The oil issue ... - page 8

Vladimir Pastushak:


And the fact that you are engaged in low-paying activities is only your choice ...

How's that? There are jobs with salaries of 150 thousand rubles a month, and employers' agents wait outside . And they do not want to, they just refuse. Is it like this?
Vladimir Pastushak:
Anything you like and you're no match for... )))))

I worked as an oilman and in sales. One organisation hired 10 managers, all of whom dropped out over time, leaving one behind. Basically I liked it, if they didn't start messing with my head for no reason at all.

Well, what can I praise myself. The manager was good.)

Dmitry Fedoseev:
How is that? There are vacancies all around, with salaries of 150 thousand rubles a month, agents of employers are waiting outside, like come to work for us. But they don't want to, they just refuse. Is it so?
I can only judge by myself and tell you my own particular case if you're interested...
Vladimir Pastushak:
I can only judge by myself and tell my own particular case if you are interested ...
Of course I am.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Of course I am interested.
I have two official educations, electric and gas welder and general merchandiser, if the first one is still paid, then the second one has been forgotten by everyone, my pay and work for someone else did not suit me and I went to the foreign exchange market.

You have to sell the equipment, you can earn money to buy a flat there. I started promoting American crushing equipment once, but now the dollar has risen and there is the import substitution.

In short, it hasn't worked out so far.


You have to sell the equipment, you can earn money to buy a flat there. I started promoting American crushing equipment once, but now the dollar has risen and there is the import substitution.

In short, it hasn't worked out so far.

We should not sell, but create... Everyone is used to buying and selling...
Vladimir Pastushak:
You don't need to sell, you need to create... Everyone is used to buying and selling...
How do you create in the foreign exchange market?
Vladimir Pastushak:

Wondering :

The price of oil is falling, OPEC is not cutting production, the US is starting to export oil for the first time in 75 years, which it was not buying at current prices.


In practice the more commodity and supply the lower the price, does the majority want to collapse the price of oil to 5-6$ ??? then production itself will become unprofitable.

Who needs it?
What will happen next?
What to hope for?
And when will it end?

Let's try to understand it at least a bit, are there any experts on oil ? I don't understand anything at all....

Why do you need all this ... What difference does it make if there's a product and a price... What's wrong with $5-6?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
How do you create by working in the foreign exchange market?
And I am not saying that I am creating anything, unfortunately, but there are plans for the future...