FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 243


Sell audis to willing goons, thereby providing liquidity, kick back, lock in a + and move on, what complicated maths.

I'm looking at 0.7250. And there, maybe even back. And I see you do not communicate with tantrik at all. We used to have such battles on the 4. )))

he said..., the others are just shouting...

Others also told you not to sell it yesterday, but you have "whatever", so you sit on the sag.
I'm looking at 0.7250. And maybe back there. And I see that you do not communicate with Tantrik at all. We used to have such battles on the 4. )))

Look, everyone is looking there, but they won't see it.

I'm talking to the Teacher, but it's no use.


Look, everyone is looking there, but they won't see it.

I talk to the Teacher, but it's no use.

We'll see. Time will tell.
Others also told you not to sell it yesterday, but you've got "whatever", so you're sitting on the sag.

it's going to be an ambush for all the bulls today...

keep buying...


it's time to place bets: Lumberjack vs Old

One can only wonder who will be off the forum for a couple of months now))))

You are running around with this nonsense for two years. Show me one smart entry and profit on it, instead of hanging like the Teacher.

austral is for yesterday's screenshot )))))

here's the franc )))) for your thoughts..... *(10 pairs - on 9 TP one SL)

We shall see. Time will tell.

Audi sales will be above 80, where yet I don't know, and I won't guess because there aren't any.


it's gonna be an asshole for all the bullfighters today...

keep buying...

You buy and sell, when you were told to buy you got smart and I'll watch and laugh, I have more swaps than you have "intraday profits".

You can't admit to yourself that your intraday fiddling is at best zero, normal is minus, until you do that and reconsider your "trading", I'm not your doctor.


austral is to yesterday's screenshot )))))

here's the franc )))) for your thoughts..... *(10 pairs - for 9 TPs one SL)

You bring your pamm where -80% and no need for pictures, run and play in the sandbox.

I'm sick and tired of your flubbing...

I'm going to get a cup of coffee before the news...