FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1058



Where did you find such a (1.3697) high at the euro?

The title page of the 39th, 7th section of the DB CME. See it wherever you want.

It wasn't from those in the protocols. Roman counts differently, from his two times.

The reports are recalculated. I wrote - we look at the ones with "FINAL" written in their heads
Movlat Baghiyev:

Stupor on the pound. Is there an option?
Movlat Baghiyev:
I think it will also depend on when the first trade opens and at what price.
It's not that simple. You have to think about the strategy, not watch it.
Rena, I asked you(((.
That network and this one are heaven and earth. This one I saw in the balance of the North.

What is it?

1,1495 и 1,102

There is an EURO FX and an EURO FX mini. I don't know the difference, so I wrote out both numbers.

It's the same for the yen.

There is an EURO FX and an EURO FX mini. I don't know the difference, so I wrote out both figures.
That's probably what I told you a short-term...
Movlat Baghiyev:
That's probably just what I told you.

It could be. We should check it out. You never know...

I didn't check the mini.

That net and this one are heaven and earth. This one I saw in the balance of the North.

I need an easier one for the euras with the throws, sl.

If it's not too bad, please send it to me. )))))))


Touma, where are you? Push the eurik to 1,102.

Not much today, it's going well....

What's your forecast for the euro?

My forecast with the direction has not changed.

Here's the figure.