The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 40

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It works to this day, and only blind people do not see it, or do not want to accept the truth as it is.

A recent example is Libya.

Well, Gaddafi wanted to give up the dollar and replace it with gold, why? Because the dollar is not good for the economy of any country other than the United States. He wanted to settle accounts in gold dinar. This was very strongly opposed by the United States and the European Union. For if this idea had been implemented, it would have meant the destruction of the world's banking system, as it underpins the economy of the world as a whole.

In 2002, the Malaysian Prime Minister along with Gaddafi discussed the introduction of the Persian gold dinar and the idea was supported by Iran, Sudan, Indonesia, the UAE and a number of other countries. Various meetings of the finance ministers of those countries took place. And all of this came close to abandoning the dollar and introducing a new currency. There are already gold dinars within those countries, and they are even used to pay in shops.And all this ended up in a war in Libya under a different pretext.

So Libya never had time to announce that it was abandoning the dollar. In the meantime the whole world continues to depend on the US economy.

Read about the "prisoner's dilemma".

In the long run, it is always more profitable to cooperate with each other.
States that violate their treaties by 'bilking' their neighbours are not trustworthy. They do not want to cooperate with them, and they fall into decay.
States that keep their word develop and prosper.

You don't have to go far for examples...

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It works to this day, and only blind people do not see it, or do not want to accept the truth as it is.

A recent example is Libya.

Well, Gaddafi wanted to give up the dollar and replace it with gold, why? Because the dollar is not good for the economy of any country other than the United States. He wanted to settle accounts in gold dinar. This was very strongly opposed by the United States and the European Union. For if this idea had been implemented, it would have meant the destruction of the world's banking system, as it underpins the economy of the world as a whole.

In 2002, the Malaysian Prime Minister along with Gaddafi discussed the introduction of the Persian gold dinar and the idea was supported by Iran, Sudan, Indonesia, the UAE and a number of other countries. Various meetings of the finance ministers of those countries took place. And all of this came close to abandoning the dollar and introducing a new currency. There are already gold dinars within those countries, and they are even used to pay in shops.And all this ended up in a war in Libya under a different pretext.

So Libya never had time to announce that it was abandoning the dollar. In the meantime the whole world continues to depend on the US economy.

Yes, I have read that version. But there is one BUT, neither the Saudis nor Iraq had any talks with Gaddafi about it. He only tried to discuss something with some African countries.

And this version emerged at the same time and from the same resources as the "gold, dollars and DeGaulle" version

Vitaly Muzichenko:

1. Of course

The most important reason to explain the US tough approach towards China is the fact that in the last decade China has grown economically and militarily stronger to the point of being able to challenge their leadership.

2. business

By the way, RF resists the "US pernicious influence" but sells gas and oil to the EU for dollars and keeps its reserves in dollars...

A coincidence??? I DON'T THINK!!!

Taras Slobodyanik:

Read about the "prisoner's dilemma".

In the long run, it is always better to cooperate with each other.
States that violate their treaties and 'cheat' their neighbours are not trustworthy. They do not want to cooperate with them, and they fall into decay.
States that keep their word develop and prosper.

You don't have to go far for examples...

Here, you are finally coming to the truth. You can see by example the current cooperation between Ukraine and Russia, after Yanukovych did not sign the agreement with the EU, because it was extremely damaging to Ukraine. There is also no need to prove any harm - the facts are clear.

Ukraine did not take out loans from the IMF, which had a very negative impact on the dollar, so now the world-hating America, for some reason, likes Ukraine a lot, is it not because Ukraine has taken out loans that our great-grandchildren will have to pay back?


By the way, Russia is resisting the 'pernicious influence of the US' but it sells gas and oil to the EU for dollars and keeps its reserves in dollars....

A coincidence??? I DON'T THINK!!!

The world is being rebuilt and the fruits are not visible yet, we will see later.

From 2020 the full conversion of the yuan is expected to come if China's "dollar drain" continues at the same pace. China will stop accumulating US debt and borrowing for the US will become a problematic and unprofitable operation. As of 2017, China is known to hold more than $3 trillion in US bonds. Relative to the total amount of Treasury securities in the Fed's custody, this is a huge number. Thanks to a gigantic trade balance accumulated over decades and China's new policy towards the dollar (recall that the central bank refuses to hoard foreign currency), the yuan will rise.

The same applies to Russia, but the fruits will come a little later, but for now you need to get over it and understand that you cannot do without losses.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There, you are finally coming to the truth. You can see the current cooperation between Ukraine and Russia after Yanukovych did not sign the agreement with the EU because it was extremely damaging to Ukraine. There is also no need to prove any harm - the facts are clear.

Ukraine did not take out loans from the IMF, which had a huge negative impact on the dollar, so now the world-hating America has become very fond of Ukraine for some reason, is it not because Ukraine took out loans that our great-grandchildren will have to pay off too?

1) It was under Yanukovych that Ukraine received the most IMF loans. 2008-2013, 16 billion were received.

2. The facts show that the facts do not exist. Because otherwise the facts show.

Why are you lying?


no point, just a cool picture (in case anyone was wondering)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The world is being rebuilt and the fruits are not yet visible, but we will see them later.

From 2020, full renminbi convertibility is expected if China's dollar drain continues at the same pace. China will stop accumulating US debt and borrowing for the US will become a problematic and unprofitable operation. As of 2017, China is known to hold more than $3 trillion in US bonds. Relative to the total amount of Treasury securities in the Fed's custody, this is a huge number. Thanks to a gigantic trade balance accumulated over decades and China's new policy towards the dollar (recall that the central bank refuses to hoard foreign currency), the yuan will rise.

The same goes for Russia, but the rewards will come a little later, but for now you need to get over it and understand that it will not be without losses.

If it is that. What if it's not?

And no more lies - statistics on IMF loans are in the public domain by year.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There, you are finally coming to the truth. You can see the current cooperation between Ukraine and Russia after Yanukovych did not sign the agreement with the EU because it was extremely damaging to Ukraine. There is also no need to prove any harm - the facts are clear.

Ukraine has not taken out loans from the IMF, which has had a huge negative impact on the dollar, so now the world's most hateful America has become very fond of Ukraine for some reason, isn't that because Ukraine has taken out loans that our great-grandchildren will have to pay back as well?

Yes yes, my biggest worry is that the US will enslave Ukraine like South Korea, Japan, or West Germany.

In my dreams I envy Honduras, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of 27%.

While others are in debt but live on, I would rather die in poverty knowing that my great-grandchildren will not owe the US.

By the way, Russia is resisting the 'pernicious influence of the US' but it sells gas and oil to the EU for dollars and keeps its reserves in dollars....

A coincidence??? I DON'T THINK!!!

The size of international reserves is denoted in US dollars. Conversion into this currency is carried out on the basis of official exchange rates of foreign currencies to the Russian roubleand gold quotations, established by the Bank of Russia and effective as of the reporting date.