The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 39

Vitaly Muzichenko:


- It's the same in life. If you are together, no one will break you, and separately you are as easy to defeat as breaking a straw or two.

It's the same in life - if you are alone, you have to think with your head about how to live, or you can get together and make a mess.

Nikolay Kositsin:
This is the most blatant lie! There was a referendum on preserving the USSR. And this referendum was a national referendum. There was no referendum on so-called independence (or rather on colonial dependence), it was a decision of the Maidan gang with a tiny population, as in Ukraine. And the whole current colonial statehood of Raseania with the ownership of oligarchs is a mere paper, and soon this shop will be closed.

Maybe he was. But they don't remember him very much, and some don't remember him at all.


One day a father called his sons to his house, took out a mop and started to piss them off, saying "read the fucking thread and don't fuck about!

That's what this thread is about. The dollar is strong as long as other nations are weak, and it is the job of the US to impose its policies to keep the dollar at the top of the ladder.


Actually, every currency is only as strong as its economy.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

This is exactly what the topic is about. The dollar is strong as long as other states are weak, and it is the job of the US to impose its policies in order to keep the dollar on the first rung.

As far as I understand the adherents of the "ussr" sect, the union was their understanding of a state that the US could not "impose its policies" on - why then did the USSR trade oil and gas in US dollars?

Why does China keep its reserves in dollars? China has had its policies "imposed on it by the US"?

Why are you trading in dollar pairs - was the US "imposing its policies" on you?


As far as I understand the adherents of the "ussr" sect, the Union was their understanding of a state to which the US could not "impose its policies" - why then did the USSR trade oil and gas in US dollars?

Why does China keep its reserves in dollars? China has had its policies "imposed on it by the US"?

Why are you trading in dollar pairs - have you been "imposed their policies" by the US?

1. Of course

The biggest reason explaining the US' tough approach to China is the fact that China has grown economically and militarily stronger in the last decade to the point where it is capable of challenging their leadership.

2. business

Vitaly Muzichenko:

1. Of course

The most important reason to explain the US tough approach towards China is the fact that in the last decade China has grown economically and militarily stronger to the point of being able to challenge their leadership.

2. business

1- So it is not clear why if "China is so strong" - why does it keep its reserves in the dollar? It is "so strong" that the US can no longer "impose its policies" on it? What prevents China from storing its reserves in bamboo sticks, Turkish lira or copper bars?

2. So, the US doesn't "impose its policies on you", but you trade in dollars anyway because it's "business". So maybe in the case of countries it's business, not "imposing US policy"?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Actually, every currency is only as strong as its economy.

Right. And how can you hold onto the leadership without increasing your own qualitative indicators? right - you need to weaken the economies of other countries. how? very simple - provoke a war, if that is not possible, then impose sanctions and prevent trade between countries that need to be weakened. also - you can fragment countries into smaller ones, small ones are much easier to hurt.
Andrey Dik:

Right. And how can you maintain leadership without increasing your qualitative indicators? right - you need to weaken the economies of other countries. how? very simple - provoke a war, if that is not possible, then impose sanctions and prevent trade between countries that need to be weakened. also - you can split countries into smaller ones, small ones are much easier to hurt.

This is medieval logic.
Unfortunately, it is very common in the CIS.

Taras Slobodyanik:

This is medieval logic.
Unfortunately, it is very common in the CIS.

It works to this day, and only blind people do not see it, or do not want to accept the truth as it is.

A recent example is Libya.

Well, Gaddafi wanted to give up the dollar and replace it with gold, why? Because the dollar is not good for the economy of any country other than the United States. He wanted to settle accounts in gold dinar. This was very strongly opposed by the United States and the European Union. For if this idea had been implemented, it would have meant the destruction of the world's banking system, as it underpins the economy of the world as a whole.

In 2002, the Malaysian Prime Minister along with Gaddafi discussed the introduction of the Persian gold dinar and the idea was supported by Iran, Sudan, Indonesia, the UAE and a number of other countries. Various meetings of the finance ministers of those countries took place. And all of this came close to abandoning the dollar and introducing a new currency. There are already gold dinars within those countries, and they are even used to pay in shops.And all this ended up in a war in Libya under a different pretext.

So Libya never had time to announce that it was abandoning the dollar. Meanwhile the whole world continues to depend on the US economy.