Pair trading. How to close orders with maximum profit? - page 4

Who has any ideas on what principle, or rules, to close orders in profit. For simplicity, let it be EURUSD/USDCHF.
If you have no problems with mathematics, see: albert-shiryaev.pdf
Youri Tarshecki:
Just compare the forward sums for each closing option and it will be clear.

Please give me an example.

If I understand correctly, the comparison has to be done all the time. Still, I do not understand how to catch the best point.

Yury Reshetov:
If you don't have a problem with maths, see: albert-shiryaev.pdf

Thanks for the link.

I am not very good at maths, but I have a question - have Shiryaev and his comrades-in-arms become millionaires?)


Please give me an example.

If I understand correctly, the comparison has to be done all the time. Still, I don't understand how to catch the best point.

If you close with oscillator - calculate forward amount, if you close with oscillator AND stop - calculate forward amount, if you close with re-scorrelation AND oscillator - calculate forward amount... and so on and so forth. Go through all variants and see which is better. In any case, until you check it yourself, no one will give you practical advice, because everyone's system is different.

Thanks for the link.

I'm not very good at maths, but I have a question - have Shiryaev and his companions become millionaires?)

EUR-CHF correlation coefficient, daily data, 2009-2015, floating window of 400 observations.


Pair trading in forex is impossible - the correlation is "floating" from -1 to +1 for all instruments, it is impossible to build a market-neutral portfolio.

But you can read the methodology for building, opening and closing here -

Парный трейдинг — Википедия
Парный трейдинг — Википедия
Например, в случае роста цены на нефть, большинство акций нефтяных компаний также начнут расти в цене, и наоборот, в случае падения цены на нефть большинство акций нефтяных компаний будут падать в цене. Однако каждая из этих акций будет расти или падать по своему, какая-то из них больше, а какая-то меньше. Основной принцип Парного трейдинга...

Made a model based on COINTEGRATION a few years ago. Even discussed it on the Fours forum.

The model was very decent. Especially attractive was the fact that trading decisions were made on a stationary (or very close to it) time series.

The model did not work as the major part of profit was up to 5 pips 4-digit, while with my broker at the time it was usually 2 pips, very often 6, and sometimes even 20 pips....

Today it is quite possible to apply on EUN accounts. By all means a treasure trove for pipers.

But my interests have changed and I don't do cointegration anymore.


The model itself is a couple of dozen lines on R.

closing just on the plus side is no problem.
Cool. i envy you wholeheartedly.

Pair trading in forex is impossible - correlation is "floating" from -1 to +1 for all instruments, it is impossible to build a market-neutral portfolio.

Correlation has to float, which is partly what we earn on.

For USDCHF, one hour history is available only from 2015.04.23. Compared to euro, counted from period separators, (not the best prices), everything works.

On EURUSD, on the undeflected trend, also works, but the algorithm is different there. Calculated from period separators on H4


Pair trading in forex is impossible - correlation is "floating" from -1 to +1 for all instruments, it is impossible to build a market-neutral portfolio.

Correlation must float, which is partly what we earn on.

For USDCHF, one hour history is available only from 2015.04.23. Compared to euro, counted from period separators, (not the best prices), everything works.

On EURUSD, on the undeflected trend, also works, but the algorithm is different there. I calculated it using period separators on H4.

The correlation should not be floating.

It's very easy and simple to check it - EURUSD*USD=EURCHF. If these two symbols are highly correlated by the coefficient -1, the Major should move in a narrow horizontal channel. Trading is simple - open a position when the price reaches the border of the channel, and close it when it reaches the opposite border.

You can NOT see it on the chart. In chunks, yes, but you cannot determine such a segment in advance.