FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 560



I don't give a shit about the price of your lines.

or will you draw a new, higher one today?

Alexey Busygin:
523.47 I've got one point more expensive than 5 lots.
Lyosha, I have not seen anything from you, and 5 lots on a dollar account is something you should tell your pokemon friends, only a sick man can trade with such volumes in the kitchen.


I don't give a shit about the price of your lines.

or are you going to draw new ones higher today?

Paco, you still don't understand the point, it's not the "dashes" that change, it's the pokémon poses that are chased around the market, and they run, just like ours, buy today, sell tomorrow, resulting in a minus.

That you cannot understand the main thing, the structure of the market, is not my fault)


Paco, you still don't get the point, it's not the "dashes" that change, it's the pokémon poses that are driven around the field by the markets, and they run, just like ours, buy today, sell tomorrow, resulting in a minus.

It's not my fault that you cannot understand the main thing, the market structure.)

Draw today's lines, they'll be higher than yesterday's.

What's not to understand - the price went up, the dashes pose also went up

Anyway, I've had enough of all this, I'm going to take a break from you.
Lyosha, I haven't seen anything from you at all, and you should tell your pokemon friends about 5 lots on a dollar account, only a sick person can trade with such volumes through the kitchen.
Come on, you didn't see it. You have seen everything, you know everything, it's just more convenient for you, your own profit is always closer than someone else's pictures.
Anyway, I've had enough of all this, I'm going to take a break from you.
Draw the dashes for today, it's interesting

people... You're making predictions based on pictures, not data... Yes, the old one is often wrong in the short term... He has little experience of intraday trading (and he doesn't even try to)... but over the long term he trades correctly most of the time... and he trades based on his insights from the data (I've already managed to get something out of him that I overlooked with my blind eye), not from images... everything comes with experience...

remember I always told you, even on 4 long term targets practically in pips, gave you screenshots (you all argued with me) ... he'll be fine... he just needs to go over 10-15 years of history... and that is hard work.

i remember i was going through the history (looking for patterns based on data) for a year on 4 pairs. it took 2 months... 3 numbers had to be calculated for 4 pairs every day and entered into an indicator. it took 2-3 minutes to calculate 1 pair ... just think about it ...

he's sharing data with you, not pictures...

Roman Busarov:

people... You're making predictions based on pictures, not data... Yes, the old one is often wrong in the short term... he has little experience of intraday trading (and doesn't even try to)... but over the long term he almost always trades correctly... and he trades based on his insights from the data, not from images... everything comes with experience...

I remember I always told you, even on 4 long term targets practically in pips, gave you screenshots (you all argued with me) ... he'll be fine... he just needs to go over 10-15 years of history... and that is hard work.

i remember i was going through the history (looking for patterns based on data) for a year on 4 pairs. it took me 2 months... 3 numbers had to be calculated for 4 pairs daily and entered into an iinduk. 1 pair takes 2-3 minutes to calculate ... just think about it ...

he's sharing data with you, not pictures...

Are the pictures drawn from the data or from a torch?
Are the pictures drawn from data, or from a torch?
according to data