Predicting the characteristics of weekly bars (championship). - page 3


Well, since we are having such a discussion, here is my forecast for EUR/USD. Forecasting method - I take (Hg+Lw)/2 points of the last 15 weeks, approximate them by a parabola and consider it to be the current trend. And then near that trend I intuit the future point. For the next week, imho, it is 1.2290. The amplitude of the weekly bar is approximately 200 p. Hence Hg is 1.2390, Lw- 1.2190.


As it happens, I will make my own EUR/USD forecast. I take (Hg+Lw)/2 points of the last 15 weeks, approximate them by a parabola and consider it the current tendency. And then near that trend I intuit the future point. For the next week, imho, it is 1.2290. The amplitude of the weekly bar is approximately 200 p. Hence Hg is 1.2390, Lw- 1.2190.

EUR/USD: Low 1.23395 Hight 1.25266

Currentclosing price: EUR/USD:1.23513
Aliaksandr Maksimau:

AUD/USD: Hight 0.77545 Low 0.76137

BRN: Hight 71.30 Low 68.36

EUR/USD: Low 1.23395 Hight 1.25266


AUD/USD: Hight 0.7756 Low 0.7641

BRN: Hight 71.05 Low 68.75

EUR/USD: Low 1.2283 Hight 1.2476

I think your results are perfect. If it is not a secret, what are you basing your forecasting on? Judging by the number of digits after the point, the forecast is based on the levels?

My result is much more modest, the forecast was for EUR/USD: Low 1.2190 Hight 1.2390. But several times I went to sell, then closed when I saw that the price would go higher, once with a small minus, the rest were nothing. The last time I opened at 1.2463, I closed at 1.2290. The result of the week is about 160 p. four digits. Very good in my opinion.

For next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.2210 Hight 1.2410
Next week my forecast for EUR/USD: Low 1.2210 Hight 1.2410

EUR/USD result: Low 1.2214 Hight 1.2344.

On the lower boundary the forecast was almost accurate, but on the upper boundary it fell short.


For next week my EUR/USD forecast: Low 1.2180 Hight 1.2370


EUR/USD next week assumptions. I'm still focusing more on Low 1.22422 Hight 1.25309 Current closing price: 1.22790

BTC/USD Hight 7200 Low 4740 Current closing price: 6413



AUD/USD: Hight 0.7756 Low 0.7641

BRN: Hight 71.05 Low 68.75

EUR/USD: Low 1.2283 Hight 1.2476

I think your results are perfect. If it is not a secret, what are you basing your forecasting on? Judging by the number of digits after the point, the forecast is based on the levels?

My result is much more modest, my forecast was for EUR/USD: Low 1.2190 Hight 1.2390. But I went sell several times, then closed when I saw that the price would go higher, once with a small minus, all the rest were nil. The last time I opened at 1.2463, I closed at 1.2290. The result of the week is about 160 p. four digits. In my opinion it is very good.

Yes, levels are also taken into account.

You'd better post pictures with predictions.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
You'd better post pictures with predictions.
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