Predicting the characteristics of weekly bars (championship). - page 5


There has been a breakdown of the multi-month range, it looks like the price will continue to drift south.

Next week my EUR/USD forecast is Low 1.2020 Hight 1.2210

And that all depends on Trump's tweeter

USD/CHF Hight 0.99171 Low 0.97484Current price: 0.98735
USD/CHF Downward bias Hight 1.00074 Low 0.98852Current price: 0.99956
Aliaksandr Maksimau:
USD/CHF Hight 0.99171 Low 0.97484Current price: 0.98735
There was a chiff forecast by Aliaksandr Maksimau - Hight 0.99171 Low 0.97484

Result: - Hight 1.0021 Low 0.9871, i.e.i.e. forecast error of more than 100p 4-digit, which is generally not good.


There has been a breakdown of the multi-month range, it looks like the price will continue to drift south.

Next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.2020 Hight 1.2210

There was a forecast from sibirqk on the euro: Low 1.2020 Hight 1.2210

Result: Low 1.1910 Hight 1.2038 Same forecast result - thumb in the sky.


The dollar is likely to continue to strengthen further.

Next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.1830 Hight 1.2010


The dollar is likely to continue to strengthen further.

Next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.1830 Hight 1.2010

There was a forecast from sibirqk on EUR: Low 1.1830 Hight 1.2010

Result: Low 1.1822 Hight 1.1977

The low point is accurate enough, the high point is a little bit worse, but overall it is a good forecast.


A correction in the dollar is likely to start.

Next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.1860 Hight 1.2040
Aliaksandr Maksimau:
USD/CHF Hight 1.00074 Low 0.98852Current price: 0.99956

There was a chiff forecast by Aliaksandr Maksimau - Hight 1.00074 Low 0.98852
Result: - Hight 1.0055 Low 0.9975 ,

The error in Hg isabout 47 pips 4-digit, a little better than before, but the Lw is almost 90 pips4-digit, almost the sameas the week before .

USD/CHF Uptrend Hight 1.00697 Low 0.99785Current price: 0.999571