How to sell your products, signals and services - page 14

Vladimir Pastushak:

For those who still wish to work with the website

You're picking the wrong queries. And the number of queries per month is small. The same query in Wordstat has 13 hits per month. But the request "list of forex brokers" has 393 impressions for a month. Most likely this is not a price per click. Try: "Buy forex advisor for MT4". In Wordstat on this request - 0 hits. Hence, the conclusion in the Russian-speaking Internet segment is not willing to buy. But there are requests "Download profitable Expert Advisor" - 167 hits and "Profitable Expert Advisor for free" - 153, "Profitable Expert Advisor free download" - 119 hits for a month. "Free Forex Expert Advisors" - 1012 hits.

The most popular request "download Expert Advisor" has 11,981 hits, but we don't specify what kind of Expert Advisor it is. This request may be reached by non-target visitors. The request 'forex advisors' received 8913 clicks. But there were not any requests containing the word "buy". Thus, the site should be targeted to English-speaking traders.

Vladimir Pastushak:

Articles written to order are immediately handicapped in the first group... The meaning of such articles is in a few words "watery water is watery water", i.e. nothing at all ....

Yeah, I once rubbed myself on one of the copywriter exchanges, I wanted to see what they write on the subject of forex. It's just common words, that's why it costs $1-3.
Sergey Golubev:

Here on social media I would like to add...

I already mentioned that on English forums (at least on the two leading ones) - the main task (from the owner) for moderators and admins is to develop the resource in terms of content and attendance. Moderators do it on their level of responsibility (I've given examples here), admins do it on theirs (improving web design for example and so on).
And then (in the early 2000s) I created blogs (three of them - google, zhj and wordpress) and maintained them (to attract new users to that forum). Then I opened two Twitter accounts of my own - for the same purpose (and many different other accounts in other social networks). Then I got very carried away with it and even made a "twist": I tweeted in one social network and it automatically goes to 10 other ones, like in my LiveJournal.

I am no longer on that forum, but all these social networks have remained, the content is not deleted, many are well promoted. On google blog many months ago, even attached a widget (top signals) - it is automatically updated from here (it hangs beautiful, but how many hits on it - no idea).

So here on social media I can tell you about the disadvantages:

  • it's all long (you can get hung up on it altogether),
  • Social networks and blogs - are interested in the development of themselves, not in the transition from them to us; that is, you can just untwist a page in FB, which will be good and so on with lots of subscribers, but it will work for itself (that is, first promote itself page, and then there may be some normal conversions from it) - that is obtained as if "for prestige" and help Facebook :),
  • Audience not quite a target - even there is a post in the social network only 'our' content (without entertainment).

About the benefits:

  • better conversions from twitter accounts - checked here on blogs (there's such a counter - you can see how many comes): from one blog post target (those with specific text terminology) to twitter (with for example 3 thousand - 6 thousand followers) to us here from twitter (my account, not MQ) - from 40 to 120 one-step conversions. True, how many of them will register or log in here to continue/buy, etc. - is unknown. But Twitter is at least the fastest way to get potential clients out of those I've tried (I haven't tried only vk - since it's Russian-speaking).
  • the best blog is on google - like blogger (google blog is best/fastest indexed by google itself as a search engine).
  • Another good one is google+, but it has a very untargeted audience.

But the best way to attract the target audience directly to a particular product/signal is other forums (see my post about examples).
Spammers by the way are not stupid when they go to other forums and spam, and they've probably tried every option (I'm not saying spam, just as an example).

When a user goes to another forum, opens a commercial thread for example, and inserts something like a widget, and everyone can see the signal trades on a chart even if the user has not posted anything else - everything is updated in the widget). Really - it is the same widget from here that is already there:

These widgets may not be posted in all forums (html code is off or whatever other restrictions apply) but they will always look great.


By the way, the profile here can be conducted as a site, for example, but then there is also a question of promotion of the profile.

Valuable advice, senx. And I still could not figure out why I needed a tweet )))) Nah, really don't use it at all, although it's on my smartphone too. I've also read that Instagram advertising is gaining popularity in Russia, while in the West it has already peaked. Instagram is also a mystery to me in terms of promotion.

What does last sentence mean, explain plz "By the way, the profile here can be conducted as a site, for example, but then there is also a question of promotion of the profile already.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Yeah, I once chafed on one of the copywriting exchanges, wanting to see what they were writing on the subject of forex. It's just common words, that's why the cost is $1-3.
Only an adequate signal can solve the situation.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

What does the last phrase mean, please explain "By the way, the profile can be maintained here as a website, for example, but then there is also the question of promotion of the profile.

Perhaps they mean that in the profile you can write "what's new" and attach pictures.


Do not forget about social networks, that there are a lot of people who have heard about Forex except for accidentally seeing ads. That is a lot of untargeted visitors who do not do any good.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Valuable advice, senx. I couldn't figure out why I needed Twitter )))) No, really, I don't use it at all, although I have it on my smartphone. I've also read that Instagram advertising is gaining popularity in Russia, while in the West it has already peaked. Instagram is also a mystery to me in terms of promotion.

What does the last sentence mean, explain plz "By the way, the profile here can be run like a site, for example, but here too there is a question of promotion then the profile already".

About Twitter ... I'm not very fond of Twitter (I'm not young, I want something to read, with pictures ...). But it just so happens that twitter account is the easiest to be promoted, you know how (if you want - I'll explain later), it's easy to be formed, and the cost of creating a post on Twitter - are minimal (you can even throw the posts you like there from here - five seconds). So, it is the least expensive way, of course, it takes time to get followers, but this time is not so great as for example with web-site (with Twitter it can be one month maximum - and you can work). Of course, it is better to have several Twitter accounts: mine is English-language one, where I tweet manually, another one is entertaining English-language: rss + - where I tweet very rarely - it is self-posted there.


About profiles ... Profiles are like a personal website. But there's one problem: we can be friends (followers) with each other here... but we need traders as potential customers ... and for that, the profile also needs promotion/advertising, so that not only we subscribe to each other's profiles, but they subscribe to ours as well. I don't know how to promote my profile yet ...
If, for example, the profiles are like an "improved version of Twitter", but they all have to be somewhere together ... i.e. - i have mine, but it's still somewhere with everyone else ... in short - I don't know yet.
Vitalii Ananev:

Don't forget about social networks, because there are a lot of people there who have only heard about forex by accident when they see an advertisement. In other words, there are a lot of non-targeted visitors who do not do any good.

I have an account in kontakte with 5-10 people a week. I mean they are adding themselves, mostly they ask questions about programming and I send them here. Today an Australian broker knocked on my door and told me I am already in contact with you and had a nice chat with a girl.

I have not promoted myself in VK at all, I have a scalper testing group and that's it.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

I tried many times at first to cooperate with someone, but EVERYWHERE....

What's the point? With a site like yours, you can make good money just by advertising from Google and Yandex.
Sergey Golubev:
About Twitter ... I don't really like Twitter (I'm not young, I'd like something to read, with pictures ...). But as it happens Twitter account is the easiest to promote, you know how (if you need - I'll explain later), easy to design, and the cost of creating a post on Twitter - are minimal (you can even throw the posts you like there from here - five seconds). So, it is the least expensive way, of course, it takes time to get followers, but this time is not so great as for example with web-site (with Twitter it can be one month maximum - and you can work). Of course, it is better to have several Twitter accounts: mine is English-language one, where I tweet manually, another one is entertaining English-language: rss + - where I tweet very rarely - it is self-posted there.


About profiles ... Profiles are like a personal website. But there's one problem: we can be friends (followers) with each other here... but we need traders as potential customers ... and for that, the profile also needs promotion/advertising, so that not only we subscribe to each other's profiles, but they subscribe to ours as well. I don't know how to promote my profile yet ...
If, for example, the profiles are like an "improved version of Twitter", but they all have to be somewhere together ... i.e. - i have mine, but it's still somewhere with everyone else ... Anyway, I don't know yet.
Okay, I'll ask about Twitter for sure.) What about Instagram - do you know anything about it? I see "check out my boobs" and "this is what I'm eating for breakfast" pics there.) I have thoughts, but they're vague.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I get 5-10 people a week on my contact account. I mean, they add themselves, they mostly ask questions about programming, and I send them here. Today an Australian broker knocked on my door and told me I am already in contact with you and had a nice chat with a girl.

I have not promoted myself in VK at all, I have a scalper testing group and that's it.

I did not expect I thought that only idlers sit in contact. It turns out you can find a target audience there.