Bayesian regression - Has anyone made an EA using this algorithm? - page 8


Bayesian regression, linear regression, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms..... eh how rich is the market sucker community.... and how happy professionals are that there are fools who believe in theirscientific models............)

how amazing that it is still not clear that the market is a simple thing... complex algorithms -- screw up because they are just not relevant...
but no - go ahead, so much the better for those who don't jack off on maths, but rather draw resistance levels, watch for false breaks, build up a position and ..... the rest is unknown to most of the forum (it's getting banknotes at the ATM)

we fly and you crawl fools you fools...........

You don't have to withdraw banknotes from ATMs very often. Everything can be bought for cashless. Flats and cars are sometimes only available in cash. Good for you that you are on the rise. But you know, fortune is a bitch that may throw you off the "carpet helicopter" at any moment. Especially when you're in a state of excitement or high, which is exactly what happened to the authors and executors of the quote you cited.
Yuri Evseenkov:
You don't have to withdraw banknotes from ATMs very often. Everything can be bought in cashless form. Flats and cars are sometimes only available in cash. Good for you that you're on the upswing. But you know, fortune is a bitch that may throw you off the "carpet helicopter" at any moment. Especially when you're intoxicated or high, as it happened to the authors and the performers of the quote you cited.
kudos! for recognizing my favourite performers, a band that sadly no longer exists.... my beloved Agatha Christie...
i've been on heroin myself for 15 years now.... and like the songwriters, I've had some very bad falls, but now I'm revived again and ready to fight... even though I'm on a methadone substitution programme... but it's not interfering with my life...and I will be able to fulfil my mental potential.... because trading is a game of wits.............. and i'm smart))
respect! for recognising my favourite artists, a band that sadly no longer exists.... my beloved Agatha Christie...
i've been on heroin myself for 15 years now.... and like the songwriters, I've had some very bad falls, but now I'm revived again and ready to fight... even though I'm on a methadone substitution programme... but it doesn't interfere with my life...and I will be able to fulfil my mental potential.... because trading is a game of wits.............. and I'm smart))

Before you get banned I'll answer quickly. I witnessed and witnessed a better time in Russian rock. By the way those Komsomol members Alisa, Nautilus etc. weren't my favourites. I gravitated towards the uncompromising nonconformists, the anarchists Letov and Siberian punk in general. The drugs were present in the songs and the way of life. Almost everyone is already in the cemetery. The buzz is not worth a life. I wish you don't go back to that practice.

ZS. I'm getting a bit carried away with the offtops today. Pardon the author of this thread and all the honest company.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Before you get banned I'll answer quickly. I witnessed and witnessed a better time in Russian rock. By the way those Komsomol members Alice, Nautilus etc. weren't my favourites. I gravitated towards the uncompromising nonconformists, the anarchists Levov and Siberian punk in general. The drugs were present in the songs and the way of life. Almost everyone is already in the cemetery. The buzz is not worth a life. I wish you do not return to this practice.

ZS. I'm into offtops today. Pardon the author of this thread and all the honest company.

why should i get banned?) i have not written anything bad......
buzz isn't worth a life.... so life is more important .... what is it worth? life... if not a buzz... then what is it?

apologies for the off-topic, modders, that's how the conversation got started....
why should i be banned?) i didn't write anything bad......
a buzz isn't worth a life.... so life is more important .... what is it worth? life... if not a buzz... then what is it?

apologies for the off-topic, modders, it's just the way the conversation started....
You guys are getting a little carried away. You started calling me names plus heroin. That's not the profile of this forum. What's life for? It's written in the first books of mankind. The other books are just talk.
As one professor said: "You have to be very stupid to do fundamental theory". If it's interesting and promises profits in the long run, why not?
Alexey Burnakov:
As one professor said: "You have to be very stupid to do fundamental theory". If it's interesting and promises profits in the long run, why not?
"He became a poet, for a mathematician he lacked imagination" - a phrase. The German mathematician David Hilbert about one of his students. It's fun to study. But there's not much hope of making a profit.
Yuri Evseenkov:
But there is not much hope of profit.
There isn't much in principle. Plummers who draw levels manually don't stand much more of a chance. They just have their own sandbox.
Alexey Burnakov:
There is little of it in principle. Plummers who draw levels by hand don't stand much more of a chance. They just have their own sandbox.
One forum member has "never hope for anything and you will never be disappointed" written on his avatar. I like that motto.
Yuri Evseenkov:
One forum member's avatar says "never hope for anything and you will never be disappointed". I like that motto.
It's a good motto ) But without hope it's kind of sad. I'm in the middle: hope for example for 1 point of mate waiting, but a solid point. And if I get 3 I'll bounce.