Programming - page 6


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

No? Then don't give advice where you're not an expert.

Oh ... That's teacher->student style.

You don't even need an answer. He answered it for me without waiting for an answer.

Why don't you talk to yourself? Sen.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
you're the one who keeps attributing things to me - why would you do that, I don't know - you probably have nothing better to do - okay, go on, hello

So go away and don't talk nonsense of universal proportions.

Eugene Belyj:
I sympathise with the losers. And where: "This is all out of thin air"?
Andrey Dik:

there you go... I'm really right.

You're the one who's been snapping at more than one person on the forum.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

So get lost and don't talk nonsense on a universal scale.

well, who's the bozo? -- it's rightly said, "he who calls you names is himself."


Andrey F. Zelinsky:
так это вы мне постоянно приписываете что-то -- зачем это вам, не понятно -- скорей всего, вам заняться нечем -- ну да ладно, почапал, привет

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Who's a boor? - it was rightly said: "He who calls himself a boor is himself".

o came back and promised to leave

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
well, who's the boor? -- It's rightly said: "He who calls you names is himself."

Well, it sounds like you're...

Judging by the comments of other forum members, it's true.

Behave yourselves - people can sense it.

Programming, however...
Олег avtomat:
programming however...

:-) Right

there was already an EXIT



Hello all.

Decided to get into programming in MQL5. Can you advise me where to start, to lead me step by step to writing EAs etc.

Thanks in advance.

As for the languages, I was not lucky to study all the languages on my own.

I learned it from american programmers, or more precisely the source code with excellent comments.

In the Soviet Union I used to receive at research institutes and NGOs "through strange channels" :-) (it became clear years later)

the magnet tapes from the USA with the source code of operating systems and various other programs were delivered.

And we were lacking a man who could describe the source code quickly and conceptually.


1) So take the task yourself - and on the forum look for pieces of the source code with good comments and dig, dig yourself.

2) If you find a good teacher, you will master the material much faster. As a rule no one will bother with you for nothing.

Freelancing is just an option - you order what you need, preferably a very simple task that you understand at the formulation stage, for a small fee.

- with comments and see how it is implemented ... and thoroughly study the source ... this way just as an option

Those who think that education should come on their own and for free are wrong - at least you need to buy at least some books on programming.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

... at the very least, you should get some books on programming.

--another common but fundamentally useless piece of advice.

For learning to program -- you shouldn't buy programming books at all -- they won't help and are guaranteed to sit unread.

For a beginner, you just need a regular high school programming textbook -- it will give you the basic basics of the algorithm.

Next, you need a) the language reference book, which has a ton of examples -- no programming book can replace the language reference book -- and b) the problem to be solved -- and c) the desire to solve the problem yourself.

What's on the mql4/5 self-study resource:

1. There is no tutorial to understand the basics of the algorithm. But "at the very least" you can take the "mql4 tutorial"

2. There is a language reference book with an unprecedented number of examples with comprehensive explanations -- and

3. There is a forum where you can ask any question and get an intelligent answer fairly quickly -- and

4. There are a stack of case studies with explanations --

This is completely enough to start writing Expert Advisors and indicators of (even) average complexity in 2-6 months

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What kind of nonsense is this? What detailed comments on the code? What freelancing?

There's a tutorial, just under MT4. For starters, it's not a big deal. Start with it. Here's the link

And no freelancing with line-by-line code commenting. It will not give you anything except the earnings for the one who is going to teach you. Only step-by-step yourself.

And what is important to understand and take into account is, being able to program doesn't mean being able to explain it to you. Stay away from programmers who are "teachers" if you want to learn.

The tutorial describes an old version of MQL4, do not learn from it.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
The tutorial describes the old version of MQL4, don't learn from it.

Why is the old version of MQL4 so different from the new one, that it erases the value of the textbook?

It should be useful to study from this book (especially as there is no other suitable version) - with help of forum and compilation errors - it will be faster to master it.

And there is a list of differences between "old" and "new" version -- there is a miserable list of differences.