How do you explain this magic of numbers? - page 7

Сергей Криушин:
Mankind and all living things are a single organism in unrealistically rare conditions for life, maybe even periodically disappearing, and it is impossible to break away from the single organism... autonomy is given for quick adaptation and adjustment to new living conditions... no matter how you spin it, the smartest (or cunningest) survives and promotes all...

The smartest does not promote everyone, he tends to have low hormonal levels, which prevents him from becoming a leader. People with high testosterone levels become leaders. It is great if at the same time they have their head in place and the rare notion of conscience is present. Speaking about conscience, I do not mean popes or Dostoevsky. It is all either pharisaism or woe from mind.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Hmmm, just inserted the video, just as my contented face came into the frame in the foreground)) Has YouTube's AI developed a sense of humour?

Ha-ha-ha, it's getting to the dumb one! Obviously YouTube analyses the footage and produces frames with smiles, photographers have been able to do this for a long time too. I've just been posting technical videos for a long time, I had no idea about this trick.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I do not know now, in my time they did not tell, I graduated from 10-years school in 1980 )) But I think, that not only the number of particles, but also their spatial arrangement plays a role in DNA information coding, not for nothing there are two spirals. Otherwise there would only be 16 combinations.

I'm not good at this, so... just my layman's opinion.

there's nothing stopping you from constructing an x-rich matrix
based on any number system.
Maxim Romanov:
It's simple. There is some basic law by which particles join together, and then it's just natural selection.
It has to be something like: There are compounds that consume the least energy, but there is always a compound with an even lower energy state. And so we have evolved to the point where we not only consume less energy, but also take it from the environment and recycle it (eat it).
I do not claim to be scientifically accurate, but it must be something like this for simple substances to be converted into organic matter and then into cells.

It is not yet possible for us to understand questions of the universe, the emergence, existence and development of the world and of living beings in particular. Everything is organised at too high a level for anything to become clear to us, and apart from physical diversity, there is astonishing diversity of logical character, which is practically impossible to explain by random selection or enumeration of possible variants. It is like trying to understand a transistor or a group of transistors to understand how a computer works - roughly the same way we try to understand the regularities of our environment. Don't even try, scientists are just having fun and the truth is still a long way off. Suffice it to mention the design of an eagle's eye which automatically changes the diopter so that the clarity of an object is not affected by the altitude of the flight. So, if you go through all the possible options and cull the mx every 1 second, it is calculated that, not enough the age of the universe of hundreds of billions of years. I'm speaking figuratively.

However, I myself also look for patterns that are global in nature. For example, for a single process, from the moment of inception, functioning and disappearance, the relation 1 = B(t) + H(t) + P(t), where B, H and P must be functions of future, present and past events of the same class. And, logically, B should be a primordial function and determine H, and P should be an integral of H. None of the class functions meet these conditions, except those I pointed out in the famous article. But, everybody keeps silent, seems not to notice. This is the real magic of numbers, because the given relation is satisfied for any values of t !


Avetisov Vladik Avanesovich, Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Chemical Physics, Member of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, is a guest of Satanovsky on VestiFM. On pre-biology.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The question is, since we are not even ants on the scale of the universe, and not even dust but incomprehensible things, is it even worth worrying about the people around us? Isn't it easier to live the allotted time with maximum pleasure, not giving a damn about others?

What do you think? I have an answer with real stories from my life, but would like to hear your authoritative opinion.

There are communities where concern for others is discouraged and ridiculed. And there are communities where, on the contrary, not wanting to help is discouraged and condemned.

It all depends on the desire to care and the point of view of the person observing the situation. If you have the will, why not take care of someone you don't even know? If there is no desire to help, why bother? For social reasons? Because you learn it from childhood? That is the right to choose. Separating the bad from the good.

By the way, that girl in the video, when she jumped, was not going to pull the ring, her instinct for self-preservation kicked in, so she helped herself.

ZS: What's going on with her now, how is her fate?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There are communities where concern for others is discouraged and ridiculed. And there are communities where not wanting to help is discouraged and condemned.

It all depends on the desire to care and on the viewpoint of the person observing the situation. If there is a desire, then why not take care of someone you don't even know. If there is no desire to help, why bother? For social reasons? Because you learn it from childhood? That is the right to choose. The division into bad and good.

By the way, that girl in the video, when she jumped, was not going to pull the ring, her self-preservation instinct kicked in, so she helped herself.

The main feature of the market economy (capitalism) is the distribution of wealth according to the 20/80 split of society. That is, 20% of the population gets richer, and 80% have to live with the status of the poor and need the support of the other, richer, part of the population. If help is not given in time under the guise of charity, the 80% will eat and wipe out the 20% with a riot or a revolution, not realising that the latter are not to blame for their plight.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There are communities where concern for others is discouraged and ridiculed. And there are communities where, on the contrary, not wanting to help is discouraged and condemned.

It all depends on the desire to care and on the viewpoint of the person observing the situation. If there is a desire, then why not take care of someone you don't even know. If there is no desire to help, why bother? For social reasons? Because you learn it from childhood? That is the right to choose. Separating the bad from the good.

By the way, that girl in the video, when she jumped, was not going to pull the ring, her instinct for self-preservation kicked in, so she helped herself.

ZS: What's up with her now, how is her fate not known?

And what kind of communities are these, can you elaborate? Do you mean religious communities or folk traditions?

About Katya - I don't know whether she had pulled the ring (actually it was a U-shaped bracket) or not, but being a competent SEAL, I asked the instructor everything beforehand. Sasha calmed me down. Parachute d-5 is designed for landing, it is absolutely uncontrollable, but very reliable. After 5 seconds a timer which opens the main dome comes off, if you don't pull out the red one (it's such a rubber tube of red colour, a safety device), the reserve will trigger and you'll go down on 2 domes like a fool.

Judging by the video, the timer went off for Katya, and then she pulled the red one )). Then she got her feet down the mole hole and yelled at the whole world that she was going to be eaten by a mole! Well, she's small, she had to manage to get her feet in the hole!) And the girl who was pushed out of the NA-2, in general, flew into a small lake lying in the water on her back and could not unhook the straps. I jumped like a hobbyhorse, helped everybody.

The most cheerful thing was to pull 2 parachutes, mine and Katya's, they weighed 19 kg in dryness, and in wet grass of the dome lied, there, probably, all 25 kg per dome. Katya was small, she had to carry everything for 3 km.

About her fate. I communicated with her purely on a friendly basis, my principle was not to fuck other people's wives. We corresponded on Skype, once she asked me for money to pay for a room, she rented it, I helped her. To make it look civilized, I asked her to write a review on the website, like not to give it to her, she was sitting without money.

Then her husband finished military school, she graduated, and they left St. Petersburg somewhere. I hope she's all meow ))

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
If help is not given in time under the guise of charity, 80% will be eaten up and wiped off the face of the earth by a 20% revolt or revolution, not realising that the latter are not to blame for their plight.
Golden words. That's exactly what I meant when I talked about the yelling that it's all the brokers' fault.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

What kind of communities are these, can you elaborate? Do you mean religious communities or folk traditions?

About Katya - I don't know whether she pulled the ring (in fact, there's a U-shaped bracket) or not, but being a competent SEAL, I asked the instructor everything beforehand. Sasha calmed me down. Parachute d-5 is designed for landing, it is absolutely uncontrollable, but very reliable. After 5 seconds a timer which opens the main dome comes off, if you don't pull out the red one (it's such a rubber tube of red colour, a safety device), the reserve will trigger and you'll go down on 2 domes like a fool.

Judging by the video, the timer went off for Katya, and then she pulled the red one )). Then she got her feet down the mole hole and yelled at the whole world that she's about to be eaten by a mole!!! Well, she's small, she had to manage to get her feet into the hole so well))) And the girl who was pushed out of the NA-2, in general, flew into a small lake lying in the water on her back and could not unhook the straps. I jumped like a hobbyhorse, helped everybody.

The most cheerful thing was to pull 2 parachutes, mine and Katya's, they weighed 19 kg in dryness, and in wet grass of the dome lied, there, probably, all the 25 was on the dome. Katya was small, she had to carry everything for 3 km.

About her fate. I communicated with her purely on a friendly basis, my principle was not to fuck other people's wives. We corresponded in Skype, once she asked me for money to pay for a room, she rented it, I helped her. To make it look civilized, I asked her to write a review on the website, like not to give it to her, she was sitting without money.

Then my husband finished military school, she graduated, and they left St. Petersburg somewhere. I hope she's all mew ))

She was not a paratrooper and did not know about the timer ) I thought that because the dome unfolded later than others, she really did not want to yank it or she was thinking while flying, maybe she would yank it 100 m from the ground.

Regulated communities are a prime example of a community where man is a wolf to man. That is, where there is competition, where there is a stake in that society, or even in life.

And religious communities are probably the direct opposite of the previous example. But there are exceptions in both of them. Or another example, a collective united by one goal and an idea (basically the same religious collective). Within the collective, as a rule, there will be mutual help.