Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 62

Yuri Evseenkov:

About the interfaces. How can I tell which one is better and which one is worse. I may find Basil's interface friendlier. But I can't say it's better in other respects. I don't know that. We have to let them decide in private and come up with an agreed upon version. Time is running out. It still needs to be tested.

Let's accept the rules of the game (good or bad).

The connection interface proposed by Vasiliy is not different from the one in my example. I repeat, files will be available today via a link to the repository.

And, thank you for your trust. It is rare to meet people like you. Respect!

Andrey Dik:

You are talking nonsense. You come to the championship and try to re-do the rules. Do you want me, as the organiser, to delegate to you the authority to assign the parameter range and pitch? - Then I'll look at you when we move on to discussing and selecting FFs.... It was the discussion and assignment of the FF that was originally planned with the participants, I may even give up my FF proposal entirely (already described how the FF would be formed). I assure you I have no advantages, but I have taken on all the technical issues of running the championship, saving you a lot of trouble.

I have already taken a step towards the participants discussing the topic of optimization, revealing misunderstandings in theory. The interface is consistent. You have seen examples of connecting algorithms via function import. Files on file storage will be available today/tomorrow.

I don't need the authority. Why can't we assign a different range and pitch? What difference does it make? And why, if you have taken care of all the technical issues, shouldn't you leave some technical issues to the others? The connection method was suggested by Vasiliy. You have ignored it.

You want people to participate, but not to interfere in the rules and discuss the aspects you have solved. So that people compete, but they don't have time to get into the subject...


Andrey Dik:
If you feel weak, vacate the premises. Either fight the championship with dignity according to the proposed rules, or don't fight and don't whine at all.
I don't feel weak at all. But I don't feel fair game. Why not change the range? It's a matter of one second to resolve.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Do you have any idea what you are saying now?

The organisers are the ones who have always decided and set the rules themselves. That is why they are the organisers. And it is clear that the organisers always have the upper hand, because they not only set the rules, but also check them and distribute the prizes. That's why organizers never take part in contests. In our case, the organizers do. But that's part of the rules. That's whatAndrey Dik said from the beginning. He initially said that the purpose of the contest was to compare his "best algorithm" with algorithms of the participants.

If you're bad with the material -- there are usually prizes for such participants. But to be initially bad at something and claim the first place is not even funny.

And rightly saidYuri Evseenkov-- that it is necessary "between each other" to sort out the rules, to prepare everything, to solve everything -- post the final version, announce the contest and stop all the a la-democratic discussion of the rules. Otherwise, people just get confused and stop understanding what should be done and where everything is going.

Well, Andrey is an organizer and a participant in one person. Where is the justice? Only a joint solution to technical problems can balance his position with the rest.
Реter Konow:

I don't need the authority. Why can't we assign a different range and pitch? What difference does it make? And why, if you have taken care of all the technical issues, shouldn't you leave some technical issues to the others? The connection method was suggested by Vasiliy. You have ignored it.

You want people to participate, but not to interfere in the rules and discuss the aspects you have solved. So that people compete, but they don't have time to get into the subject...

You do not understand. Participants should not change the rules. Guess why? Why shouldn't our Russian team, when they come to the championship, promote their own rules of football? Competitors will always pull the blanket over themselves.

Don't get yourselves into a championship ban. Accept the rules, or leave.

Реter Konow:
Well, Andrei is the organiser and the participant in the same person. Where is the justice? Only a joint resolution of technical issues can balance his position against the others.
How can you not understand until now? I don't participate in the tournament table, I don't take prizes, I don't receive prizes if they are available from sponsors! My algorithm will simply be present as an example of "and this is the algorithm from the championship organizer", and whether the participants are better or worse will be determined by the results of the championship.
Andrey Dik:

You do not understand. Participants should not change the rules. Guess why? Why shouldn't our Russian team, when they come to the championship, promote their own rules of football? Competitors will always pull the blanket over themselves.

Don't get yourselves into a championship ban. Accept the rules, or leave.

Championship ban? Well...

So the championship is your own event. Who's the others?

You are the competitor + your rules + your terms + your deadlines + your technical decisions.

The rest - incompetent in the subject people who want to try, knowing that they will lose to you anyway.

You include and exclude whoever you want.

Cleverly thought out. )))

Реter Konow:
Well, Andrew is an organizer and a participant in one person. Where is the justice? Only a joint solution to technical problems can balance his position with the others.

Open the very first thread with the voting. There, Dick explicitly said that he had an algorithm and that he had a bet with someone there that his algorithm was the best. And he decided to organize a contest to prove to someone that his algorithm is the best.

That's why Dick is the organizer and the contestant. And that's why the rules are his and not anybody else's. That's why he says, that all of you "trailer", either my rules and my participation, or leave - saying that I will be the only one who will not be defeated by anyone.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Open the very first thread with the voting. There, Dick explicitly said that he had an algorithm and that he had a bet with someone there that his algorithm was the best. And he decided to organize a contest to prove to someone that his algorithm is the best.

That's why Dick is the organizer and the contestant. And that's why the rules are his and not anybody else's. That's why he says you're all "trailer", either my rules and my participation, or leave -- I'll be the only one left unbeaten.

Thanks for the prehistory. It's clear now.

So, in view of the commencing excitement among the participants, let's move on to the stage of deciding on the assignment of FFs.

Participants, suggest variants of their FFs in the format: f(x,y), preferably with graphs for visual evaluation.