The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 38

Igor Konyashin:

There are no fools sitting there, fine-tuning the rate of free money flowing into the economy, and generally making clever use of their country's situation, which accounts for 25 per cent of global GDP.

The fools in the finals are 100% fools - the savage Genghis Khan, the stray iceberg, the technician who forgot a rag in an airlock, or Trump in a political shop. Examples abound - the Finn is inevitable. Smart people get caught up in invented rules and forget about the reality around them. And out of reality comes a dick with a screw, who doesn't give a shit about all these rules of the drill and tears the thread to the ground

Igor Konyashin:

and which over many decades has consistently, year after year, paid back its external borrowings on time.

With new borrowings on the rise, it is not difficult to pay back old ones. And when timidly asked to pay back not the bubbles but a minuscule percentage of the actual gold surrendered, there was an ablom?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I remember 1991 well, especially the spring, but I don't remember the referendum. I remember that everyone knew that the Soviet Union was ending, everyone was happy about it and was looking forward to it.

Acknowledged. There was no referendum on the preservation of the USSR. Where the figures in the statistics for that 'referendum' came from is anyone's guess. There was a coup in August, then independence was declared. Then the question of independence was put to a nationwide referendum and 90.32 per cent of people supported the independence, which was immediately recognized by the whole world. I remember perfectly the mood of people of different social groups and ages, everyone was for independence, so the figure of 90.32% is quite real.

As for the dollar - nothing will happen to it, the same can be said about the euro, all those who are waiting for the death of the dollar and the euro - you will have to wait a long time.

Alexander Puzanov:

With the growth of new loans, it is not difficult to pay back the old ones. And when timidly asked to pay back not the bubbles but a minuscule percentage of the actual gold surrendered, there was an ablom?

Do you have any proof?

Alexander Puzanov:

With the growth of new loans, it is not difficult to pay back the old ones.

The repayment of the loans is not at the expense of the new ones. You are mistaken. Perhaps you haven't carefully read my text that you are commenting on.

Alexander Puzanov:

And when timidly asked to pay back not the bubbles but a minuscule percentage of the actual gold surrendered, there was an ablom?

Why are you repeating old tales? "Don't read the Soviet newspapers before lunch".

"There is a popular tale, circulating in the tens of thousands of copies, that in 1965 de Gaulle demanded to exchange the dollars from the French gold reserves into gold, which had disastrous consequences for the Bretton Woods system.This tale made its way into the Russian wikipedia (a famous dump, though)...

Actually, de Gaulle could not physically "demand an unexpectedly large amount of exchange":

firstly, because France in the previous years was trying to accumulate her gold reserves and was continuously exchanging the main part of the dollars received into gold which the USA smoothly performed, so the next exchange request was quite ordinary;

secondly, because no especially large extraordinary quantity of gold for the next exchange request was expected.

This can be seen from the graph of the composition of the gold and foreign currency reserves of France:


And then there are the graphs.

From here

де Голль и доллар
де Голль и доллар
  • 2011.04.26
  • oboguev
Есть ходячая в десятках тысяч копий байка про то, что де Голль потребовал в 1965 году обменять доллары из французских ЗВР на золото, чем вызвал катастрофические последствия для бреттон-вудской системы. Эта байка пробралась и в русскую википедию (известная, впрочем, помойка): В 1965 году президент Франции Шарль де Голль потребовал обменять...
Vladimir Zubov:

Confirmed. There was no referendum on the preservation of the USSR. Where the figures in the statistics for this "referendum" came from is anyone's guess. There was a coup in August, then independence was declared. Then the issue of independence was put to a nationwide referendum and 90.32 per cent of people supported the independence, which was immediately recognized by the whole world. I remember perfectly the mood of people of different social groups and ages, everyone was for independence, so the figure of 90.32% is quite real.

As for the dollar, nothing will happen to the dollar, the same goes for the euro, all those who are waiting for the dollar and the euro to die, you have to wait a long time.

That is the most blatant lie! There was a referendum on the preservation of the USSR. And that referendum was a national referendum. There was no referendum on so-called independence (or rather on colonial dependence) at all, it was a decision of the Maidan gang with a tiny population, like in Ukraine. And the whole current colonial statehood of Raseania with the ownership of oligarchs is a mere paper, and soon this shop will be closed.
Nikolay Kositsin:
That is the most blatant lie! There was a referendum on the preservation of the USSR. And that referendum was popular. There was no referendum on so-called independence (or rather on colonial dependence) from the very beginning, it was a decision of the Maidan hordes with a tiny population, like in Ukraine. And the whole current colonial statehood of Raseania with the ownership of oligarchs is a mere paper, and soon this shop will be closed.

Kolyan, don't worry!

Everything's fine, and it's going to be even better! Soon! Well, almost....


The referendum was initiated and controlled by the USA and the subsequent vote rigging.

No one wanted a powerful state called the USSR, so they had to break it up.

One day, father called them to his house and asked to break a broom in two. The older son tried it first, but it did not work out. The same failure befell the middle son and the younger one. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break a few straws. This, of course, they easily succeeded.

Then the father said:

- This is the same in life. If you are together, no one will break you, but separately you are as easy to defeat as breaking a few straws.


People, stop with the USSR - it's not about that!

Otherwise all the raving lunatics will come along and it will start - Freemasons, Nibiru, Hyperboreans, Rockefeller.....

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The referendum was initiated and controlled by the USA and the subsequent vote rigging.

No one wanted a powerful state called the USSR, so they had to break it up.

One day, father called them to his house and asked them to break a broom in two. The older son tried it first, but it did not work out. The same failure befell the middle son and the younger one. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break a few straws. This, of course, they easily succeeded.

Then the father said:

- It's the same in life. If you are together, you will not be broken, but separately you are as easy to defeat as breaking a straw or two.

One day the father called his sons to his house, took out a mop and started brooming them, saying: "Read the fucking subject of the branch and don't trash it!