FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1193

Movlat Baghiyev:
So it turns out that those who need it will get it right, and those who don't will be left with a small percentage? And I thought that if there is competition, everything must be open and transparent ...

They are not biased against anyone, it's more likely a human error, or a glitch (as they could easily become brokers), they wrote to Servisdisk why they get such a percentage.

If we know the formula for their calculations - well, not everyone can be on the top of the ranking.)

Server Muradasilov:

They are not biased against anyone, it's more likely a human error, or a glitch (as they could easily become brokers), they wrote to Servisdisk why they get such a percentage.

If we know the formula for their calculations - well, not everyone can be on the top of the ranking.)

I was not talking about the ranking. The figures were for profitability by months and the total for the year.
Movlat Baghiyev:
how does adding these numbers add up to 238
numbers as a percentage?
Movlat Baghiyev:
I didn't say anything about the ranking. It's the profitability figures for the months and the total for the year. I don't think it's a glitch. If it was, they would have fixed it. I've been watching this for three months. Nothing has changed.
Have you ever read theHow to Calculate Gain in Signals? Have you tried it?
The numbers are in percentages?
Yes, of course ... It's profitability by month ...
Movlat Baghiyev:
Yeah, sure. It's a month-to-month profit margin.
Why complicate things... The maths here should be 1+2=3, that's 3% for two months and that's it.
Movlat Baghiyev:
yes of course's profitability by months .

that's right.

the total is calculated cumulatively to the previous deposit.

for example 10%+10% = 1,1*1,1=1,21% = 21%


that's right.

the total amount is calculated cumulatively to the previous deposit.

for example 10%+10% = 1.1*1.1=1.21% = 21%

I mean, if a man has earned each month to the deposit of 10%, he gets a bonus +1%?
Movlat Baghiyev:
Why complicate things... There's simple maths here: 1+2=3, i.e. 3% for two months and that's it...

You had $100, a gain of 10%, you got $110 (a gain of $10).

next month - growth again 10%, it means that plus $110 * 10% = $11, not $10, as in the previous month.

Movlat Baghiyev:
I mean, if a person earns 10% in addition to his deposit each month, he gets a +1% bonus?
If a person earns 10% in the second month plus, it does not mean that he did not trade the previous month.