Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 4

Alexey Navoykov:

In general, of course, the level of stupidity of our officials is off the scale. In my opinion, nowhere in the world there is such absurdity as storing all calls. Heuristic algorithms are used everywhere to detect suspicious conversations on the fly. But our stupid-headed officials do not understand this.

Apparently, their next step will be to save all Internet traffic :)

Another of the"It's dark outside, like ***** (African-American, to put it politically correct) at **** !" kind of exclaims: "Oh, Fyodor Vasilyevich, you know everything, you've been everywhere!"...

The CIA and other intelligence agencies and special services probably e-mail you personally how and by what methods they operate.

Alexey Navoykov:

Well, obviously we'll move to internet callers (Skype, Viber and so on) then.

Skype, Viber and others are great traffic hijackers. Don't you know?

Alexey Navoykov:

Of course, the level of stupidity of our officials is off the scale. In my opinion, nowhere in the world there is such an absurdity as storing all calls. Heuristic algorithms are used everywhere to detect suspicious conversations on the fly. But our dumb-headed officials do not understand it. Apparently, their next step will be to save all Internet traffic :)
Get into the subject a bit, at least. Maybe you will change your mind about being a moron and not a moron... You've never heard of such an interesting fact - during all time of existence of "google" not a single byte of information from its servers has not been irreversibly deleted, all searches, all transfers to links.... everything is absolutely stored.

Another of the"It's as dark outside as ***** (African-American, to put it politically correct) at **** !" kind of exclaims: "Oh, Fyodor Vasilyevich, you know everything, you've been everywhere!"...

The CIA and other intelligence agencies and special services probably send you personally how and by what methods they operate.

Why me personally? Now this topic is being actively discussed, I have heard the opinions of experts in the field. Plus, in the materials provided by Snowden, too, there was no talk about storing the entire database. However, I am not claiming that this is the truth in the last instance, anything can happen. But at the scale of the USA, the required amount of data would be much larger.

The point is that storing the entire database is a waste, given the current speech recognition technology. Take even the banal Apple Siri, which understands everything quite well. The CIA probably has something more serious.Why not offer them that? We could make an agreement with Apple to adapt it to our needs: listen to phone conversations and record when we need it. Bear's got an iPad, so he's listening to it through his iPad anyway.

Alexey Navoykov:

Why me personally? There is a lot of discussion about this now and I have heard the opinions of experts in this field. Plus, in the materials provided by Snowden, there was no mention of storing the whole database either. However, I am not claiming that this is the absolute truth, anything is possible. But on a US scale, the amount of data required would be much larger.

The point is that storing the entire database is a waste, given the current speech recognition technology. Take even the banal Apple Siri, which understands everything quite well. The CIA probably has something more serious.Why not offer them that? We could make an agreement with Apple to adapt it to our needs: listen to phone conversations and record when we need it. Bear's got an iPad, so he's listening to it through his iPad anyway.

How do you know that our military and intelligence technology is so backward? Do you work in intelligence? Or are you judging by "The Matrix"?
Artyom Trishkin:
How can you be so sure that our military and intelligence technology is backward? Do you work in intelligence? Or are you judging from The Matrix?
Even if there is something there, they won't give it to civilians.
Vladimir Suschenko:
Skype, Vyber and others are great at intercepting traffic. Didn't you know?
So what of it? The question was about data storage, not interception, in case you haven't noticed. It's not like anyone was going to store conversations from Internet callers. Otherwise the numbers mentioned in the article would have to be multiplied.
Besides, the wiretaps from these foreign callers, as far as I understand, are done on an individual basis, on a specific person, at the request of our authorities. I don't think that any of these companies would agree to mass wiretapping of all conversations. This is nonsense.
Vladimir Suschenko:
Look into the question a little, at least. Maybe, you will change your opinion about being not so smart... You've never heard of such an interesting fact - during all time of existence of "google" not a single byte of information from its servers has not been irretrievably deleted, all search queries, all transfers to links.... everything is absolutely stored.

You're fucking comparing: search queries, links. Do you even know the difference between text data and audio streaming?

Artyom Trishkin:
How can you be so sure that our military and intelligence technology is backward? Do you work in intelligence? Or are you judging by "The Matrix"?

Isn't the answer obvious to you? If our technology was progressive, no one would pass this unprecedentedly stupid law, would they? Have you heard of similar bills in the States?And even if the CIA would secretly save all the data for six months itself (and that is a huge amount), the information would have leaked out, especially in such a country as America. But you don't hear it anywhere, including from Snowden; they are known to be bugging, nothing more.

Of course, you can make up all sorts of conspiracy theories, but real life shows that you can't hide a thing in a bag.

I think there's also internet traffic to be stored, if I understand correctly
Maxim Romanov:
I think there's also internet traffic to be stored, if I've understood correctly.
I can't do without it. You have to.
Alexey Navoykov:

Isn't the answer obvious to you? If our technology was progressive, no one would pass this unprecedentedly stupid law, would they? Have you heard of similar bills in the States?And even if the CIA would secretly save all the data for six months itself (and that is a huge amount), the information would have leaked out, especially in such a country as America. But you don't hear it anywhere, including from Snowden; they are known to be bugging, nothing more.

Of course, you can build all sorts of conspiracy theories, but real life shows that you can't hide a thing in a bag.

Yeah, I know, it's a stupid law. Now it's illegal to raise a child, too. Is that a sign of technological backwardness, too? Or is it a sign of something else?
And the states have so many stupid laws that, by your logic, they haven't come out of the caves yet :))