The oil issue ... - page 5


A rise in US interest rates automatically makes the US dollar more expensive against other currencies.

And the US is NOT part of OPEC and is NOT exporting oil - it has nothing to do with the falling price

Everything is relevant and interlinked.
What kind of business?
The kind of business! Or is that exactly what you lack in information? Be happy with your sources and the "fair laws" of the market as you imagine them!

That's how quickly they sold out ))

A real hampershow.

В США неожиданно сократились запасы нефти
В США неожиданно сократились запасы нефти
Коммерческие запасы нефти в США за неделю сократились на 5,9 миллиона баррелей, или на 1,2%. Об этом сообщило Минэнерго страны. Мировые рынки уже отреагировали на эту новость. «Черное золото» выросло в цене в среднем на 3 процента. Так...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Well, how quickly it sold out ))

A real hampershow.

The americans are so full of shit.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Well, how quickly it sold out ))

A real hampershow.

They have been bullshitting for a long time, as soon as they started shale oil production, and they have only a handful of oil left. We don't produce shale oil :)
Server Muradasilov:
They have been lying for a long time, as soon as they started producing shale oil, and they have only a handful of oil left. We don't produce shale oil :)
They're on the take. They have oil, but not enough to export it. Money must have been tight.

1 litre of oil = 16 roubles.

1 л. Coca-Cola = 40 roubles.


1 litre of oil = 16 roubles.

1 л. Coca-Cola = 40 roubles.

That's how much Coke can be made from one litre of oil
Vladimir Pastushak:
Well, we've already seen that!