FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 238

Server Muradasilov:
You're old, but you don't need these sticks, why would you discuss them?)

I don't need them, and I don't know why you need them.

They don't make any money.

Artem Sidorov:
What the pound has been rising like this for 2 days, tell me who knows...

Just that's the assumption. Don't know where it will get to.

euro 1.23-25
I think 1.1550. No higher than that.
I think the price will be 1.1550. It will not go higher.

I don't think, I know.

In general, go and join Roman or Sergei as an apprentice, at least you'll have a good time).

This is where it will be, so buy on a pullback.


I don't think, I know.

Anyway, go and join Roman or Sergei as an apprentice, at least you'll have a good time)

All right, I will. I'll come back when we're done at 1.15 and we'll talk.
Good to go. I'll be back when we divorce at 1.15 and we'll talk.

We won't turn before this fall from 23-25, then wait for 0.8-9, where we will be until the end of 18, below 1.

"U-turns" of yours I know, a point two rolled back and screaming like a madhouse.


You have everything in your hands, but you are stubbornly waving it off. Nikolai came by when the Euro was around 06 and poked his nose at this link

What the hell, we are selling, parity, no need.

Go and see what is on for tomorrow, there is even a time

Open market operations
Open market operations
  • European Central Bank
The Eurosystem’s regular open market operations consist of one-week liquidity-providing operations in euro ( main refinancing operations , or MROs ) as well as three-month liquidity-providing operations in euro ( longer-term refinancing operations , or LTROs ). MROs serve to steer short-term interest rates, to manage the liquidity situation and...

Playing games, predictions for a week, you predict for a day and an hour, you prophets, then you open a shalman, fortune telling and fortune telling on sticks. Don't you think it's funny?


Playing games, predictions for a week, you predict for a day and an hour, you prophets, then you open a shalman, fortune telling and fortune telling on sticks. Don't you think it's funny?

We're laughing at you.) Why so jumpy?
Server Muradasilov:
We're laughing at you :) Why are you so nervous?
You're always laughing and you don't notice how people come in here and just laugh at your bullshit.