FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 786

Maksim Diveev:
option gurus, can you tell me if there is a big difference between the preliminary report and the final report?
no, not very much.
The start of the backward drive into the counter-trend.
Hi Tuma. Also in favour of selling on the euro. I think it's more likely that he was referring to all sorts of channels and chart patterns - which don't exist.

Hey, Max. Ah, handsome. Ah-ah-ah.

I always say and have said that self banning is good for me. Read this post on the four.And the yellow line in that area in the picture in this thread IDEALLY peek-a-boo matched.

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 183
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 183
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия (Эпизод № 42: Ноябрь 2014) Продолжение следует... (pako) - MQL4 форум - Страница 183
The start of the run into the counter-trend.
I think it is a very large trading zone to go to 1.15, for example.

Hey, Max. Ah, handsome. Ah-ah-ah.

I always say and have said that self-banning is good for me. Read this post on the four.And the yellow line in that area in the picture in this thread IDEALLY peek-a-boo matched.

Yes, it all worked out clearly.
I think it's a very large trading zone to go to 1.15, for example.
We'll see.
Wha t's kkllaavvaa nnakkrryllaass what to do? ))))
Wha t's kkllaavvaa nnakkrryllaas wha t should i do? ))))
switch off, pull out the keyboard plug, plug in the keyboard plug, switch on
Switch off, pull out the plug. plug in, switch on
NNaa nnoowttee...
switch off, turn the laptop upside down with the buttons, shake out the rubbish, switch on