FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 962

Thank you, server, thank you. Huge! Also - what is SOT, OI, please.

There's a new addition to the student regiment.

left to cover/cut/publish once a year, too.

You spend time learning about options, and then they just close.
Who decided that :))) ??
Who decided so :))) ??

I assumed.

What's all the fuss about options?


There is a new addition to the student regiment.

left to cover/cut/publish once a year.

Lots of questions. No time for google
There are a lot of questions. No time to google.

Here they talk in ciphers.

More questions will arise.

Thank you! (chuckles)


Here they talk in ciphers.

More questions will arise.

Thank you!

Tuma, how much money do you have on deposit?

The Central Bank may ban private investors from trading stocks and bonds on the exchange if they have less than RUB 400,000 in their account. Market participants fear that it could have a negative impact on trading volumes

Read more on RBC:

Частных инвесторов ограничат в праве торговли акциями и облигациями
Частных инвесторов ограничат в праве торговли акциями и облигациями
ЦБ может запретить частным инвесторам торговать акциями и облигациями на бирже, если у них на счете менее 400 тыс. руб. Участники рынка опасаются, что это может негативно сказаться на объемах торгов Скорректированные предложения Банка России по регулированию рынка частных инвестиций представил на состоявшемся в минувшую пятницу, 9 сентября...

Tuma, how much money do you have on deposit?

The Central Bank may ban private investors from trading stocks and bonds on the stock exchange if they have less than RUB 400,000 in their account. Market participants fear that it could have a negative impact on trading volumes

Read more on RBC:

It's a secret.)

I always have the money.

Thank you!


I don't think the Masonic lobby will allow the influx of parishioners to diminish. It's not in their interest to make restrictions.


And so...

Tomorrow is Friday.

Expect to go down on my CFTC and bounce back up.

Same prediction on Monday.

Same prediction as Monday.

In fact, blue support.And it would be good to hold the price near the support all Friday.And the next week to buy.

If we take into consideration the support, the Euro will go to 1,1305.

Thank you!

Thank you, server, thank you. Thank you so much! Also - what is SOT, OI, please
Как расчитывать опционные уровни CME
Как расчитывать опционные уровни CME
  • 2015.07.11
  • Server Muradasilov
Ссылка на страницу с отчетами — Как видите, по ссылке располагается очень много отчетов по самым разным инструментам. Нам...