order #50232966  add to history.
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Order #50232966  not found.
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position exists
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position type: POSITION_TYPE_BUY
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position volume: 2
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Deal, based on order #50232966  done.
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position exists.
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position type: POSITION_TYPE_BUY
2016.08.02 19:28:02.288 Test_Pos_selct (GAZR-9.16,M1)   OnTradeTransaction: Position volume: 1

From the MQL5 help

Один торговый запрос, отправленный из терминала вручную или через торговые функции OrderSend()/OrderSendAsync(),
может порождать на торговом сервере несколько последовательных торговых транзакций.
При этом очередность поступления этих транзакций в терминал не гарантирована,
поэтому нельзя свой торговый алгоритм строить на ожидании поступления одних торговых транзакций после прихода других.
Кроме того, транзакции могут потеряться при доставке от сервера к терминалу.

It wouldn't matter if it weren't for the last phrase.


event is lost :(, the previous position data will still "hang" in the terminal!


From the MQL5 help

It wouldn't matter if it weren't for the last phrase.


event is lost :(, the previous positional data will still "hang" in the terminal!

Nonsense. What is the connection between cache, where requested position data is stored, and transactions?

prostotrader, there must be something wrong with the logic of the algorithm. I wanted to look through someone else's code, but I don't bother. I would have liked to dig into someone else's code, but I don't have the courage:

request.type_filling=ORDER_FILLING_IOC;    // разве так?
request.type_filling=ORDER_FILLING_RETURN; // а может так?

Which universities teach you to code like that?

      case TRADE_TRANSACTION_REQUEST: if((request_id!=0) && (result.request_id==request_id))
         Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order resived #", result.order);
      case TRADE_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ADD: if((order_ticket!=0) && (trans.order==order_ticket))
         Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Order #", order_ticket, " add to history."); 
         ORDER_DATA order_data;
         ENUM_ORD_SELECT order_select=OrderRealSelect(order_ticket,order_data,false);
          case SELECT_TRUE: if(PositionSelect(Symbol()))
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position not exist.");                    
          case SELECT_FALSE: if(PositionSelect(Symbol()))
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position not exist.");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position exists");
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position type: ", EnumToString(pos_type));
           Print(__FUNCTION__, ": Position volume: ", volume);
Dennis Kirichenko:

Bullshit. What is the connection between the cache, where the requested position data is stored, and the transactions?

prostotrader, there must be something wrong with your algorithm logic. I wanted to look through someone else's code, but I don't bother. I would have liked to dig into someone else's code, but I don't have the courage:

Which universities teach you to code in such a way?

Have you read what you've written?

There's always a "teacher" who can't do anything himself, but...

writes regularly...

He sees a familiar word(ORDER_FILLING_IOC) and starts playing around.

For you, know-it-all

Означает согласие совершить сделку по максимально доступному на рынке объему в пределах указанного в ордере.
В случае невозможности полного исполнения ордер будет исполнен на доступный объем, а неисполненный объем ордера будет отменен.

Have you read what you have written?

There's always a "teacher" who can't do anything himself, but

writes regularly...

He sees a familiar word(ORDER_FILLING_IOC) and starts to play around.

I have to (only tomorrow) create two examples - synchronous and asynchronous sending. And simplify OnTradeTransaction() - consider only adding of a deal to the history - no orders to be close. But I'm going to do it solely through the standard CTrade class.

By the way, on what trade server are you experimenting?


Please ask "teachers" and "know-it-alls" to speak on substance,

and not just to put their foot up at the post to make a point.

Karputov Vladimir:

We need (only tomorrow) to make two examples - synchronous sending and asynchronous. And simplify OnTradeTransaction() - consider only adding transaction to history - no orders, so that it's not even close. But I'm going to do it solely through the standard CTrade class.

By the way, on what trade server are you experimenting?

The messages definitely said Demo.

I started to deal with this question because my real account crashes.