Forex - work or play? What do you think? - page 16

Andrii Maksymchuk:
Regarding the forex market. This is a scam only for losers who want to take one zdelok of $100 and a million quid at a time. Such people are lasers for life, they will count on one hit their whole life, and every time they will blame someone else for their failures but not themselves ... They will always blame somebody else, but not themselves... No one will admit that he entered the position with a leverage of 1:1000, none of them will admit that he is a sheep. It's easier to say that Forex is a scam, that all brokers are charlatans...
The trader who has developed a tactic (not a trading system) of trade, a good calculation of risk-management, the market can NOT be thrown out!

You do not understand the principle of all these systems, all that is described, written about forex, stock exchanges, broker, this is a lie mixed with truth. Only lies and truth mixed with different proportions.

And it's not about how much you've lost or won! Even if you're three times successful, not understanding how it all works, what drives the price, not knowing the rules of MM. You will still be playing in a casino, and it will not be a job for you until you understand how it all works and why everything is a scam. And you don't understand a lot if you think it's better to trade on a 1:1 basis than on a 1:100 or 1:1000 basis.

Alexey Busygin:
You do not understand the principle of all these systems, all that is described, written about forex, exchanges, brokers, is a lie mixed with the truth. Only lies and truth are dosed with different proportions.
I understand the principle of the work of the stock exchanges and forex... I do not have the desire or time to look for fear and everything is a scam.)

Alexey Busygin:

You do not understand the principle of all these systems, all that is described, written about forex, exchanges, brokers, is a lie mixed with the truth. Only lies and truth are dosed with a different ratio.

And it's not about how much you've lost or won! Even if you're three times successful, not understanding how it all works, what drives the price, not knowing the rules of MM. You will still be playing in a casino, and it will not be a job for you until you understand how it all works and why everything is a scam. And you don't understand a lot if you think it's better to trade on a 1:1 basis than on a 1:100 or 1:1000 basis.

So please explain to me, what is "all cheating"?
And if all is cheating, then what attracts you to this environment?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Yuri, you are wrong in this judgement. I am ready to prove it to you in the voice mode, ready even on Monday to show you the principle of forex online, I will show you how forex works, by the way, today I have recorded a video, I can personally drop it to you, there detailed why I made a deal and what I was guided by.

What helped me a lot is a few things:

1. calculation of risks (indicator)

2. script for marking out levels (thanks to the great man on our forum, he wrote this script for me as a present!)

3. thanks to Maitreid for the video material posted on youtube.

4. my special thanks to Gerchik for his valuable videos posted online for free

5. Many thanks to the MT developers for the strategy tester, which allows you to see how the price is formed and why, it is not the history to analyze, and a simple robot checks everything in half a day for any pair.

I do not need any risk limiter, as I often order it in freelancing, I do not need bathtub and other stuff, I can control my emotions without it, and I still remember my lost account)

And you have the same problem, you are naive in your beliefs and don't know the rules of MM. And thank you for the lies you think are true.
Andrii Maksymchuk:
So can you please explain what is "all cheating" about?
And if all is cheating, what is it that attracts you to this environment ?

For a full explanation, this could take very many pages of discussion.

I am not attracted to anything in this environment, just like most, I have nothing. And for lack of alternatives, I have to fidget in this environment.

Alexey Busygin:

For a full explanation, this could take a very long page of discussion.

I am not attracted to anything in this environment, just like most, I have nothing. And for lack of alternatives, I have to fidget in this environment.

But do you agree that even assuming it's all a hoax, it offers some kind of opportunity? And opportunities not only to be cheated, but also opportunities to create some source of income.
Andrii Maksymchuk:
I understand the principle of the stock market and forex... I have no desire or time to look for scares and everything is a scam.)

If you understand it, can you tell me how it works? If you understand standard, just write that you understand standard, like everything as written on the internet.

But if you do not understand how you are being cheated and why forex is a scam. Probably do not take all messages so categorically that Forex is a scam. Unless of course you are afraid that your faith in forex will collapse.

Andrii Maksymchuk:
But would you agree that even though it's all a scam, there are opportunities? And opportunities not only to be cheated, but also opportunities to create some source of income.
I didn't deny that, that forex provides some opportunities. And it may well become a stable source of income, but here, of course, it all depends on who you work with and whether they are willing to cooperate.
Andrii Maksymchuk:
But do you agree that even though it is all a fraud, it provides some opportunities? And opportunities not only to be cheated, but also opportunities to create some source of income.

You can start the discussion with the rules of MM to get to the truth. Many people know these rules, but not many people know that they are the rules of MM or even the laws of the market.

I have asked many people to name just one MM rule, but none of them have named it. They have always gone out the window and left questions unanswered.

And here again I ask you a question! Can I ask you if you know the rules of MM or the laws of the market?

Vadim Shishkin:

If tomorrow, God forbid, you get fired -- could this situation be considered Forex or Fund?

After all, both work the same way there and there.

You can count on it! That's what it's all about. The world is getting squishy and unpredictable. The whole life is slowly turning into a lottery.